Rumor: Microsoft Payoff = No PS3 Bioshock

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there's only one good place to play games and that's on a PC where games are ment to be played screw 360 and PS3

ok, well you restrict your enjoyment, cause thats all your doing.

let us gamers do what we do best. play games.

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there's only one good place to play games and that's on a PC where games are ment to be played screw 360 and PS3

So you're saying a devicedesigned to do primarily office work along with pretty much everything else, is a better gamign machine than a dedicated console designed for playing games on....

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I thought this is what an exclusive deal was, you know, paying a company to get a game on your console, exclusively...

Though I would feel better about it all if Microsoft wasn't the giant bank it comes off as being. :p

I remember a preview of Biosock appear in some Playstation Magazine at some point, and bits and bobs over the web about it being multi-platform, wasn't it only at the X06 event thing that it was announced to be Xbox360 exclusive.

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And let's also not forget: Microsoft are scum ;)

that's very kind of you! I work at Microsoft and I don't consider myself "scum". :rolleyes:

That's still technically on a Microsoft product. Same with Gears of War, Lost Planet, and others that have been on 360 and PC.

But when 2K Games debunked the "coming out on Playstation" rumor shortly after release, they actually said "we have a special deal with Microsoft to keep this game exclusive".

So this is nothing new, and not that big of a deal. I wouldn't be suprised if Sony paid for the exclusivity of Haze, or timed exclusivity of UT2K7. And you better bet that the checkbook has been opened for MGS4 and FF13.

that is correct, the deal was to make Bioshock PC/360 exclusive since the very beginning to promote them together (just take a look at the TV ads). whatever else not officially commented by 2K is just... trash. :happy: :yes:

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Good stuff imo. As much as I like to see multiplatform games, I also like to have exclusives which make buying the console worth itself. Same goes for a few of the PS3 exclusives, I wouldn't like to see them on the Wii or 360 either.

Why would the consumer care? As long as you keep getting the games, being concerned about whether a game is exclusive or not falls to much into the "my-console-is-better-that-yours" fanboy side :pinch:

Your console is only worth if you have fun with it, exclusives or not.

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Why are you blaming Ms for this anyway? The money didn't have to be acepted.


Cute, but these days developers are keen on taking the path that will get them the most cash.

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Cute, but these days developers are keen on taking the path that will get them the most cash.

The path leading to the most cash would be signing with MS for Bioshock and then realeasing Bioshake for the PS3, in a "sure-we-will-give-you-a-percentage-of-every-mosaic-license" sort of deal :p

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