Crysis Single Player Demo Released!

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Had to add these pics in... Game runs pretty good, but once I put everything on HIGH.... a strange "cloud in a box" seems to flash on my screen when I run around..

However, I do enjoy how well they are putting games together these days.

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Had to add these pics in... Game runs pretty good, but once I put everything on HIGH.... a strange "cloud in a box" seems to flash on my screen when I run around..

However, I do enjoy how well they are putting games together these days.

even better yet! 49 FPS! ? what drivers are you using and all your settings please :D ?

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Two words. No impressed.

1. Recommended settings (High) game runs too slow - Processing on low. Shadows on low. Res: 1680x1050 on C2D E6600 / 8800GTS OC 640MB.

2. Mouse response even when 75% on highest setting is just too slow.

3. Graphics are great.

4. Suit control just doesn't seem to work for me. I press the middle mouse button, turn wheel - nothing happens.

5. Even on the Easiest level - the AI is too clever / difficult.

I think I'm right on the verge of thinking this game should be released in 12 months time when we all have 3GHz+ C2D and Nvidia 9800 OC Video Cards.


Cevat Yerli, you've lost 1 customer.

Edited by Frothy
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dang! /me scared of downloading this... It's supposed to be optimized for multicore, yet i've seen Core 2 duos and core 2 quads get almost the same FPS :s having a GTS or GTX and the same amount of ram ( 2-4GB)... I Guess all the multi-core optimization was mostly hype since the game seems to be more video limited than core limited...

This game is definitely GPU limited above all else.

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Hmm, it runs great on my system everything set to high, 1680x1050 as long as AA is disabled. A little slow (~25-30fps) with post processing on high.


2 GB ram

8800 GTS

All stock.

I was expecting it to run like a dog from all the complaints. *shrug*

u lucky sob..i got the same specs lol..are u running vista?

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Graphically, the game demo runs smoothly on my computer; however, it's the audio that is glitchy. At times, the sounds FX aren't in sync (I'll hear "cloak" about 10 seconds after I switch the suit to cloak, for example), the sound craps out and starts stuttering (endless repeating gun or someone's voice). Anyone else having this issue?

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Downloaded it, runs like crap. I feel sorta empty...This whole time I've been hearing specs like mine would run this game fine on high, I can't even get a decent frame rate on medium. And I don't know about everyone else, but I don't really enjoy games knowing the visuals aren't up as high as they can go. I feel like I'm not getting everything. I won't be getting this game unfortunately, found it quite a bit of a let down. Never fear though, Orange Box is great.

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I have 8800 GTX and never expected to be able to run this on full, I've heard more than once that the "current gen" would not be able to, let alone lesser spec cards. Perhaps the G92 will be able to though.

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Two words. No impressed.

1. Recommended settings (High) game runs too slow - Processing on low. Shadows on low. Res: 1680x1050 on C2D E6600 / 8800GTS OC 640MB.

2. Mouse response even when 75% on highest setting is just too slow.

3. Graphics are great.

4. Suit control just doesn't seem to work for me. I press the middle mouse button, turn wheel - nothing happens.

5. Even on the Easiest level - the AI is too clever / difficult.

I think I'm right on the verge of thinking this game should be released in 12 months time when we all have 3GHz+ C2D and Nvidia 9800 OC Video Cards.


Cevat Yerli, you've lost 1 customer.

can press C to customize weapon without mouse or V to access the suit controls

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Wow Frothy. Its an intensive game. I no its too demanding, and i too am disapointed that it doesnt run well in my system.

But the beta ran like crap, the DEMO runs a **** load better, and im sure the game + good new nvidia drivers wil run it well. ITS THE FIRST DAY THE DEMO IS OUT AND EVERYBODY IS CRYING.

Just think before you make irrational decisions.

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I just got my new system assembled and gave Crysis demo a spin. This is my first time in recent years using a dual display setup. I find in the game menu options the standard 4:3 resolutions (1600x1200, etc.) and dual widescreen resolutions (2560x960, 3360x1050) but no single widescreen resolutions (1680x1050). I picked the 2560x960 just to give the game a spin and found it playable while a bit laggy during shooting but all to expected at a high resolution with a 7900GS 256MB card. I had the same problems with available resolutions after installing Stalker: Chernobyl. Do I have to manually change my monitor mode off of horizontal span to dual view if I want to game with single monitors? Dual widescreen mode wouldn't be so bad if the cursor wasn't dead center of the screen, if I could move it say 40 pixels to the right monitor for my dominate eye it would be quite fun.

Super widescreen screenshot:


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Nope, they're completely different engines.

Maybe they should have used the Unreal 3 engine. Would have looked as good and run smoother.

Downloaded it, runs like crap. I feel sorta empty...This whole time I've been hearing specs like mine would run this game fine on high, I can't even get a decent frame rate on medium. And I don't know about everyone else, but I don't really enjoy games knowing the visuals aren't up as high as they can go. I feel like I'm not getting everything. I won't be getting this game unfortunately, found it quite a bit of a let down. Never fear though, Orange Box is great.

I feel exactly the same.

I joined the inCrysis forums months ago, posted my specs and was told Crysis would run on "High Settings" without a hitch. It's exactly the opposite of what I'm seeing, the frame rate is too slow, the sound stutters. (N)

No f'n way I'm spending extra money on my pc just for this game.

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Man! Stellar game!

I played in the beta and didn't find it that fun, but the single player demo is totally rocking! Love the graphics, love the setting, love the mechanics, love the AI, and believe me...I didn't think I would say all these about Crysis after the let down that I call beta.

I loved the part where you first discovered Aztec's corpse, and the blood dripping down the tree with motion blur was just orgasmic.

Now off to beat the demo on the highest difficulty w/o killing anybody!

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hmmm, i dont have the demo yet, but im finding it kinda strange that you guys are pushing resolutions which are higher than my monitor can do, yet you have slower graphics cards than i do... i have a 8800 ultra, and my monitor goes up to 1280x1024... usually i keep it down at 1024x768 just so it keeps running smoothly during heavy firefights, no AA , and like 4x AF, but otherwise max settings in game...

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This game is borderline epic...

The graphics are something else. I'm really disappointed that the post-processing really degrades the playability, even with an 8800GTS under the hood. The AI is super smart and it actually takes some skill to take them down, even at close range.

Anyone else wonder why your teammates were equipping their flashlight onto their SCAR? That was the first thing I took off my rifle. It's like holding up a big sign saying 'Hey I'm over here!'.

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I just bought a new PC over $1000 and seeing that Crysis hardly maintains a framerate of 30 on medium is very disappointing. We will wait for an updated driver or the final version of the game.

I refused to play the demo let alone game on settings other than medium or lower.

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I just bought a new PC over $1000 and seeing that Crysis hardly maintains a framerate of 30 on medium is very disappointing. We will wait for an updated driver or the final version of the game.

I refused to play the demo let alone game on settings other than medium or lower.

One things that's hard with diving into the unknown, might hit rocks on the way down or at the bottom :p

give crysis time like far cry it's performance will get better with patches and drivers etc.

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