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I was shocked that Tom Baker showed up. Really enjoyed the show, and really happy with the way they handled things - even though I knew they'd reset the time war lock thingie (I said as much a few days ago heh!) at some point.

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had to watch it a bit late streaming from the BBC website but it was fantastic and i was VERY pleased with it. I would say the hype was well founded. only one more episode this year then we have to wait nearly a year for the Capaldi era.

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Damn that was a fantastic episode! Saw it here at the local cinema and wowzers, never looked so good!
Going to watch it again tonight when the ABC repeats it, then they have the An adventure in Time and Space on after that! ^_^

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The 50th anniversary episode was disappointing to say the least.

I suggest you walk the plank, now... lol


On topic I actually really, really, really liked it.

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The 50th anniversary episode was disappointing to say the least.


i somewhat agree, was ok and there wear weak points. For me i would of loved to see all the past alive doctors playing some part in this ESP. 7/10 and thats pushing it.

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I thought the war was time-locked so no one could get in or out :s Seems like it was all undone.

If the machine's consciousness can rip holes through space and time to bypass it then the time lords in the war should have been able to do it. This would have been handy during the episode the Master was on Earth.

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I thought the war was time-locked so no one could get in or out :s Seems like it was all undone.

If the machine's consciousness can rip holes through space and time to bypass it then the time lords in the war should have been able to do it. This would have been handy during the episode the Master was on Earth.

But if neither of the previous doctor's were to remember surely, they wouldn't either. I felt like this somewhat explained The End of Time's story for the most part. (The fact that they were time-locked in a bubble in general instead of dead.)

I was slightly disappointed that Rose was only a projection and only visible to John Hurt, but I do realize that was probably the only way to write her back in but still..

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i somewhat agree, was ok and there wear weak points. For me i would of loved to see all the past alive doctors playing some part in this ESP. 7/10 and thats pushing it.


Note! I'm not going to use spoiler tags here! They annoy me and if you've not seen the episode by now, you shouldn't be reading/commenting in here! :p


Anyway... The problem with the classic show actors appearing is, well... Time! It might not be a problem for Time Lords, but for the mere humans who portray them on our screens, it's a real problem. Even seeing Tom Baker, as over-joyed as that made me feel (he was MY doctor!), was pushing it because once a time lord regenerates, the old incarnation doesn't just carry on getting older and older. They exist in their own time stream, but that stream ENDS when they regenerate. You can only ever interact with them at a point -before- the regeneration.


Hell, take a look at Colin Baker! Time seems to have been particularly mean to the poor guy! He almost looks older than Tom!


Anyway.  For me, the episode was absolutely fantastic! It was fast paced, had fun parts, but also sought to rectify the TERRIBLE choice of RTD to take the rest of the Time Lords out of the picture (yet still leave lots of Daleks around).  There were a few things that might seem inconsistent, but if you watch it again, you'll notice stuff you missed, such as the reference to the Time Lords high council having "their own plans which had failed", a clear reference to the end of Season 3, Last of the Time Lords.  Besides, Dr Who has -always- been full of inconsistencies with itself; it's part of its charm.


Got to wonder one thing though... The total viewing figures for last nights episode, both by nation and world wide...  I bet it was massive.

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I thought The Day of the Doctor was pretty good, nice to see Rose (Billie Piper) again, I thought John Hurt was good as the War Doctor, I'm glad that Clara (Jenna Coleman) is staying on with the 12th Doctor, I can't get enough of her pretty face.

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Note! I'm not going to use spoiler tags here! They annoy me and if you've not seen the episode by now, you shouldn't be reading/commenting in here! :p


Anyway... The problem with the classic show actors appearing is, well... Time! It might not be a problem for Time Lords, but for the mere humans who portray them on our screens, it's a real problem. Even seeing Tom Baker, as over-joyed as that made me feel (he was MY doctor!), was pushing it because once a time lord regenerates, the old incarnation doesn't just carry on getting older and older. They exist in their own time stream, but that stream ENDS when they regenerate. You can only ever interact with them at a point -before- the regeneration.


Hell, take a look at Colin Baker! Time seems to have been particularly mean to the poor guy! He almost looks older than Tom!


Anyway.  For me, the episode was absolutely fantastic! It was fast paced, had fun parts, but also sought to rectify the TERRIBLE choice of RTD to take the rest of the Time Lords out of the picture (yet still leave lots of Daleks around).  There were a few things that might seem inconsistent, but if you watch it again, you'll notice stuff you missed, such as the reference to the Time Lords high council having "their own plans which had failed", a clear reference to the end of Season 3, Last of the Time Lords.  Besides, Dr Who has -always- been full of inconsistencies with itself; it's part of its charm.


Got to wonder one thing though... The total viewing figures for last nights episode, both by nation and world wide...  I bet it was massive.


While yes to some off your points, i could understand if some of the actors didnt have the time, but its not like this is a normal esp to me it a 50th esp and something that should have more in it.


BTW i dont understand why people are going on about ROSE, it wasnt her, just a image of her. 

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Well I am usually one of Dr Who's biggest critics - but that episode was absolutley fab.


I watched it again this morning, I love it and everything it now makes possible.


Brilliant, just brilliant :)

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