[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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1 minute ago, Zathras5 said:

I thought he said there was no hybrid, it's just him.

Well, Doctor Who is supposedly "half-human on his mother's side".

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I'm disappointed.



I was really hoping for some continuation on the Doctor, not more and more Clara. We've been done with Clara for a while now. It shouldn't be this hard for the Doctor to part. The episode started well enough, and was interesting, and the Doctor was looking to confront his past/future...then... oh look, more Clara. Literally screw the universe, we need more Clara!


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I enjoyed the episode as well. Gave me warm fuzzies ...



.. seeing an "Old Control Room" of a TARDIS, but with some nice modern touches and a properly functioning Chameleon System! And this one came with a manual!


but then ...



.. playing roulette with a memory wipe device. Talk about "unfortunate" .. yikes. Wonder how long the effects will last on the Doctor? And he's got a proper Sonic Screwdriver again, yay!


Great episode.

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I think this can setup why Clara is so special to the Doctor.


If she goes back to Gallifrey in a different time, to a very young Doctor, she may be his first. /Wink /Wink know what I mean, know what I mean. =)


And his new sonic looks awesome. I SO want to buy one of those!!!


Could also be a spin off of sorts. That new tardis I think Me said was stuck as a restaurant. It could be Me and Clara in a time traveling restaurant. For a time.


And I LOVE how Gallifrey garb looks like a much better Flash Gordon style. So cool.


Love that velvet coat too!


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1 hour ago, margrave said:
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I think this can setup why Clara is so special to the Doctor.


If she goes back to Gallifrey in a different time, to a very young Doctor, she may be his first. /Wink /Wink know what I mean, know what I mean. =)


And his new sonic looks awesome. I SO want to buy one of those!!!


Could also be a spin off of sorts. That new tardis I think Me said was stuck as a restaurant. It could be Me and Clara in a time traveling restaurant. For a time.


And I LOVE how Gallifrey garb looks like a much better Flash Gordon style. So cool.


Love that velvet coat too!

aye the possibilities that have been made in this finale...


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is that lady from the sisterhood, the doctors mum? if not, then why does he call him boy? I think this episode was more about setting up any and every future possibility!



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I'm still on about ... 


.. the Control Room of Clara and Ashildir's TARDIS. The lighting work inside of there was magnificent! Sure, Classic Who's TARDIS was like that, but the lighting was way too bright imo. I like this lighting scheme much better. And the round things! Love the round things. :D


Concerning ...


.. the woman from the Sisterhood -- it would certainly bear reasoning that the Sisterhood raised him, since we know nothing of his parents.


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1 hour ago, BetaguyGZT said:

I'm still on about ... 

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.. the Control Room of Clara and Ashildir's TARDIS. The lighting work inside of there was magnificent! Sure, Classic Who's TARDIS was like that, but the lighting was way too bright imo. I like this lighting scheme much better. And the round things! Love the round things. :D


Concerning ...

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.. the woman from the Sisterhood -- it would certainly bear reasoning that the Sisterhood raised him, since we know nothing of his parents.


that  makes a lot of sense

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You know, at this point a new sonic (or other sonic device) to me is just another way for them to sell toys now lol Though, yes the new sonic looks damn good, one of the best I think. Nothing will ever beat 10s sonic though, so much feels!

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This season felt like the season where Capaldi really put his mark on the Doctor. He was good last season, but it always felt like a continuation of 11, except older. 


Especially with the last few episodes, it feels like the setup is for a whole new set of stories that are more... unique to Capaldi's style. This was easily the best season since season 5, and I'd probably go as far as to say it was better. It can even hold its own against any of the Tenant years. 

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This last episode had so many easter eggs and references. I've rewatched it (finally without my significant other yammering at me every two minutes) and was able to actually pay attention to the subtleties this time.


I still stand by my comments concerning the ...


... default-themed Control Room with the set lighting changes and "modern touches", however slight they were -- gave me chills and happies. :yes:


When a few weeks have passed by and I'm certain that the majority of people have been able to see the episode I'll be happy to jot down what the "easter eggs" I think I'm seeing are.

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18 minutes ago, BetaguyGZT said:

This last episode had so many easter eggs and references. I've rewatched it (finally without my significant other yammering at me every two minutes) and was able to actually pay attention to the subtleties this time.


I still stand by my comments concerning the ...

