[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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I just saw Midnight today, and I gotta say, I loved it. Whoever that actress is who played Sky and did the mimicking etc, was absolutely amazing. She really nailed that good. Plus, I kinda liked the whole spooky suspense thing they were trying to do. It may not have been the best episode ever, but it was good enough for me.

Mmmm, Rose next week. Can't wait. To bad The Doctor has to die for her to come back lol (wonder how they are gonna fix that one, heh) And I wonder when Captain Jack will show up (since he's supposed to be in it also) and any mention that Martha Jones will be in it? I thought all 3 of the companions were supposed to like, be together to fix things or something?

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Is it true that Davros will be back?

Who will replace the Doctor?

What is the Doctor's real name?

What is the difference between a red Dalec and a black one?

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Yes Davros is back

No idea David Tennant is around for the 4 specials next year

Think this was mentioned a few posts back not sure you might have to go back a few pages

That I do not know but I suppose its a more powerful one like the imperial guards in Star Wars.

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Doctor Who ? Journey's End ? Ep 13/13

Saturday 5 July

7.00-7.45pm BBC ONE


The Daleks activate their masterplan as the series reaches a thrilling conclusion

The entire universe is in danger as the Daleks activate their masterplan, in the concluding episode of Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama. The Doctor is helpless, and even the Tardis faces destruction. The only hope lies with the Doctor's secret army of companions ? but as they join forces to battle Davros himself, the prophecy declares that one of them will die.

David Tennant plays the Doctor and Catherine Tate plays his companion, Donna Noble.

Source: BBC Press Office

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From all of the trailers shown, it seems that tomorrows episode is the "Doctor Light" episode of this series.

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Next week looks awesome! I hope it wasn't as flat as the previous series ending - and I hope they don't push every character loads. The end trailer at points actually looked like one of those poorly made amateur mockups on youtube.

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i think last weeks episode was better than this weeks. This weeks was too predictable. The spoiler/trailer on the end of the show last week shown that the Dr had died however you could tell at the begining that was just phsycological and i was expectin the Dr to appear at the end to say "everythin alright donna" or somethin like that and seemed to be the case

However it was a good episode but i just prefered last weeks episode than this weeks more. It seemed weird an episode with hardly any Dr lol. Although Donna was hardly in it the week before also so i guess they took turns lol

Good episode but lookin at the trailer for the next week show, it looks good! :)

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I forgot it was on infact I thought the Euro's were on BBC, oh right I will have to see it on iplayer later.

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Noticed that it was mentioned again that a planet had been lost like in the first episode, I wonder if this is the theme of the series like badwolf???

I posted this on 12th April! Looks like I was right :D planets were disappearing.


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That's one of my favourite episodes this season I think. Enjoyed that a great deal. I nearly cacked myself when the trailer for next week came on though. Man am I looking forward to it!

For those that don't know already - the current rumours are that the "returning bad guy" from the original series of Doctor Who is going to be Davros - the creator of the daleks

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I think Billy Piper needs to get some new teeth, those ones now give her a horrible lisp. Why was Donna wearing a grey version of the doctors coat?

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I think Billy Piper needs to get some new teeth, those ones now give her a horrible lisp. Why was Donna wearing a grey version of the doctors coat?

She's taking over from David Tennant next year...don't you know that? ;)

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Was a really good episode.

While nothing exciting or out of this world happened, it was nice to set the story and get things moving for the final of this years series.

Nice to see rose properly in an episode, but my god, its like a super special guest episode next week of every main character in the Doctor Who universe, lol.

Looking forward to it. :D

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