Hamachi on Vista

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I'm having trouble getting Hamachi to work on Vista -- I'm able to get online and join networks and view peers, but when it comes to gaming, I can only host games, not join them. Any active games are not detected.

I'm not new to Hamachi; I used it a lot on Windows XP and it worked fine (for gaming or otherwise). This Vista upgrade is giving me a lot of headaches though (upgraded just 3 days ago).

As in XP, here is what I've tried so far:

1) forwarded ports in my router for Hamachi and any applications or games (which was already done from when I was using XP)

2) completely disabled Windows firewall -- I entered administrative options and disabled the firewall in 3 places (domain, and for private and public networks) as well as in the security center (so that's 4 places).

3) forwarded the same ports that in my router for the Windows firewall (even though it's disabled) out of desperation.

4) Set the Hamachi network connection to the 'private' status in Windows.

5) for #4, ensured that file sharing was enabled too.

5) installed Hamachi instead of the latest, since it's supposedly stable and fully compatible with Vista.

6) in the Hamachi program options, unchecked the box that says 'block vulnerable Windows services'.

I have no anti-virus programs installed. Peer-to-peer programs (like Azureus) work fine, and did so even before I disabled the firewall (though I opened ports for them), which made me think that Hamachi might be the problem, so I also tried installing versions,, and still, no dice.

I'm totally out of ideas for now, not mention severely frustrated and forced to projectile vomit when anyone says 'Hamachi' , so any help would be really appreciated.

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run this program as administrator and try.

I tried, but logging in as administrator requires Hamachi to obtain a new network address (which means a new, blank account). Most of the networks I'm a member of are full, so I can't rejoin them under this new account, and so I can't test.

But say for instance that everything worked under the admin account; which permissions do you think I would need to enable in the user account?

I had the problem in C&C3, I think the solution I found was changing my name to the name of my PC, for example Rich_PC :)


Doesn't work for the game I'm playing (CoH) unfortunately. Thx anyway.

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I'm having trouble getting Hamachi to work on Vista -- I'm able to get online and join networks and view peers, but when it comes to gaming, I can only host games, not join them. Any active games are not detected.

I'm not new to Hamachi; I used it a lot on Windows XP and it worked fine (for gaming or otherwise). This Vista upgrade is giving me a lot of headaches though (upgraded just 3 days ago).

As in XP, here is what I've tried so far:

1) forwarded ports in my router for Hamachi and any applications or games (which was already done from when I was using XP)


Hamachi is a tunneling application it creates a virtual interface which then tunnels the data accros a port picked by the mediation server and a route is setup though the NATS there is NO reason to forward any ports whatsoever the whole point of hamachi is that it creates a TUNNEL between you and the other people in your network having the ports open for the games will do nothing because the data will be sent down the TUNNEL anyways.

Its probably that either the games are looking at the wrong interface (i.e seeing the real NIC instead of the Hamchi virtual one) some games you can select the network card they look at in their options

OR some lan games only let you connect to people on the same class C subnet as you so you may need to create aliases at your end to allow ither peoples games to see you.

Also directplay is missing from vista you need to download the direct9 SDK webinstaller if you haven't already.

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there is NO reason to forward any ports whatsoever the whole point of hamachi is that it creates a TUNNEL

Hamachi uses UDP 49270 for tunneling, which has to be opened in software or hardware firewalls.

Its probably that either the games are looking at the wrong interface (i.e seeing the real NIC instead of the Hamchi virtual one) some games you can select the network card they look at in their options

There are no game options or entries in config files that can be changed to select the NIC. In any case, this most likely isn't the issue, as I had the same problem in XP (could host but not join) which was resolved by opening the right port, only it doesn't seem to be working in Vista.

OR some lan games only let you connect to people on the same class C subnet as you so you may need to create aliases at your end to allow ither peoples games to see you.

Not the case for Company of Heroes on Hamachi.

Also directplay is missing from vista you need to download the direct9 SDK webinstaller if you haven't already.

What does direcplay do on the network level?

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Also directplay is missing from vista you need to download the direct9 SDK webinstaller if you haven't already.

I checked it out and installed it, but it didn't help unfortunately.

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Hamachi uses UDP 49270 for tunneling, which has to be opened in software or hardware firewalls.

There are no game options or entries in config files that can be changed to select the NIC. In any case, this most likely isn't the issue, as I had the same problem in XP (could host but not join) which was resolved by opening the right port, only it doesn't seem to be working in Vista.

Not the case for Company of Heroes on Hamachi.

What does direcplay do on the network level?

Depends on the firewall, I thought the mediation server was supposed to choose the port, My routers firewall isn't setup to block outgoing traffic so I dont need to do that, I was wrong about the port sorry/

Some games let you select the NIC but there are few and far between.

Directplay is used by certian games for their online mode, perticually Microsoft ones I know vista has problems with freelancer not connecting to any servers.

Actually a thought apprently thats down to certian antivirus programs traffic filtering drivers screwing up vistas networking (google Freelancer vista) It could be a simular problem your having.

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  • 1 year later...
Hamachi does not work properly on vista.

I suggest you use tunngle. There is an english tutorial here. This will end your troubles.

Hmm Hamachi works fine here...

Never heard of tunngle? Might give it a shot though

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"Hamachi does not work properly on vista."

Nonsense it works and is fully supported on Vista.

Hamachi is currently available for Windows 2000, XP, 2003, and Vista. Console versions of Hamachi are also available for Linux and OS X.

Freaking 1 post wonder linking to what?? "kissmyrank.2kool4u.net/station/index.php?topic=4

yeah no thanks ;)

If your interested in tunngle the website is here - I am quite sure they have documentation on it there ;)


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Hammie works wonders under vista AND windows 7 as i use it alot myself for online games that are dodgy IE GRID and DIRT

i had the same issue as you until i unticked the 'disable acces to vunerable windows services' and a few other little tweeks which i did

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