[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Saw this on Reddit, thought it was a pretty good theory so far considering, seems the type of thing that Moffat might do too, lol.


Would also kinda answer everything, I think the last episode with two ships taking up one place in time was a hint to what was going on with Amy, so all these other things would make sense as a whole.

agreed :(



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Makes sense Corris, i love how there are things placed in the show that you dont even register until the big reveal where it does a montage of all the things that are linked with it and it clicks in your mind.

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I don't know. DT's Doctor made it a point several times to say that other universes were now closed off because of the Time War and the loss of the Time Lords etc. Though that didn't stop RTD in the end either lol

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'The Doctor's Wife' airs on BBC One at 6.30pm on Saturday 14th May. In the meantime, here are some teasing lines of dialogue from the episode...

? "There'll be a Time Lord coming..."

? "How can we be outside the universe?"

? "Come here you scrumptious little beauty!"

? "I've just had a new idea about kissing."

? "Somewhere close-by, there are lots and lots of **** *****."

? "You've got the eyes of a twenty-year old."

? "I had an umbrella like you once."

? "You're a bitey mad lady."

? "What makes you think I would ever give you back?"

? "**** **** are cool!"

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brownie points if you can tell me whats interesting about 2 of these pictures! :p (I fully expect Jenson to get this!)


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brownie points if you can tell me whats interesting about 2 of these pictures! :p (I fully expect Jenson to get this!)


Is that Tennant's Tardis I see?

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Well according to the Series 6, preview we'll see a regeneration in this episode? Maybe it'll be something different though..

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Who's the woman that looks like Thor's mother?

I assume you mean Suranne Jones which could be The Doctors Wife

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Following these dialogue teasers, CultBox has made available ten hints for "The Doctor's Wife".

Following these dialogue teasers, CultBox has made available ten hints for "The Doctor's Wife".

The Doctor repeats a line from 'The Eleventh Hour'.

Michael Sheen plays a huge character.

Idris repeats some of her lines.

The Doctor has been doing something wrong for 700 years.

The Cloister Bell makes a return.

A Blue Peter viewer will be happy.

Someone slaps The Doctor.

A desire Rory showed last week comes to fruition.

The phrase "timey wimey" has some new competition.

The RTD era is evoked more than once.


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Holy Hell!


Look at the interior - it's the old console, from the old Tardis. The one that blew up with 10 regenerated. Which begs the question - what's it doing in a trailer for season six, especially when it appears to show someone regenerating?

OK - So are we in agreement that that looks very much like the interior of the 'old' TARDIS? If so I've got one damn pressing question - We know Ten regenerated on his own - there wasn't anyone in the TARDIS with him.

If - and it's a big IF - that's the same regeneration sequence - why is there someone else in the TARDIS besides The Doctor?

I've just downloaded a higher bitrate version - it's DEFINITELY Amy & Rory at the front right of the image.


I sense I'll be getting the answers to these questions on Saturday, based on the new piccys.

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I sense I'll be getting the answers to these questions on Saturday, based on the new piccys.

Based on the pictures I would assume that it is simply a different Tardis with say, the same Desktop theme, lol, and the swirly ball has nothing to do with a regeneration, they pretty much have locked down how they portray regenerations in the modern series, and it is nothing like the previous ones of the Doctor or the Master or even the little girl we have had so far, so it will be something new no doubt.

Then there is always the possibility it is the same Tardis from a different universe, either way I think it has little do with those getting excited about any possible Tennant'ness. :p

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Based on the pictures I would assume that it is simply a different Tardis with say, the same Desktop theme, lol, and the swirly ball has nothing to do with a regeneration, they pretty much have locked down how they portray regenerations in the modern series, and it is nothing like the previous ones of the Doctor or the Master or even the little girl we have had so far, so it will be something new no doubt.

Then there is always the possibility it is the same Tardis from a different universe, either way I think it has little do with those getting excited about any possible Tennant'ness. :p


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Hey I know! It's the half-human half-time lord Doctor from the other universe trying to take over the multiverse with Rose!

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No, I'm talking about the lady with the eye patch.

oh yeah I a sure we'll know that come mid seasons end

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If different dimensions are clashing/crossing over David Tennant could easily return as the Doctor as wasn't there a clone/copy of him left in the alternative universe with Mickey and Rose?

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If different dimensions are clashing/crossing over David Tennant could easily return as the Doctor as wasn't there a clone/copy of him left in the alternative universe with Mickey and Rose?

How do we know it isn't a different universe this time?

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In an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live, Steven Moffat has expressed his anger and frustration at spoilers leaking out and the fans who post them.

In particular, he vented at one fan who posted the entire storyline of the The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon on the net two weeks before it was shown on TV.

?It?s heartbreaking in a way because you?re trying to tell stories, and stories depend on surprise. So to have some twit who came to a press launch, write up a story in the worst, most ham-fisted English you can imagine, and put it on the internet. I just hope that guy never watches my show again, because that?s a horrific thing to do.?

?You can imagine how much I hate them, It?s only fans who do this, or they call themselves fans. I wish they could go and be fans of something else.?


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How do we know it isn't a different universe this time?

Before my head explodes I'm going to say, Yes :D

The way I worded it was ambiguous I suppose but yes we could be in the "Rose" universe

I do kind of like the idea of two universes clasing on top of each other at the same time though, so we could see the doctor "jumping" between Matt Smith and David Tennant as well as the other characters as I think someone already said

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David Tennant is not expected to come back in anyway until next year for the 50th birthday

he could be used in old footage though

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