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Correct me if I am wrong-- but a Time Lord can have only 13-14 regenerations-- I mean was not the master on his 13th looked horrible--and had to steal the life force of a different being. So they should try to keep each actor for longer.

its suppose to be 13.

But there are ways around it, in earlier episodes the Master stole someone else's body or something so he could carry on, and was also given a new 13 lives by the time lord council, its all on wikipedia lol.

So who knows, they will find a way around it most probably if they have too.

And its not like they didn't try, apparently they offered him 1.5 million to carry on after the specials, and since he had wanted to be the doctor, he obviously is leaving for his own reasons.

But it does mean at the end of the specials it will be a new start, new doctor, new crew and writer.

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In a way it will be good but sad that DT leaves.

More episodes like Blink tho and it will be awesome, I might find that episode on my DVD actually and watch it later for sally sparrow of course...theres a sig in there somewhere :p

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In a way it will be good but sad that DT leaves.

More episodes like Blink tho and it will be awesome, I might find that episode on my DVD actually and watch it later for sally sparrow of course...theres a sig in there somewhere :p

Woo Sally Sparrow Sig!


But I agree, its definitely a pity he is going, I love his as the doctor, but maybe a new start is a good thing, and Blink was an excellent episode, so more like that will be great. :D

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Could possibly -- use the power of the Tardis or possibly gain some of his Grand Daughters life force--- Would actually be weird if they would make his next regeneration a SHE.... any thoughts on that one.

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Could possibly -- use the power of the Tardis or possibly gain some of his Grand Daughters life force--- Would actually be weird if they would make his next regeneration a SHE.... any thoughts on that one.

Well there are always rumours of a female doctor, every time regeneration comes up something is mentioned.

Doubt it would happen though, I don't think anything similar has been mentioned or seen in the series, there has been female time lords, but the one that I know of has always regenerated into a female again.

But his regeneration is linked to the Tardis in whatever way, so anything could happen, and I'm sure we are bound to come across his grand daughter again, and I wouldn't be surprised if she had regenerated in some way if they couldn't get the actress back, lol.

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Just re-watched Blink and I still love that episode!

Could you link me or did you watch it in a illegal form?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is it just me or does Tennant look rather lifeless now that he's quitting?

Well, this was recorded before he made the announcement, so, I doubt it. Besides why would he? He's always said how he loves the part so I really don't think that would be the case.

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Doctor Who ? The Next Doctor

Thursday 25 December

6.00-7.00pm BBC ONE


The Doctor (David Tennant) is surprised to come face to face with another Doctor

It's Christmas Eve in 1851 and Cybermen stalk the snow of Victorian London, in this special Christmas edition of Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama.

When the Doctor arrives and starts to investigate a spate of mysterious deaths, he's surprised to meet another Doctor, and soon the two must combine forces to defeat the ruthless Miss Hartigan. But are two Doctors enough to stop the rise of the CyberKing?

David Tennant stars as The Doctor, David Morrissey as The Doctor and Dervla Kirwan as Miss Hartigan. This episode also features Velile Tshabalala as Rosita.

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Robert Carlyle has suggested that he would be willing to take over from David Tennant in Doctor Who, although he denied being contacted about the role.

Responding to the frequent rumours surrounding him, the 47-year-old actor told the Daily Record: "This has followed me for two years. But no-one has ever approached me about it and I never wanted to talk about it because you can't talk about another actor's part."

Carlyle, who recently starred in 24: Redemption, also suggested that he would be willing to play The Doctor. "I would treat [the role] with respect and regard it properly, but I would have to be approached about it first," he said.


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