[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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The Doctor Who 2008 Christmas special finished filming last month and we're hoping to see a teaser trailer at the end of episode 13 'Journey's End'!

The Christmas special features the return of The Cybermen and is set in Victorian England. The cast includes Dervla Kirwin and also David Morrissey, an impersonator who tries to pass himself off as the real Doctor!

Here's a pic of the two David's (or should I say two Doctors) on location in Gloucester:



Edited by ]EGG[
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No, but I've been wondering what it is exactly. Perhaps its Dalek Caan, blasted apart by Davros' daleks - because the Cult of Skaro were on the emperor's force...

Damn! I was half right! It was Dalek Caan.

What a fantastic episode! They didn't put a trailer in for next week either. I don't think the doc will regenerate because theres been no rumours of a new actor.

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i wonder how the docs regeneration will affect the new series that is infact if he has even done it.... As he is getting short on lives :)
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Damn! I was half right! It was Dalek Caan.

What a fantastic episode! They didn't put a trailer in for next week either. I don't think the doc will regenerate because theres been no rumours of a new actor.

I have to agree, im sure there would have been alot of rumours around this if it was to but we will se:):)

That was a great episode, i have to say i never watched what i refer to as the "old" doctor who's (before Chris E and David) but i have to say Dr who just seems to be going from strength to strengt:):)

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Is there any place to stream Doctor Who? I've missed a god bit of S 3 and 4, I'm in the US.

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Yeah iPlayer is UK only and you're not gunna get anything other than the latest episode off it.

Quick on the jump there for the avatar ;)

Might have a look around later for some screencaps.

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Thought I better act quick before you stole my idea.

So did I get this right - when Dalek Caan did his "emergency temporal shift" in the Empire State Building episode he somehow manages to re-enter the Time War and save Davros?

I'd love for them to re-visit the Time War which seems possible now - it would make a few good episodes (perhaps even an entire Season)!

Anyway - I bet BeLGaRaTh is happy about this "everlasting death" which appears to be Donna's fate! ;)

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Thought I better act quick before you stole my idea.

So did I get this right - when Dalek Caan did his "emergency temporal shift" in the Empire State Building episode he somehow manages to re-enter the Time War and save Davros?

Yes, but drove him insane in the process.

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The Doctor should have known better to offer Caan a second chance!

I was slightly disapointed with the Shaddow Proclamation - thought that would have been... well... grander. But I don't think we've seen the last of them.

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The Doctor should have known better to offer Caan a second chance!

I was slightly disapointed with the Shaddow Proclamation - thought that would have been... well... grander. But I don't think we've seen the last of them.

Yes, I think the Doctor not listening to the surrender command from the Shadow Proclamation will give much reason for reprecussions in a future storyline.

I don't get it. Why did the Doctor regenerate? I thought a Dalek attack would kill a Time Lord outright. If he can withstand an attack from a Dalek (albeit it didn't seem he was fully hit - perhaps this is why he was able to regenerate) how do you kill a Time Lord? There shouldn't have been any Time Lord deaths in the Time War, they should have all just regenerated? Right? Dammit, gotta stop nitpicking! :p

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Well the Doctor "died" in last weeks episode didn't he because something like both his hearts burned up faster than he could regenerate so I'm sure there are ways to kill Time Lords.

But yes - stop nitpicking! :p

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Did the episode live up to the hype? I think I'll wait until the next week's finale and watch the two episodes back to back.

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Did the episode live up to the hype? I think I'll wait until the next week's finale and watch the two episodes back to back.

Smart move that! I'm going to be wishing the week away now until the Finale!

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One of the best episodes ever!

Looks like those spoilers posted a few pages back are true....

Rose: "Do you have a webcam!?"

Grandad: "Err no, she says there naughty"


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Grr - I phoned the Doctor's phone number (07700900461) but there was just an annoying network message - no secret easter egg or nothing. What's the point in showing a phone number if you're not gunna use it!!

So - theories on this "Osterhagen Key" anyone?

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