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Best media player for Windows XP?


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WOW, thanks for all the suggestions.

It seems every single player mentioned has some little quirk that drives me nuts. Too many to mention. Flat out I need a single solution player that has good and *FUNCTIONAL* skins. That is the problem with Winamp, which I paid for. Most of thise skins are either so hard to read ot use so many resources it's not worth it. I found a WMP11 skin for it that is great but it's HUGE and not resizable.

After all sorts of tests, quality wise they all are close, WMP11 w/the AC3 filter seems to be the best for me even though the skins available suck. can anyone suggest a good selection of skins I may have missed?

Oh, also I still have Winamp install just in case, as I said I paid for it so I may as well use it if I need to.

Thanks again to you all!!

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What is so good about JetAudio and having surround sound?

I currently use Winamp for audio and it is alright. Sometimes it is a bit of a hog on memory and CPU but that is probably due to the skin I am using.


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VLC for video, only to forget about codec's

MediaMonkey 3.0 for audio listening and management. It's the best program I could find in the net. Better library management than Windows Media Player (more control over it). Also syncs with my Creative Zen Vision:M

Windows Photo Gallery to manage and look at my personal photo collection. Dropped Picasa to try M$ alternative. I'm finding it a little better for now.

TwonkyMedia running on a NAS as network streaming server. This way i can play all my music and look at my photos on the XBOX360 and PS3 (and also on the other computers of my home using Vista's WMP11). As there's a copy of all on my NAS, serves as a Backup and I don't need to have my PC running :)

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VLC for video, only to forget about codec's

MediaMonkey 3.0 for audio listening and management. It's the best program I could find in the net. Better library management than Windows Media Player (more control over it). Also syncs with my Creative Zen Vision:M

Windows Photo Gallery to manage and look at my personal photo collection. Dropped Picasa to try M$ alternative. I'm finding it a little better for now.

TwonkyMedia running on a NAS as network streaming server. This way i can play all my music and look at my photos on the XBOX360 and PS3 (and also on the other computers of my home using Vista's WMP11). As there's a copy of all on my NAS, serves as a Backup and I don't need to have my PC running :)

sorry what has windows photo gallery better then picasa?

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Hi old chap!

I suggest VLC Media Player for videos and Foobar2000 for audio.

I can't understand all these people who want a media player with great graphics and skins though, it's not like you spend a lot of time looking at them, right? :s You're either more so interested in looking at the video itself or listening to the music!

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sorry what has windows photo gallery better then picasa?

Actually, it does everything that Picasa does (that I need) and It comes with operating system without the need to install an adittional program.

In my computer is less slugish than Picasa.

It doesn't create "picasa.ini" in every folder and the "original" folder.

Tagging stores the tags in the photo itself as XMP (maintaining them in case of reinstall <- I have to verify this), it fustrating after a system crash, losing all the categorization you made in Picasa.

I really like the way it categorises the fotos, more clear and easy to understand: all, recently added, by tags, by date, by rating or by folder (all at one click access, no need to go trough menus to show this view options)

Maybe Picasa wins on photoedit features, but I prefer to use Photoshop in case I need to edit something.

Easier to use for the rest of my family on their PC's.

The only thing I miss for now is the Histogram that apears in Picasa ;)

I'm always looking for a better program. At this moment in my computer I'm also using XnView (mainly as image viewing program) but if they enhance the interface I may switch as it's more powerful. But for now, to look trough my photos I'll stay with WLG over Picasa ;)

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