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... default-themed Control Room with the set lighting changes and "modern touches", however slight they were -- gave me chills and happies. :yes:


When a few weeks have passed by and I'm certain that the majority of people have been able to see the episode I'll be happy to jot down what the "easter eggs" I think I'm seeing are.

or just jot them down in spoiler tags for us who have :p 

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5 hours ago, Draconian Guppy said:

or just jot them down in spoiler tags for us who have :p 

Okee doke. :D


- Remember the General, whom the Doctor felt it necessary to kill, who then regenerated into a Female? And Missy/The Master, whose current regeneration is Female? And Clara herself, who has essentially become a Time Lord with her own TARDIS? I'm seeing a trend here, and I think that it's a hint that the next Doctor (when Capaldi's had his fill of the role and decides to leave the show) will indeed be Female. With Moffat, ideas he has and clues he drops tend to be in threes.


- The Doctor getting the short end of a Memory Wipe is basically Moffat saying that the Doctor goes "too far and too broad" now, and that the next Season should see a much more toned-down Doctor. He's done a lot of the "big stuff" now (gone to Hell, gone back to Galifrey, etc) so now the writing can focus on smaller stories. My opinion only, folks.


- Clara and "Mi" (or "Me", whatever) having their own TARDIS is going to come into play towards the end of Capaldi's time as the Doctor --- I guarantee it. They don't just hand those over -- so there's going to be a reason later on. ;)


- River Song coming back *now* is interesting ... wonder how she'll get on with Twelve? Guaranteed complaining, and it'll be funny. :yes: 


- Anyone else think it was interesting that Ashildir/Mi was studying the TARDIS Manual? Particularly the Chameleon Circuit section? I think there's more than meets the eyes to her ... and now she's learning how to drive, making her ten times the thorn in the Doctor's side that she ever could have been before.


- I also think that "Mi" is another incarnation of Missy/The Master, possibly the first incarnation of the Master. It really *does* fit. Who else could be bat-s**t crazy and have a reason why? Live a trillion years and see if any of US don't go pear-shaped too.

There ya go! :D

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I spent the best part of 2 seasons wanting Clara to die, but I was still sad when it happened.


I think this season was better than the last, and the core reason of that was that Missy was only in episode one.  A very annoying character that should never have a long story ark.


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20 hours ago, BetaguyGZT said:

Okee doke. :D

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- Remember the General, whom the Doctor felt it necessary to kill, who then regenerated into a Female? And Missy/The Master, whose current regeneration is Female? And Clara herself, who has essentially become a Time Lord with her own TARDIS? I'm seeing a trend here, and I think that it's a hint that the next Doctor (when Capaldi's had his fill of the role and decides to leave the show) will indeed be Female. With Moffat, ideas he has and clues he drops tend to be in threes.


- The Doctor getting the short end of a Memory Wipe is basically Moffat saying that the Doctor goes "too far and too broad" now, and that the next Season should see a much more toned-down Doctor. He's done a lot of the "big stuff" now (gone to Hell, gone back to Galifrey, etc) so now the writing can focus on smaller stories. My opinion only, folks.


- Clara and "Mi" (or "Me", whatever) having their own TARDIS is going to come into play towards the end of Capaldi's time as the Doctor --- I guarantee it. They don't just hand those over -- so there's going to be a reason later on. ;)


- River Song coming back *now* is interesting ... wonder how she'll get on with Twelve? Guaranteed complaining, and it'll be funny. :yes: 


- Anyone else think it was interesting that Ashildir/Mi was studying the TARDIS Manual? Particularly the Chameleon Circuit section? I think there's more than meets the eyes to her ... and now she's learning how to drive, making her ten times the thorn in the Doctor's side that she ever could have been before.


- I also think that "Mi" is another incarnation of Missy/The Master, possibly the first incarnation of the Master. It really *does* fit. Who else could be bat-s**t crazy and have a reason why? Live a trillion years and see if any of US don't go pear-shaped too.

There ya go! :D

First does make a lot of sense!


Also, it could be a potential consequence of the doctor breaking the universe to save clara, perhaps that could be the ultimate punishment?


The master is a timelord? Mi isn't though this I have to say is out of my knowledge whether or not, she can become a timelord?


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4 minutes ago, Draconian Guppy said:

First does make a lot of sense!

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Also, it could be a potential consequence of the doctor breaking the universe to save clara, perhaps that could be the ultimate punishment?


The master is a timelord? Mi isn't though this I have to say is out of my knowledge whether or not, she can become a timelord?


My response ...



No, she isn't; but the writers have dropped subtle hints since Tennant's era that Humans could *become* TImelords, at least in part. Remember that Donna got "the mind of the Doctor", and Meta-Crisis Doctor is a Terran-Galifrean Hybrid (both happened in the same incident), and that Amy & Rory's child Melody Pond/River Song, who *should* have been strictly Human became a Timelord through exposure to the Vortex (and some slight genetic tinkering, perhaps), including Regeneration and extremely heightened intelligence. There *is* a precedent for it happening to Humans.


