Gay football World Cup kicks off

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The gay World Cup has kicked off in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, showcasing more than 500 footballers from 28 countries.

Teams from North and South America, Europe and Australia are competing. Some take football very seriously and some just want to have fun.

There are a lot of games crammed into a week of football with six matches at a time being played at Sarmiento Park.

It is the first time the cup has been held in Latin America.

The slogan of the Mexican team perhaps best sums up the spirit of the gay football world cup - "the ball is round for everyone". :huh:

The referees, many of them women, suffer the same level of abuse as their colleagues in the professional leagues.

At the venue flags from the countries represented are draped around the perimeter fence.

The Chileans wave a huge national flag, the Sydney Rangers wave an inflatable yellow kangaroo and the Leftfooters from London have a small contingent of beer-drinking fans with them.

Eric Armanazi is manager and goalkeeper for the current gay world champions, London-based Stonewall FC.

He asked: "Why gay football? Why gay anything? It's a fun event aimed at gay people from all over the world.

"I don't think there's difficulties now compared to 10 or 15 years ago, from the stories I hear.

"I certainly haven't encountered what I would call open, mass homophobia. Yes, out of order behaviour - that should be punished more than it is by referees."

This is the first time the gay World Cup has been played in Latin America and it is enjoying the support of the Argentine Football Association - something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.

But Buenos Aires is fast earning a reputation as a gay-friendly city and its love for football is second to none.

Jim, from the New York Ramblers, said gay football had attracted a lot of support in his home city.

"In New York people are very accepting of us and we actually play in several straight leagues where for the most part people know what we're about and they understand.

"Actually a lot of times when we say that we're this gay team, they actually think it's cool in New York - like, wow, there's even a gay team."

The president of the International Gay and Lesbian Football Association, Tomas Gomez, was keen to counteract the stereotyped view that gay football is somehow less aggressive than straight football.

"We gays are also very macho," he said.

"Gays have been playing football for a very long time. Gay people play soccer, play basketball, swimming, so this is nothing new for us."

Also built into the week-long tournament are discussions on homophobia in football and a number of parties.

Player and press accreditation was done in a restaurant while the closing ceremony will take place in a nightclub.


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Since when are gay football players not allowed in the "other" World Cup?

Exactly. This is another pointless endeavour which will bring resentment from some hetrosexuals as you could never have a "straight" World Cup. Homosexuals are people - they are not some separate entity that needs different treatment.

I hate how the media makes this a big deal, the way its worded seems as if it's a new thing and a big WOW.

Yes it's new that its in latin america this year, but do we need this worded "We gays are also very macho" and "Actually a lot of times when we say that we're this gay team, they actually think it's cool in New York - like, wow, there's even a gay team."

As a gay guy, I don't think that was needed. And of course New York has a gay team, lol.. it's New York!

People protray gay people to certain things they see on tv, but I can assure you, you'd think I'm str8 if u met me ;)

So you are saying you're a hermaprodite? :)

Sorry, i cannot claim that status.

As you can see from the Wikki defn...

A hermaphrodite is an organism that possesses both male and female sex organs.[1] In many species, hermaphroditism is a common part of the life-cycle, particularly in some asexual animals and some plants. Hermaphroditism is sometimes considered sexual reproduction, not asexual reproduction. Generally, hermaphroditism occurs in the invertebrates. In human form they are only found lurking around the towns and nightclubs of Devon UK.
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