[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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28 minutes! :p

Yeah I see the fascination but after about 50 shows it gets tedious I feel the same way about all game shows tho :p

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That has to of been one of the best EVER episodes ive ever seen in doctor who. The ending bloody hell so sad brought a tear to my eye.

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So - who's going to be the Doctor's next companion!!!!

Cybermen return at Christmas!

Has to be Sally Sparrow!


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Some more juicy spoilers for you....

The Doctor is shot and 'killed' by a Dalek at the end of 'The Stolen Earth' and undergoes an unusual 'regeneration' which will see two doctors appearing in the series final 'Journey's End'. What will become of Doctor number 2? Will Rose get to hear those unspoken words that she was meant to hear back at Bad Wolf Bay?

Donna does indeed 'die', but the Doctor intervenes and travels back in time to save her and asks her grandfather 'Wilf' to ensure that she's never made aware of the events that happened to her. This is particularly reminiscent of when Donna asked the Doctor at the end of the 'Fires of Pompeii' episode to save just one of the doomed family that were to be killed by the erupting Mount Vesuvius. The Doctor can make a difference!

The new Davros reveals just how little of his original Kaled body is actually left (only spinal column and heart) after years of DNA experimentation in trying to farm the Dalek race.

Both 'Martha Jones' and 'Mickey Smith' join Captain Jack's 'Torchwood' team for the much shorter series 3.

R.I.P. Harriet Jones (Flydale North MP and Ex-Prime Minister)

4 'TV Specials' to air in 2009, 1 at Easter (April 2009) and a 3-Parter to be aired during Christmas\New Year. Actors 'John Simm', 'Brian Blessed' and 8th Doctor 'Paul McGann' to appear.

Series 5 - Old foe the 'Sea Devils' make a welcome return.


More or less true then.

That was an amazing episode. The end was so sad :cry:

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I was so happy that Rose finally got the ending that she always wanted.... Even if we didn't find out exactly what the doctor wanted to say, I think we can guess ;)

Can't wait until Christmas. That really was an amazing piece of work.

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Id fire the writter for that episode, only someone with no imagination can find that a good episode. It had so much potential and omg what a huge anti climax right at the begining with the regeneration! Im not saying I wanted a new doctor but with all the possibiites with time lines you think they could have done something more dramatic.

The build up was going great and then the daleks are defeated by a little control panel that seems to have been created just to mess with the dalek controls, what was the point of putting something like that there? Oh and the whole of earth will think its a story will they? Did nobody record it or maybe take a picture during any of it?

That was awful.

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Id fire the writter for that episode, only someone with no imagination can find that a good episode. It had so much potential and omg what a huge anti climax right at the begining with the regeneration! Im not saying I wanted a new doctor but with all the possibiites with time lines you think they could have done something more dramatic.

The build up was going great and then the daleks are defeated by a little control panel that seems to have been created just to mess with the dalek controls, what was the point of putting something like that there? Oh and the whole of earth will think its a story will they? Did nobody record it or maybe take a picture during any of it?

That was awful.

Looks like it just it's you and me so far!! :D

It felt like a Voyager 2-parter - a really good set up which then descends into a meaningless techno-babble deus ex machina.

Question is - who died? All the hints of the death of a companion and all we get is a slight case of amnesia? :(

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Id fire the writter for that episode, only someone with no imagination can find that a good episode. It had so much potential and omg what a huge anti climax right at the begining with the regeneration! Im not saying I wanted a new doctor but with all the possibiites with time lines you think they could have done something more dramatic.

The build up was going great and then the daleks are defeated by a little control panel that seems to have been created just to mess with the dalek controls, what was the point of putting something like that there? Oh and the whole of earth will think its a story will they? Did nobody record it or maybe take a picture during any of it?

That was awful.

Unfortunately thats a bad thing about the new Doctor Who. I would have really perferred four/six-parters like they did in the 70's - to give writers time to spread the story out instead of having one control panel to do everything.

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Cool to see K-9 for a brief moment (Y)

Rose & Clone-Doctor "I love you" :cry:

Germany Daleks: *shudder*

Yeah I turned to my mother who was watching it and said its the like something from WW2 :|

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Yeah, it was so much talky talky. Thank god Donna has gone. They risked an awful lot to bring the others back, it was so clique in the way that Jack and Martha were LIKE HEY LOOK AT ME, in such a self righteous way. Got on my ###### at the end.

If I had writen it, I would have been forced to bring back a doctor or two.

The ark of the series has been been pretty good, but I just get the feeling the emotional strain and some poor characters (and dialog) just let it down.

Still I did like some certain aspects of analyzing the Doctor etc etc.

I just didn't feel like a big WHOA GET IN THERE feeling.

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