[Joke] Irish Builder

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Owen is sitting on a hill overlooking the Rhondda valley. Dai passes & says, "Owen, boyo, why teh sad face?"

Owen: "I'm sat year lookin down by there and askin myself who have built all them houses. Owen, ME, have built all them houses!


I see the factory built practically by my own hands, employing 300 locals.


Now, I shag one sheep... and now everyone know Owens name!

**Edited to add the punchline. Jokes just don't work with out them. I can't belive it took me THIS long to realize it was missing**

Edited by NeowinSecurity
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This kind of reminds me of something one of my profs once said, engineers rarely get attention for doing an excellent job, but always get attention for doing a poor job.

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Owen is sitting on a hill overlooking the Rhondda valley. Dai passes & says, "Owen, boyo, why teh sad face?"

Owen: "I'm sat year lookin down by there and askin myself who have built all them houses. Owen, ME, have built all them houses!


I see the factory built practically by my own hands, employing 300 locals.


Now, I shag one sheep...

1. I dont get it

2. Dai is a welsh name

3. Sheep shagging reffers to the welsh

4. This joke is about the welsh not the Irish

5. I dont get it

6. I still dont get it after a second read

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I'm pretty sure the joke is that he did so many good things for the people, but no one knew his name despite these great accomplishments. However, all it took was one notorious fact for everyone to know his name.

The next line to the dialogue in the joke would have been, "and now everyone knows Owen!"

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I'm pretty sure the joke is that he did so many good things for the people, but no one knew his name despite these great accomplishments. However, all it took was one notorious fact for everyone to know his name.

The next line to the dialogue in the joke would have been, "and now everyone knows Owen!"

Right you are... me, being me, was tired or somtin' and forgot to add the punch line *L*

Jokes just DO NOT work when you don't have a punch line.

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