[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Hmmm, 2nd trailer is way better (and yay, longer!). Interesting that Rose seemed to be kinda chummy with John Hurt's Doctor a bit...also Matt Smith's face when Tennant says he doesn't like the new Tardis redesign is pricelessly funny.

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Is it appropriate for a 34 year old man to squee? A sod it... squuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeee




Now dont hold back just let it all out . 



Rule #1    


Rejoice in doctor who  Sing if you must 


Rule# 2


Back hand anyone who talks smack about Doctor who


Rule# 3


Never  listen  to the  Sycarax   they are awful awful  aliens  and i am sure  one of them Farted  that is why every know and then you smell it and know one claims it 


Rule# 4 


Dont Blink what ever you do know how much it hurts  Dont blink  


Rule# 5 


Never  argue  with a Sontaran cause all they want to do is  get  in to a fight   i Seen one one time  blow a whole  in my ceiling because it seen a  Fly on the wall 



Rule# 6  mmm well i forgot the rest of the Rules  but  you can guss  them  and make your own mind  up if they are correct or not  

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Now I hate to bring this point up but doesn't the Doctor meeting himself (even past regens) go against the paradox thing?

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I'm just disappointed I don't have any friends that are as big on Dr Who as I am to go to see this at the Cinema with.


eh? It's not on at the cinema, it's on the television. BBC One Saturday 23rd November.

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i am dissapointed that i do not have television service so i will have to wait until after it airs to watch it.

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eh? It's not on at the cinema, it's on the television. BBC One Saturday 23rd November.


It's getting a cinema release, I saw a trailer for it the other day at Cineworld

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