[Official] Doctor Who Thread

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Have you not see what daleks really look like?


Obviously much better equipped to build things 8-)

this is how they get stuff done :p


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There's some speculation that the seventh and 11th episodes of the new season will be "lite" episodes, containing relatively little of the Doctor and his companion. There are also some somewhat recent set pics, showing a mob of people with torches lighting someone (or something) on fire. (Photos by the Twelfth Doctor.) And here's a set video I don't think we showed you before, of what looks like an early scene between the new Doctor and his companion Amy. [GallifreyBase]

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There's some speculation that the seventh and 11th episodes of the new season will be "lite" episodes, containing relatively little of the Doctor and his companion.

I hate it when they do that.

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I hate it when they do that.

Blink was a Doctor/Martha "lite" episode and that worked very well....

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Blink was a Doctor/Martha "lite" episode and that worked very well....

yeah a prime example right there!, the time when the doctor did appear was really good but even though he wasn't in it alot you knew he was there somewhere.

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For me the best part about the last episode was When he saw Jack again, while during all of torchwood he was looking for the Dr. and he just shows up

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For me the best part about the last episode was When he saw Jack again, while during all of torchwood he was looking for the Dr. and he just shows up

yeah I liked that bit, there's talk about Russel Tovey appearing in Torchwood next series :D

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Was funny that Alonso made an appearance!

I really can't wait for Season 5 now. Think it will be March/April time on our screens.

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Just noticed in the new trailer...

He's firing a gun!?

Not all the Doctor's incarnations were against using guns/violence/etc remember. Only the last few regenerations did it become a more important thing (maybe because the show was being specifically catered to a younger crowd again I dunno) to the Doctor. I remember when the 2nd Doctor and the 4th (I think) used guns quite well actually. And I believe the 3rd Doctor once actually killed someone on purpose during one series set on a space station with the Daleks. (Don't ask me it was almost 30 years ago lol)

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Blink was a Doctor/Martha "lite" episode and that worked very well....

Yeah, that one did but the one with the guy whose girlfriend became a brick was terrible.

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Yeah, that one did but the one with the guy whose girlfriend became a brick was terrible.

Huh? Wha? I don't remember anyone's girlfriend becoming a brick? lol

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Oh yeah the girl was kept alive in that piece of pavement not the boyfriend lol

And I kinda liked that episode. It was comic-y funny and had an odd ending :D

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Hands up who had a tear in their eye at the end....

*raises hand* :cry:

"I don't want to go" :cry:

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I was reading on another Who forum about the man and the woman Time Lords who had their face covered by their hands. The woman uncovered her face and it was the woman that Wilf had been seeing but the man never did uncover his face. I wonder who they are? Are these the two who voted no? How could the woman come back through the Time Lock when the rest of the Time Lords could not? Why did the man never show his face? You think we will ever know the answers?

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I was reading on another Who forum about the man and the woman Time Lords who had their face covered by their hands. The woman uncovered her face and it was the woman that Wilf had been seeing but the man never did uncover his face. I wonder who they are? Are these the two who voted no? How could the woman come back through the Time Lock when the rest of the Time Lords could not? Why did the man never show his face? You think we will ever know the answers?

Sadly I doubt it :(

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Hands up who had a tear in their eye at the end....

*raises hand* :cry:

nope I was just sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the regeneration to happen!

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I was reading on another Who forum about the man and the woman Time Lords who had their face covered by their hands. The woman uncovered her face and it was the woman that Wilf had been seeing but the man never did uncover his face. I wonder who they are? Are these the two who voted no? How could the woman come back through the Time Lock when the rest of the Time Lords could not? Why did the man never show his face? You think we will ever know the answers?

Well if you want to go by the way the Doctor looked at Donna's Mother at the end, and the way that woman was crying and trying to tell the Doctor something, my guess is it was in fact his own Mother. It stands to reason the male who was covering his face would probably be his Father. I doubt we'll ever find out...unless the 11th Doctor mentions it specifically or the 10th Doctor shows up sometime down the road.

And yeah the "I don't want to go" had me also. Doctor Who Confidential said they knew people would be crying/upset by that point so they wanted to pull at the heart strings one last time and they had done like 4 different takes ranging from no emotion while he said to him being totally broken down and crying but they went with the slightly emotional yet still the Doctor one :(

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Well if you want to go by the way the Doctor looked at Donna's Mother at the end, and the way that woman was crying and trying to tell the Doctor something, my guess is it was in fact his own Mother.

Lots of people think it was Romana.

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How many times can a doctor regenerate? Or is it not set?

This is open to debate but from what ive seen on other forums etc it seems to be currently 12-13. That being said I dont think the writers are too worried about this. They havent really put a concrete number in place since it was relaunched and im pretty sure they could each come up with a dozen ways to make the doctor extend the regeneration cycle. That is afterall the beauty of sci-fi :D I think most of the new audience dont really have a clue as to any limits on the regen cycle so they could verywell just never mention it, I mean, no one expects the franchise to stop so.

And how can anyone not like the daleks? Those guys are awesome, die hard attitude, one track minds. I admire their focus and determination :p I do like the daleks from old and new but I would have to say the best Dalek moment is when the daleks and cybermen are conversing in series 3 or 4.

hehe I had to youtube:

Edited by Osiris
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