Now Mi and Clara have a TARDIS, and there's no telling how Mi's chip (that repairs her DNA) will be affected by the same Vortex exposure over the-universe-knows-how-long a period of time. Clara is essentially Immortal now, since her timestream and body processes have been time-looped (not time-locked), so it could just as easily be Clara as it is Mi.


What I think they're planning to do next Series is explain The Master's origins, and this was a prelude to that. And who's to say that when a Regeneration occurs that the person in question can't regenerate into a child form, preserving what we already know about The Master? It would also explain how The Master has a TARDIS with a functioning Chameleon Circuit (first seen during John Pertwee's era), and why The Doctor and The Master are best friends even when trying to kill each other. PLUS, it can tie in Clara's behavior towards the end or her run -- how much like The Doctor she became. A memory wipe would certainly make The Doctor forget about *those* tidbits, that The Master was really Clara, in the beginning of his/her lifetime.


So, to sum up, it's likely Clara or Mi that will turn out to be The Master, but more likely it's Clara.


That's my opinion only. I'm not privvy to information or anything like that at all -- it's simply how I see things proceeding. :)


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20 hours ago, BetaguyGZT said:

My response ...


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No, she isn't; but the writers have dropped subtle hints since Tennant's era that Humans could *become* TImelords, at least in part. Remember that Donna got "the mind of the Doctor", and Meta-Crisis Doctor is a Terran-Galifrean Hybrid (both happened in the same incident), and that Amy & Rory's child Melody Pond/River Song, who *should* have been strictly Human became a Timelord through exposure to the Vortex (and some slight genetic tinkering, perhaps), including Regeneration and extremely heightened intelligence. There *is* a precedent for it happening to Humans.


Now Mi and Clara have a TARDIS, and there's no telling how Mi's chip (that repairs her DNA) will be affected by the same Vortex exposure over the-universe-knows-how-long a period of time. Clara is essentially Immortal now, since her timestream and body processes have been time-looped (not time-locked), so it could just as easily be Clara as it is Mi.


What I think they're planning to do next Series is explain The Master's origins, and this was a prelude to that. And who's to say that when a Regeneration occurs that the person in question can't regenerate into a child form, preserving what we already know about The Master? It would also explain how The Master has a TARDIS with a functioning Chameleon Circuit (first seen during John Pertwee's era), and why The Doctor and The Master are best friends even when trying to kill each other. PLUS, it can tie in Clara's behavior towards the end or her run -- how much like The Doctor she became. A memory wipe would certainly make The Doctor forget about *those* tidbits, that The Master was really Clara, in the beginning of his/her lifetime.


So, to sum up, it's likely Clara or Mi that will turn out to be The Master, but more likely it's Clara.


That's my opinion only. I'm not privvy to information or anything like that at all -- it's simply how I see things proceeding. :)




That does sure make a lot sense from a logical stand point.




To give one producer that much of a control over a characters origin? Has that been done before? I mean surely there must be some "limits" as to what a writer/producer can and cannot do?

Also, the regeneration bit on becoming a baby, I think was briefly mentioned during the tennant or smith era, I just can't recall what it was :laugh: 


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Moffat appears to be the fella "at the helm" of the entire series now, so pretty much what he decides is what goes. Of course, he's a good one for gathering input from his actors; so he'll work within a lot of good ideas from others. He's not a Monolithic Dictator or anything.


Not sure if Russell T. Davies is still working on the show or not, haven't seen his name in a while; if he's not, then by default it goes to Moffat for stewardship and direction.

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Further thoughts on how they proceed ...



That chip of Mi's that repairs her DNA ... The Doctor touched it, handled it, and otherwise was in possession of it for a bit. A device that smart wouldn't simply activate "when someone else wanted it to" -- that device could have sampled The Doctor's DNA; and depending on how the chip works, what kind of processing capability it has, and so on, the device could detect that The Doctor's DNA was "more favorable to continued existence" and could slowly re-write Mi's DNA into something more akin to River Song's than a plain Human.


All it would be missing, at that point, would be vortex exposure -- which it now has. That chip could then grant Mi (by way of DNA resequencing, slowly) all the abilities that River Song would have; like the heightened intelligence which she had already displayed by the Season Finale ... only a Galifrean or a Hybrid could maintain a Reality Bubble at the last gasps of the Universe, which she said she'd been maintaining "brilliantly"; indicating that intelligence as well as the manifestation of Mental Powers (that only Galifreans have demonstrated) and Regeneration.


So, my vote for "Who is The Master"? It's gotta be Mi, after we walk through the logic some more. :yes: As for Clara, she's Immortal now. What they do with her, going forward? No idea, now. 


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