[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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CT Phone home ... (DN doesnt scan as good) ... Hard for me to say, but ... I am slightly warming to Donna (Rappy you can pick yourself up off the floor now :doctor:)

:| :| :|


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Good episode, the whole Santaran chant makes me laugh though. I loved it to when he said "Are you my mummy" with the gas mask :p and also switched to cartoons during the Santaran chant.

It's obvious Rose is going to come back now, after popping up in yet another episode.

Great episode, can't wait for the next one. This series is already proving much better then the previous, i had my doubts about this one from the episodes before but the last 2 weeks have been great! Looking forward to 'meeting' his daughter.


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gotta say the docters daughter is hot

anyone know who it is played by

Georgia Moffett. Who is, actually, the Doctor's daughter. Well, she's the daughter of Peter Davison (the 5th Doctor).

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Just looked her up on Wikipedia....

Moffett gave birth to her son Ty in March 2002, at the age of 17.


Think next weeks episode is the one that has Chris from Skins in.

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Loved the two parter. Good to see Martha back. Loved the little Rose blip on the Tardis display! :)

So, what's she trying to warn the Doctor about then? The Daleks? Cybermen? My guess is the Daleks of course, since we pretty much know they are part of the big 3 episode finale this series. :D But it could be anything I suppose.

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lol loved the part when he puts on the gas mask and says 'are you my mummy?'

lost child has to be one of my top 3 favorite episodes

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Cant' stand Martha, she annoyed me and many of my friends.

Did you guys forget that the tenth Doctor had told Rose before that he has/had a daughter? I don't remember what episode but I remember Rose was shocked.

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Ha, i loved when The doctor said "Are you my mummy" when he had the gasmask on :D

Haha, that me laugh.

Good episode. Rose was there for a split second, looks like she wants to contact the Doctor.

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Man that genius guy over-acted so much.

I think he did yeah. Although, I have seen him in other roles where he plays a completely different character and he is brilliant (for example, After You've Gone).

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Thats not his 'real' daughter she was created using his DNA though so technically she is but she isnt lol. Do u get me? He didnt have sex to create her.

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This may contain spoilers, so if you plan to be surprised, please DO NOT READ:

A lot of you have been wondering "How in the world can Rose Tyler (played by Billie Piper) return to Doctor Who if she's in another dimension?"

Well, I've got the answer.

It seems that when The Doctor (played by David Tennant) collapsed a sun to talk to Rose, he caused another rift which, 1 year later, expanded and collapsed "Pete's World" (quote David Tennant in Series 2). If you also remember, when you travel with the TARDIS, you soak up 'background radiation'. Well, that sucked everyone who had that one them back into the rift and into their original dimensions (I don't know whether Pete will come back, ill keep you updated :D )

The episode where it all happens will be called "Journey's End", and will be featured in series/season four. It is also confirmed that the characters that will return are Rose, Mickey, Pete, Jackie, Sarah Jane, Captain Jack, Martha Jones and K9 as well as Donna. It is likely to feature Sontarans and Daleks in a war as well as other aliens in a final gobsmacking battle.

My final piece of news is that it is RUMOURED (and i mean rumoured) that Robert Carlyle will take over David Tennant as the new Doctor (the 11th Doctor to be precise). It has not, as of yet, been confirmed. You may recognise Robert Carlyle as Durza from the popular movie "Eragon". Robert is another new Doctor who played a villain before becoming (if he will) the Doctor. You may remember that David Tennant played Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! :woot:

That's all I know right now, so I'll plan to keep you updated.

Peace out! :rofl:

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a) Please use the spoilers tags


b) Source?

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Roberty Carlyle said he wasn't going to become Doctor when he was asked about it and as far as we know David Tennant is still gonna do it just not when he is doing stage shows during the series breaks.

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There were a LOT of shots of the Doctor's "hand in a box" this week. LOTS!

I thought that when I watched it, subtle references to past episodes.

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