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Just so you know the picture did come with the caption "not in final outfit" :p


He does still appear to be wearing what Matt Smith last wore, just the coat was new.

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I'm going to start watching this properly now.  I watched the last 2 specials.


I enjoyed a few Matt Smith/Karen Gillan episodes I saw, but I didn't like Ecclestone much and -some- of the writing for Tennant was very gooby and put me off (as did Donna's gutter mouth)


I've recently watched season 7 of classic Doctor Who, and I wouldn't mind a return to the intelligent companion in the vein of Liz Shaw.


Looking forward to watching season 8 with Capaldi as a full season rather than catching odd episdoes like I did in the previous 7.

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Excellent. I was worried that they would ditch all previous characters like they did with Tennant to Smith, with River being the exception. 

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Moffat confirms Series 9

The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, out now, includes a fab interview with current Doctor Who showrunner, Steven Moffat (pictured left). In it, he discusses numerous things from the past, present and the future. When asked if there are plans for Peter Capaldi's first run at The Doctor (Series 8) to be uninterrupted, Steven states:

"Yes, there absolutely is. We're not going to do splits, and the same format will repeat exactly the following year like that. So it will be the traditional form."

Doctor Who Series 8, starring Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman, airs later this year.


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Moffat Uncertain on River Return in Series 8

?It?s always down to whether there?s a good story. My immediate instinct was that story?s probably done. Not that we saw all of it, but I never thought we should see all of it. I?m slightly tempted, because I imagine Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston would be absolutely hilarious together??

?She could certainly have met other Doctors. So there?s nothing stopping us? But is there anything new we can do? Or is the new thing that Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston would be very sexy together? Is that enough? We?ve always had fun with the fact that they don?t look like a couple.?

?Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston would look like a couple ? that?s the thing. Whereas I thought Matt and Alex were gorgeous together, but it looked slightly strange, because he was so much younger. Alex is just great fun to have on the show. It?s when you want to throw the Doctor a bit, because what River does so well is to make him a bit on the back foot and a bit flustered.?


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Not Vastra again!  She was cool for MS and his solitude but now it's getting a bit boring.


Really think it should have been Peter's new Doctor that spends that last day with River before she goes to the library, he sounds like the person she described in that episode.

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^ Can you please stop using that little X for your links? They're a complete sod to press when on a tablet or phone...

Consider it so!

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I think they just like victoria london (and who am i to argue) I just love the Vastra/ jenny/ strax stuff its brilliant.

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Yeah, the Vastra/Strax/Jenny stuff is great. They all have great chemistry together, so that helps. I really, really hope they've had discussions about doing a spin off show with those three. I would totally watch a Victorian London based CSI or something style show with them. I mean let's be honest, Torchwood is dead now, and obviously SJS won't ever come back with a new actress. Why not do a new spin off show with them, with the occasional Doctor cameo or something.


I hope no one gets offended by this or takes it the wrong way - but I swear everytime I see Capaldi do that sideways smile thing he does (in the 1st and 4th pictures above mostly) he looks like he's either having a stroke or some sort of epileptic seizure or something. Gonna be weird getting used to that little eccentricity :D

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The striking monochromatic painting of the TARDIS on an alien world comes from the May 1976 issue of the Doctor Who International Fan Club Magazine - the same issue which also features a short article from Capaldi the younger on the show's opening titles.

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The striking monochromatic painting of the TARDIS on an alien world comes from the May 1976 issue of the Doctor Who International Fan Club Magazine - the same issue which also features a short article from Capaldi the younger on the show's opening titles.


I do love that Capaldi was and still is a fan - He knows the Dr :-)

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