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I liked this last episode personally. I think all the Clara, and Mr. Pink stuff is supposed to be getting old. That way we don't miss them when they leave the show.


I still miss Karen Gillan....

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I liked this last episode personally. I think all the Clara, and Mr. Pink stuff is supposed to be getting old. That way we don't miss them when they leave the show.


I still miss Karen Gillan....


I think this is the case, it's time for people to get ready for Clara to exit and I'm fine with it, heck I hope it'd happen sooner rather than later.  I also like this new side to the doctor.  No hand holding, tell it like it is.  Like the ep said, time to take the training thrusters off, or w/e it was. 

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I really liked this last episode! Love Orient Express stories! Even better in space too. Plus Clara has never looked better than in that retro outfit, and pajamas.


Love how it ended too. I bet that blows up at the Christmas Special too.

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So I watched the Moon episode yesterday, giant space creatures that humanity wants to harm/kill is a storyline that gets really old for me (God damn I hated the space whale episode)

Not to mention everybody on Earth would have died at the end, ehh.

The orient express episode was better, the costumes were quite good. Loved the engineer character, even if he did think the TARDIS console was the engine.

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Its kinda weird seeing the doctor change someone for the darker rather than trying to make them better for once though. Rather good episode though. it was done well. dont forget to checkout the Doctor Who Extra episode for it on youtube.

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I really like his line to Clara, when she says she was a good Doctor in his place or something, and he basically said "You were a good Doctor, Clara. But it wasn't because of goodness" Yeah, darker for sure on that one (to me anyway, he was obviously referencing all the crap he's done over his lifetime etc I assume)

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if the concept of the episode was cool for you check out the book Flatland, it is public domain so you can probably get it on Amazon Kindle or Barnes and Noble Nook as well as Google Books for free.

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I really like his line to Clara, when she says she was a good Doctor in his place or something, and he basically said "You were a good Doctor, Clara. But it wasn't because of goodness" Yeah, darker for sure on that one (to me anyway, he was obviously referencing all the crap he's done over his lifetime etc I assume)


Well, she felt good at the end but it's not like everyone was saved, and the doctor did have to kill (he said not all of them, if any, will make it back to their 2D dimension), so he's spot on, no goodness in this, lives were lost.

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Well, she felt good at the end but it's not like everyone was saved, and the doctor did have to kill (he said not all of them, if any, will make it back to their 2D dimension), so he's spot on, no goodness in this, lives were lost.


Exactly, it's the way he lives. He sometimes has to sacrifice some (or many) to save many (or all) in many cases. So, goodness wasn't it, it was necessity or...something darkerrrrrr. Because you know, he's dark and broody now. :D


Also, those 2D invaders were an awesome idea. I hope they revisit at some point. I came up with a Star Trek script like, 20 years ago basically like this episode lol

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The story lines have been very weak mostly. If this carries on I will find myself stop watching or should I say not care if I miss one.

I'm with you, I used to be impatient for the next episode, but now I find myself less and less interested

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I'm with you, I used to be impatient for the next episode, but now I find myself less and less interested


I'm the opposite.  The last two doctors (I only watched a few episodes each season for various reasons) were too gooby/kiddy for me.


I like the darkness creeping in.  I grew up watching Tom Baker and Peter Davison, it was dorky from a production perspective mostly but the storylines were more serious back then.  This season seems like a return to the seriousness. It's possible I missed all the "serious" episodes from the last two doctors.


The reason I decided to give it a proper chance this season is because I saw some potential in some of the Matt Smith episodes, I hated what I saw during Tennant's tenure because it reminded me of why I hated Torchwood so much, so much facepalming was done.  I didn't watch Ecclestone because I didn't like his hooligan FACE.  So now the time is right.

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Love the last episode!


Is it me or did the locked down tardis look a bit like The Pandorica...?


I noticed that too!


I enjoyed that episode, last couple of episodes have actually been good with a half decent storyline. 

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I just watched last weeks and it was really good, its not Blink good but it was still amazing.


What annoys me is the amount of the people who gets a ride in the TARDIS

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What annoys me is the amount of the people who gets a ride in the TARDIS


Completely agree. At one point, only the selected companion would, now it seems its like there is a 'Welcome All' sign on his door. 

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