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The BBC has anounced that they have edited a scene in tonights Doctor Who


understandable - most viewers wouldn't have noticed but I wonder how far they went with the original scene?


Enjoying Capaldi but the episodes have been real stinkers IMO. Hoping the next few start to come good. The trailer for episode 4 does look promising so here's hoping!!!


Capaldi is excellent IMO, its a nice fresh change and Im hoping the show goes darker as it would suit Capaldi very well.


To be honest I thought that third episode gave a pretty nice indication of his character and finally began to like him. He comes across as basically a very old (yet very childish) grumpy old man. The constant "stop laughing" as if he hates happiness with the added "I knew there wasn't a guard out there first" as his childish bickering side. 


Sure there was the utter stupidness of a golden arrow being shot into the ship but I wouldn't say its a first for Dr Who.



haha so true! I liked this episode as well even though several parts were a bit....ridiculous but hey! that's doctor who lol


The next episode looks very good, excited for it.

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I really enjoyed last nights episode :)


Was getting a bit unsure of Capaldi, but I'm starting to really like him :D

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This episode was awesome however, i do have to say leaving a few questions unanswered about it was rather annoying but after watching the Doctor Who Extras episode on it apparently it was on purpose. just annoying. but still one of the best episodes so far.

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How did they magically go to Gallifrey? I thought it was time locked and only Bad Wolf could allow it. It seems like they have new writers... because the episodes seem pretty shallow to me.


I take it you didn't see the 50th anniversary special? Don't want to spoil anything if you didn't. But it's explained there (and another episode, kinda).

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I tried getting into Doctor Who again by watching the first episode of the season because of Malcolm F*cking Tucker, but all I got was a sense of relief when it was finally over. I suppose that not understanding most of what is going on is to be expected, but the whole thing feels extremely camp, from the bad acting to bad CGI and props. I did laugh several times, but it was not enough for an episode that is over an hour.


In the past, I've watched two random Matt Smith episodes I didn't care for and the last special which was enjoyable at least thanks to John Hurt. Should I attempt to watch more of this season, especially when the next episode will apparently feature that most dreaded enemy of The Doctor, the angry trash cans, or do I call my attempt a failure and move on?

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To be honest I thought that third episode gave a pretty nice indication of his character and finally began to like him. He comes across as basically a very old (yet very childish) grumpy old man. The constant "stop laughing" as if he hates happiness with the added "I knew there wasn't a guard out there first" as his childish bickering side. 


Sure there was the utter stupidness of a golden arrow being shot into the ship but I wouldn't say its a first for Dr Who.

Have to agree there and "Listen" was very good.

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I take it you didn't see the 50th anniversary special? Don't want to spoil anything if you didn't. But it's explained there (and another episode, kinda).


I am right thinking

that Gallifrey was saved by the 3 doctors and was trapped in a 3D painting? The Time War never happened, therefore he can travel back whenever he wants?


I've caught up on the last 4 episodes now.


Episode 1 - Not a great episode to begin with a new doctor. 'The Christmas Invasion' and 'The Eleventh Hour' were far better episodes. It's nice to see Strax, Vastra and Jenny again. How is it they live in Victorian London but everyone is okay that they're aliens? Also, how come Strax is good since he's a sontaran? I can't remember this being explained in a episode..


Episode 2 - Good storyline but weak episode. I found it too cheesy to switch on some lights inside a Darlek and he becomes good..


Episode 3 - Same as above, found the whole golden arrow thing way too cheesy and didn't like the episode generally.


Episode 4 - Much, much better episode. It was a very intriguing episode, and liked going back to see the doctor as a child. Any thoughts on who this Danny/Rupert Pink guy is? Clearly him and Clara have children etc and must know everything. Possibility Clara's daughter gave the number to call the Doctor back in season 7?

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I am right thinking

that Gallifrey was saved by the 3 doctors and was trapped in a 3D painting? The Time War never happened, therefore he can travel back whenever he wants?


I've caught up on the last 4 episodes now.


Episode 1 - Not a great episode to begin with a new doctor. 'The Christmas Invasion' and 'The Eleventh Hour' were far better episodes. It's nice to see Strax, Vastra and Jenny again. How is it they live in Victorian London but everyone is okay that they're aliens? Also, how come Strax is good since he's a sontaran? I can't remember this being explained in a episode..


Episode 2 - Good storyline but weak episode. I found it too cheesy to switch on some lights inside a Darlek and he becomes good..


Episode 3 - Same as above, found the whole golden arrow thing way too cheesy and didn't like the episode generally.


Episode 4 - Much, much better episode. It was a very intriguing episode, and liked going back to see the doctor as a child. Any thoughts on who this Danny/Rupert Pink guy is? Clearly him and Clara have children etc and must know everything. Possibility Clara's daughter gave the number to call the Doctor back in season 7?


It was saved by ALL the Doctors. It was the 3 in the episode, who called their "older" selves in to save the day. They basically hid the planet in some sort of pocket dimension or something if I remember correctly. Not in the painting AFAIK. But yes, they all saved the planet and hid it away. That's why in Time of the Doctor it was the Time Lords behind those stupid cracks helped the Doctor and gave him more regens. Uh, I think that's it lol

Isn't it because he's like one of the only Sontaran nurse/doctors or something.


