[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Tennant totally owned the role, in the same way Baker did. Personally (and this is based on growing up with a large number of Doctors) I would say Tennant is the most enjoyable.

This is a shame, but part of Dr.Who has always been the change.

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what the hell? I thought the new guys all said they'd never do a female Doctor, let alone Billie! That would be sweet, but fairly weird if you ask me. And yes plz, fix yer teeth woman! My lord.

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They used to but now I think all contracts are being slimmed down :p

i just find it wierd that the last doctors have left so quickly. that uis almost unheard of over here. usually if you are on a successful tv show you want to stay on it get the ratings up and get paid. And thats with a 20-22 episode seasons, with the bbc and the 12 episode seasons you would think type-casting/ spare time for other roles wouldn't be a problem.

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Woooo. Hold on what I didn't think of was. If Billie is The Doctor... will she have a female companion????? :woot:

No, unless they were alien and had 6 arms... Hang on that doesn't sound too bad :whistle:

i just find it wierd that the last doctors have left so quickly. that uis almost unheard of over here. usually if you are on a successful tv show you want to stay on it get the ratings up and get paid. And thats with a 20-22 episode seasons, with the bbc and the 12 episode seasons you would think type-casting/ spare time for other roles wouldn't be a problem.

With the 12 eps being the whole lot for a year (plus lots of repeats on BBC3), type casting can become an issue very quickly!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone watch the first two minutes of the Christmas special on Children in need? hmmm?

Well I did, I'm sure it will be on Youtube soon enough, its a bit saddening seeing David Tennant knowing he will be going at the end of the specials. :(

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^ I disagree, after seeing this I was excited to see the special :)

I just meant it to Rappy, there isn't anything in there he doesn't already know really, lol.

Can't wait for Christmas though. :D

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True :p

I think its going to be awesome tho but sad its now downward on DT, bring back Sally Sparrow :shifty:

Sally Sparrow!


<3 lol

Still think she should be the next companion! :D

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Correct me if I am wrong-- but a Time Lord can have only 13-14 regenerations-- I mean was not the master on his 13th looked horrible--and had to steal the life force of a different being. So they should try to keep each actor for longer.

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