[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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The shades are just the BBC going back to the "cheap as possible" way of making Who, why have a cool device like the sonic screwdriver made by the design team when you can just give him a cheap pair of shades and pretend they're "Sonic Shades". What's next, the TARCBIS? "Time and Relative Cardboard Box In Space"??

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The shades are just the BBC going back to the "cheap as possible" way of making Who, why have a cool device like the sonic screwdriver made by the design team when you can just give him a cheap pair of shades and pretend they're "Sonic Shades". What's next, the TARCBIS? "Time and Relative Cardboard Box In Space"??

Some builds of the TARDIS might as well have been cardboard over the years. And especially in the 60s the console room walls were often photographic copies of wall sections, replacing the originals when they wore out.

Doctor Who has always been a shoestring budget production. With the shoestrings usually blatantly visible. That's part of its charm, actually. Heck, the original sonic screwdriver was a penlight! Nothing sci-fi techy about it at all!


Edited by DConnell
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The shades are just the BBC going back to the "cheap as possible" way of making Who, why have a cool device like the sonic screwdriver made by the design team when you can just give him a cheap pair of shades and pretend they're "Sonic Shades". What's next, the TARCBIS? "Time and Relative Cardboard Box In Space"??

When the prop is already made, the renders of any CG for it's effects are already in the can, the sound effect is already recorded - how is this cost saving?

The screwdriver will have made many thousands in profit on replica toy sales alone.  I think there is going to be more to these glasses or the loss of screwdriver than we currently know.

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Heck, the original sonic screwdriver was a penlight! Nothing sci-fi techy about it at all!

I forget what show it was - something like Stargate SG1 - where an alien militia wore a comms badge like in Star Trek.  The prop used was a resprayed air freshener.

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I forget what show it was - something like Stargate SG1 - where an alien militia wore a comms badge like in Star Trek.  The prop used was a resprayed air freshener.

Sure, they're scum-sucking alien slime, but at least they smell nice!

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Some builds of the TARDIS might as well have been cardboard over the years.

The secondary control room used by Tom Baker's doctor warped while they were on hiatus it had been planned for use long term.

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I love how the BBC kept the Dr Who timeline, we shouldn't use it as an excuse for poor decisions now days though.  Sonic glasses are silly and people should be fired - actually no, they should see everyone's opinion and then move on, otherwise we get new people with silly ideas and nobody learns anything.

This weeks episode was the first one I liked in a long time since PC took over, I love the actor and the idea of the older doctor but omg the last series was bad.  With this episode, finally a decent story that we cant figure out straight away - loved seeing the doctor at the end, even if I did immediately wonder why we hadn't seem him before - would love to see a reason for him not appearing in that form last week.

As with software, I wish Dr Who could be forked.  The kids could have a great little adventure that didn't really matter, RTD or SM could do it and the adults could have something that was just brilliant.  It's such a great idea, time travel and its consequences, regeneration and the effect on a supposedly evolved race, wars and the ethics of those that participate.  Have a regeneration conflict, two Doctors that go their own way. 

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I love how the BBC kept the Dr Who timeline, we shouldn't use it as an excuse for poor decisions now days though.  Sonic glasses are silly and people should be fired - actually no, they should see everyone's opinion and then move on, otherwise we get new people with silly ideas and nobody learns anything.

This weeks episode was the first one I liked in a long time since PC took over, I love the actor and the idea of the older doctor but omg the last series was bad.  With this episode, finally a decent story that we cant figure out straight away - loved seeing the doctor at the end, even if I did immediately wonder why we hadn't seem him before - would love to see a reason for him not appearing in that form last week.

As with software, I wish Dr Who could be forked.  The kids could have a great little adventure that didn't really matter, RTD or SM could do it and the adults could have something that was just brilliant.  It's such a great idea, time travel and its consequences, regeneration and the effect on a supposedly evolved race, wars and the ethics of those that participate.  Have a regeneration conflict, two Doctors that go their own way. 

Isn't that why they are doing the new Who spin-off show? It's basically being done specifically for kids, at least as far as I've read so far with what little info is out there.

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"Meta Crisis" Doctor and Rose with their now-complete Tardis. Yeah ... I'll take those two over Capaldi. 

Sorry, but I'm just not feeling it this season. It's got some moments but I'm really missing Tennant and Smith as the Doctors. And the writing so far is just ... ugh. The only good thing about Capaldi's whole run thus far has been Missy, who is (frankly) effing BRILLIANT as the latest incarnation of The Master.

Davros said it right -- "You ... are not a good Doctor.". Guess he said what everyone else must be thinking.

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"Meta Crisis" Doctor and Rose with their now-complete Tardis. Yeah ... I'll take those two


You can have them! She gives Catherine Tate a real run for the most annoying companion award.

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You can have them! She gives Catherine Tate a real run for the most annoying companion award.

Nobody can match Rose when it comes to being annoying! She even beat out my former least liked companion Peri!

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You can have them! She gives Catherine Tate a real run for the most annoying companion award.

I'd put up with both of them just to have David Tennant back on the series.

Egads ... Rose, Capaldi's Doctor, and Donna together?! The amount of complaining that would take place would collapse the TARDIS Matrix herself.



"Shut up, already."

I get a migraine just thinking about it. :no: 

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LOVE these last two episodes!

It was almost like Doctor Who meets Event Horizon! I loved it!

Also have to admit I liked seeing the glasses getting plugged into a console. Yeah, I'm coming around to liking them I suppose.

Thought it was just awesome seeing the doctor playing that guitar! Oooo, idea. Sonic Guitar! .... His Sonic Axe!

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Finally a decent episode... I especially liked the opening where it seems he's talking directly to the audience.

They should make a Doctor Who video game where you can play as his companion.

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LOVE these last two episodes!

It was almost like Doctor Who meets Event Horizon! I loved it!

Also have to admit I liked seeing the glasses getting plugged into a console. Yeah, I'm coming around to liking them I suppose.

Thought it was just awesome seeing the doctor playing that guitar! Oooo, idea. Sonic Guitar! .... His Sonic Axe!

Aren't ALL guitars sonic? :laugh:

Was there extra guitar in the intro music?

There was indeed, and it was awesome! Reminded me of the early 80s intro!

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What about Doctor Who fighting off the guitar guy from Fury Road? He already looks like a monster, and can rip and shred pretty good on that guitar lol

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