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I'd imagine it's that red Dalek that Davros creates. But, who knows.

*Edit* Wait wait, that Dalek is in chains, wasn't that in an episode of the 2nd series "Dalek" when Rose touched it and it came back to life pretty much? That looks way to familiar. Perhaps it's just a pic from that episode that they never used?

thats pretty much what i was thinking. probably a promo shot or something.

as for the episode...wow...incredible episode. donna is finally coming around. took ong enough. hell i hated martha too for so long. this was easily one of the best episodes of the entire new series. cant wait for the next episode cause it looks even better!

Was a really good episode.

While nothing exciting or out of this world happened, it was nice to set the story and get things moving for the final of this years series.

Nice to see rose properly in an episode, but my god, its like a super special guest episode next week of every main character in the Doctor Who universe, lol.

Looking forward to it. :D

well werent these originally going to be the last of the new series until tennant signed for another season? i think thats why they have everyone back. its going to be quite epic. question will be how will season5 be able to match it?

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I thought Davos returned in the Season 1 Finale, but i found out it was the Emperor.

Going to be an insane episode.

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Are they seriously gonna nuke Donna already? I can't believe that. I mean I hated her at the start also, but I really warmed up to her now. Sigh.

Also, I really, really hope Alex Kingston returns as a companion in Series 5 (the woman from the Forest of the Dead, aka ER chick) because they really left that hanging, and it was pretty obvious she was a companion from this future (duh) but that would also mean David wouldn't return, since she obviously was another Doctor's companion. Bleh.

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Well, we all know there is a mass reunion for the 2 finales, but travesty... No K-9! :(

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Some more juicy spoilers for you....

The Doctor is shot and 'killed' by a Dalek at the end of 'The Stolen Earth' and undergoes an unusual 'regeneration' which will see two doctors appearing in the series final 'Journey's End'. What will become of Doctor number 2? Will Rose get to hear those unspoken words that she was meant to hear back at Bad Wolf Bay?

Donna does indeed 'die', but the Doctor intervenes and travels back in time to save her and asks her grandfather 'Wilf' to ensure that she's never made aware of the events that happened to her. This is particularly reminiscent of when Donna asked the Doctor at the end of the 'Fires of Pompeii' episode to save just one of the doomed family that were to be killed by the erupting Mount Vesuvius. The Doctor can make a difference!

The new Davros reveals just how little of his original Kaled body is actually left (only spinal column and heart) after years of DNA experimentation in trying to farm the Dalek race.

Both 'Martha Jones' and 'Mickey Smith' join Captain Jack's 'Torchwood' team for the much shorter series 3.

R.I.P. Harriet Jones (Flydale North MP and Ex-Prime Minister)

4 'TV Specials' to air in 2009, 1 at Easter (April 2009) and a 3-Parter to be aired during Christmas\New Year. Actors 'John Simm', 'Brian Blessed' and 8th Doctor 'Paul McGann' to appear.

Series 5 - Old foe the 'Sea Devils' make a welcome return.


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Do you have sources for any of this? I have heard some of them before but...

Some more juicy spoilers for you....

The Doctor is shot and 'killed' by a Dalek at the end of 'The Stolen Earth' and undergoes an unusual 'regeneration' which will see two doctors appearing in the series final 'Journey's End'. What will become of Doctor number 2? Will Rose get to hear those unspoken words that she was meant to hear back at Bad Wolf Bay?

Possible, but I think if he were shot by a Dalek, he would stay exterminated (unless the Red Daleks have different weapons??)

Donna does indeed 'die', but the Doctor intervenes and travels back in time to save her and asks her grandfather 'Wilf' to ensure that she's never made aware of the events that happened to her. This is particularly reminiscent of when Donna asked the Doctor at the end of the 'Fires of Pompeii' episode to save just one of the doomed family that were to be killed by the erupting Mount Vesuvius. The Doctor can make a difference!

I think she does die, but I'm not sure about the Doctor saving her from a previous timeline - depends if she was the winning sacrifice or not...

The new Davros reveals just how little of his original Kaled body is actually left (only spinal column and heart) after years of DNA experimentation in trying to farm the Dalek race.

Well, we do know that he lost a hand / arm last time we saw him... I expect that he has turned a little more insane since then so he may well have been replacing parts left, right and centre!

Both 'Martha Jones' and 'Mickey Smith' join Captain Jack's 'Torchwood' team for the much shorter series 3.

Not confirmed, as far as I'm aware...

R.I.P. Harriet Jones (Flydale North MP and Ex-Prime Minister)

May not be seen on screen - not confirmed in cast lists yet...

4 'TV Specials' to air in 2009, 1 at Easter (April 2009) and a 3-Parter to be aired during Christmas\New Year. Actors 'John Simm', 'Brian Blessed' and 8th Doctor 'Paul McGann' to appear.

Cast list not confirmed yet...

Series 5 - Old foe the 'Sea Devils' make a welcome return.

I hope that's only for 1 or 2 episodes and not as the big bad...

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I can't and won't reveal my source as his job at the BBC would be at stake. Preview tapes of episode 12 (with the ending removed) were shown to the press last week. If anybody has any specific questions I'll try to answer them as accurately as possible.

Edited by ]EGG[
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I knew Tennant was going to stay don't get me wrong just the stars being lined up and the storylines sound a bit whack but as I said I loved to be proved wrong :p

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Can't wait for the next episode. Just caught up with Series 4. Had to go back and finish watching Runaway Bride, couldn't sit through it the first time around.

Regarding next year's Specials, it's interesting that they're planning the 3-parter at Christmas. I thought it was going to be a 4 episodes spread throughout the year. If the spoilers are true, that is. They must be going for something truly, er... special.

Also, since Tennant is busy for the rest of the year, will there be a 2008 Christmas special?

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