Isn't it because has has brain damage or something? lol Sorry, he's just awesome and acts like a complete moron most of the time, it's like they want you to think he's dumb or has some sort of problem in his brain.


Though I can totally see how he could mistake Clara for a man.

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Listen was pretty decent, I like the "darker" Dr Who episodes more than the gooby ones... although the Robin Hood episode was GOOD gooby due to Tom Riley (who I love in Da Vinci's Demons). 


The reasons I've watched very few modern Dr Who episodes is because of the ultra-gooby Tennant episodes I despised (adipose stupid fat cell creatures made me cringe so hard the TV turned off).  The reason I started watched a few more in recent times was literally Karen Gillan, and I warmed to Smith a lot.  Decided to put it into my regular rotation with the onset of Capaldi, and apart from episode 1 of this season (T-Rex? seriously?) I've been satisfied.

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I'll take the lack of replies to my previous post a sign I shouldn't bother with this.


No one here can tell you if you'll enjoy watching Dr Who or not, only you can do that.


The first few episodes of a new actor in the role are -always- rocky.  In the classic series, a new Doctor was always rather unstable for the first few episodes, partly to allow the actor time to find his own portrayal of the character.

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No one here can tell you if you'll enjoy watching Dr Who or not, only you can do that.


The first few episodes of a new actor in the role are -always- rocky.  In the classic series, a new Doctor was always rather unstable for the first few episodes, partly to allow the actor time to find his own portrayal of the character.


Except for the greatest Doctor ever, Scarf Man! :D

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Even Tom's first few episodes were a little.... rocky! :p


Egads! How dare you sir! How dare you!


Heh, yeah that was certainly true for him as well. I feel like David Tennant's Doctor hit the ground running right out of the gate though pretty much. You know what he was about during the Xmas special, and by episode 1 of his first series, he was just, himself as the Doctor. :|

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No one here can tell you if you'll enjoy watching Dr Who or not, only you can do that.


The first few episodes of a new actor in the role are -always- rocky.  In the classic series, a new Doctor was always rather unstable for the first few episodes, partly to allow the actor time to find his own portrayal of the character.

I wasn't looking for someone to tell me if I should enjoy it or not, only if I should persist (which you did), seeing as you guys actually know the show. Anyway, my impression is that it's a very hard series to get into if one wishes to understand most of what is going on, however, I will try a few more episodes.

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I wasn't looking for someone to tell me if I should enjoy it or not, only if I should persist (which you did), seeing as you guys actually know the show. Anyway, my impression is that it's a very hard series to get into if one wishes to understand most of what is going on, however, I will try a few more episodes.


Persist definitely!!


Up until about 2 months ago I wasn't interested in doctor who in the slightest, every commercial made me thing what a load of sheeite but then I sat down and watched the first series - amazing.


And then carried on, and I even managed to catch up before the new series started, I would consider myself a whovien now, even though I Only started two months ago and I would say some episodes are complete and utter bull-locks but I persevered and it always paid off :)


Even the new series, t-rex....really?? Then listen? My god, listen is a perfect example to keep watching

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Even the new series, t-rex....really?? Then listen? My god, listen is a perfect example to keep watching


Oh my, yes. You can bet there were a few people checking under their beds after that ep! :p

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I wasn't looking for someone to tell me if I should enjoy it or not, only if I should persist (which you did), seeing as you guys actually know the show. Anyway, my impression is that it's a very hard series to get into if one wishes to understand most of what is going on, however, I will try a few more episodes.


I've been watching Who since I was big enough to watch TV, so since about 1973ish.  I remember a little of the Pertwee days, but I mostly grew up to Tom Baker and then Peter Davidson in the role.  Both outstanding actors with great stories, and some damned creepy eps.  If you ever check out any of the classic show,  2 eps that are a -must-, are Horror of Fang Rock, and The Talons of Weng Chiang.


For the newer series, so far the best actor in the role, by miles, has been David Tenant.  However, if you're looking to get into the show as a new viewer, I recommend you start back at the beginning of the revival, with Christopher Eccleston.  Considering that season had to introduce Who to an entirely new generation of viewers, it's a good place to start.


One thing you will never get from Dr Who, though, is consistency.  It's rather well known for contradicting itself often, and it's actually part of its charm in many ways.  

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I've been watching Who since I was big enough to watch TV, so since about 1973ish.  I remember a little of the Pertwee days, but I mostly grew up to Tom Baker and then Peter Davidson in the role.  Both outstanding actors with great stories, and some damned creepy eps.  If you ever check out any of the classic show,  2 eps that are a -must-, are Horror of Fang Rock, and The Talons of Weng Chiang.


For the newer series, so far the best actor in the role, by miles, has been David Tenant.  However, if you're looking to get into the show as a new viewer, I recommend you start back at the beginning of the revival, with Christopher Eccleston.  Considering that season had to introduce Who to an entirely new generation of viewers, it's a good place to start.


One thing you will never get from Dr Who, though, is consistency.  It's rather well known for contradicting itself often, and it's actually part of its charm in many ways.  

While I try to avoid starting long running series from scratch since I have the bad habit of binge-watching if I like something, I might give Eccleston a bash (phrasing?) because I like him as an actor; and I'll hunt the two classic episodes as well. Provided they can keep my interest, all I need now is time..


Even with the little I know of the series, I did pick up very fast that it doesn't take itself very seriously.

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