[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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I saw an episode list somewhere I can't find it now, but I think the last 2 episodes remaining are "The Stolen Earth" - from the bbc website and then one more "Journeys End"

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I think Billy Piper needs to get some new teeth, those ones now give her a horrible lisp.

Yeah, this was quite clearly noticable that her mouth was looking weird and the lisp was bad too... I think she'll get it fixed before Secret Diary 2 :laugh:

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I remember Dr. Who sorry for placing this in this thread but remember watching the good doctor in the 70's with my Dr. Tom Baker. Great show, alot of memories.

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Does anyone here think Donna Noble looks a bit like Sarah Jane from a distance?

The further away the better :p

I don't see any similarity TBH

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I haven't really seen the newer episodes... but If I can recall a Time Lord only has about 11 regenerations... Now The Master is like at 13 (but ghastly). How would they continue the series? The only really forgotten one is the Doctors Daughter. Unless the Heart of the Tardis helps him regenerate again. I am ashamed that my local PBS is showing the US episodes from 2 seasons ago.

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Strange that the season trailer last week that showed Rose with the gun at the start gave hints of Davros by showing the bottom half of a Darlek with the top half in shadow coming out of a door but no sign of that in the next episode trailer.

I wonder if that is what the Rhino's are after?

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Just saw this on wikipedia which was interesting...

The "Time Beetle"[3] on Donna's back is mentioned by the Doctor to be part of "the Trickster's brigade". The Trickster was a time-altering villain in The Sarah Jane Adventures story Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?. The beetle on her back was also referenced by Lucius Dextrous in "Fires of Pompeii", with the line "Daughter of London, there is something on your back!".

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Yeah, this was quite clearly noticable that her mouth was looking weird and the lisp was bad too... I think she'll get it fixed before Secret Diary 2 :laugh:

Has there been any explanation for this? I know there was all the reports about her "forgetting" how to do the accent - but her mouth in the early scenes actually looked wrong - like she'd been on the botox! (trust me love - you look fine as you are!!!)

It seems as if everyone has picked up on this. If you go on the review at AintItCool almost the entire talkback is about it.

Very strange - good ep tho, only the third episode of this season that i've managed to sit all the way through!! :D

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it was horrible, i couldnt stop staring at her new teeth because of the lisp. They just look so huge and out of place.

Yeah I was the same, I couldn't take my eyes of them teeth. They're way too big for her mouth and she looked ridiculous, her mouth is huge to start with but now she looks like a horse or something :blink:

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Mr Ed called round, he wants his teeth back ...

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That was an awesome episode. After last week's Doctor heavy ep, and it being Donna lite, I wasn't sure how well a Donna heavy episode would fair, but it was very well done, and I really really enjoyed Tate's acting in it, especially towards the end. And what can I see, seeing Piper back was awesome, though her teeth were a bit...odd at the beginning to say the least.

And man next week's episode (and Journey's End) looks sick. A gaggle of companions helping the Doctor out against his greatest enemy? I'll take it please, thanks!

Off topic a bit, but has anyone heard what they are doing with Torchwood now? Ugh, 5 episodes? In ONE week? (According to Wikipedia anyway) what the hell? I mean, I know they nuked half the cast last season, but still, sheesh. At least Jack will be on DH and those few Torchwood episodes. :(

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Thought this weeks episode was pretty weak, if only because I simply can't stand Donna.

Looking forward to seeing the cameos next week - Torchwood (OK, I only give a crap about Jack,) Martha, Rose etc...anything to take screen time away from Donna. The storyline was interesting, but I just can't enjoy Doctor Who when the Doctor is in maybe 5% of the episode...

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Just came back of holiday and i had to watch Doctor Who (Top Gear needs to be watched as well :p)

Anyways, was a good episode. Glad to see Bad Wolf is back, wasn't Bad Wolf explained in the Series 1 finale, didn't Rose say is was her or something on those lines?

Next weeks episode looks amazing. Actually can't wait!

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No, Davros is still a humanoid in a Dalek casing (as far as I remember) and since he's being played by a real human and not CGI etc I doubt very much that's Davros in the pic.

Just saw Forest of the Dead just now also. Wow. Moffat is awesome! I'm glad someone who loves Doctor Who so much is taking over instead of some schlub. And boy do I love Ms. Kingston (from the old ER days, heheh)

I guess I missed the discussion on that episode, but I would imagine she's gonna be a future companion for the Doctor in a future regeneration cycle...obviously :D But why did the Doctor tell her his name? Ugh!

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I'd imagine it's that red Dalek that Davros creates. But, who knows.

*Edit* Wait wait, that Dalek is in chains, wasn't that in an episode of the 2nd series "Dalek" when Rose touched it and it came back to life pretty much? That looks way to familiar. Perhaps it's just a pic from that episode that they never used?

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I wonder if the red daleks are the a tribute to startrek, the red ones on the away missions always got killed :)

Is this Davros?


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