Crysis Single Player Demo Released!

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Dang, that surprises me. I'd expect it to be in single frames.

It was playable on low on my laptop, but I'd think I'd need more RAM due to the video card sharing RAM for it to run smooth.

Here's my spec:

P4 3.20GHz w/ HT on Windows XP

1GB of RAM

I was surprised too! :o

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Two words. No impressed.

1. Recommended settings (High) game runs too slow - Processing on low. Shadows on low. Res: 1680x1050 on C2D E6600 / 8800GTS OC 640MB.

2. Mouse response even when 75% on highest setting is just too slow.

3. Graphics are great.

4. Suit control just doesn't seem to work for me. I press the middle mouse button, turn wheel - nothing happens.

5. Even on the Easiest level - the AI is too clever / difficult.

I think I'm right on the verge of thinking this game should be released in 12 months time when we all have 3GHz+ C2D and Nvidia 9800 OC Video Cards.


Cevat Yerli, you've lost 1 customer.

My middle mouse button doesn't work either, but it usually doesn't in games (I have a Logitech MX900 Bluetooth mouse). This is the keyboard arrangment that I used: Q - Suit Options, E - Use/Action, R - Reload, F - Weapon Melee Attack, Z - Prone, X - Change Ammo Type, C - Gun Options, V - Night Vision, G - Throw Grenade.

This game is borderline epic...

The graphics are something else. I'm really disappointed that the post-processing really degrades the playability, even with an 8800GTS under the hood. The AI is super smart and it actually takes some skill to take them down, even at close range.

Anyone else wonder why your teammates were equipping their flashlight onto their SCAR? That was the first thing I took off my rifle. It's like holding up a big sign saying 'Hey I'm over here!'.

That was the first thing I said! I was like, "What the hell guys? I thought you just got done saying that this is a covert operation?!"

Anyone else having issues with stuttering sound?
Yup, it tends to occasionally stutter every so often, i dunno why tho :s

I actually have my sound setting on high, and I have no problems at all. I didn't think that Crysis took advantage of hardware sound processing, but my Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS card is the only reason I can think of why I could play it at such a setting. By the way, the music and sound effects in Crysis are just amazing. I can't wait to get the soundtrack with the Special Edition version of the game, and I am honestly hearing things like "cloak engaged" and "maximum speed" in my sleep!

And for anyone here that wants a challenge, try playing through the demo on Delta mode and using only the tranquilizer darts. It is extremely difficult, but when you come to the end you will have a huge sense of accomplishment knowing that you didn't take any innocent North Korean lives. :laugh:

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2 Questions

1. I have a vista partition and an xp one, does this demo support DX10, or would it just be the same for both.

2. When I went to the video settings first thing and it put everything on medium right off the bat and I can't choose very high. I have an 8800GTX and an Intel Q6600 non-overclocked 2.4ghz, I've been thinking of OC'ing it, but you guys think the processor is not letting me choose very high?

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woohoo finally i got it to work properly... im using the dx10 mode with x64bit version. running at 1360*768 res with 2xAA and every other setting on full- even post processing option (for blur/haze candy :D ).

i'me getting very good fps too around 40-45, but drops to below 30 on extreme fighting scenes.

all on a q6600 @ 3.0ghz, 8800gtx oc2, 4gb ram. x64 vista.

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Hey guys I just found out something and everybody please read.

The Crysis Pre-Release Demo only uses one, yes one core so it isn't optimize for dual core yet

I have done a check for myself also, hopefully when they release a fix for it a extra 10-30FPS would be nice :D.

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^hmmm...that may be true actually, because when im running crysis in window mode and have speedfan in the background, only one of my cores is heating up (Q6600)

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Hey guys I just found out something and everybody please read.

The Crysis Pre-Release Demo only uses one, yes one core so it isn't optimize for dual core yet

I have done a check for myself also, hopefully when they release a fix for it a extra 10-30FPS would be nice :D.

Oh well, I needed an upgrade anyway :p

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Hey guys I just found out something and everybody please read.

The Crysis Pre-Release Demo only uses one, yes one core so it isn't optimize for dual core yet

I have done a check for myself also, hopefully when they release a fix for it a extra 10-30FPS would be nice :D.

Where'd you see/find that out? I've been reading that it supports multiple cores (yes, the demo)... unless I was mixing it up with something else.

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Benchmarks with the 8800GT!




Hey, where are the people with the 8500GT? :whistle:

WOOT my 8600GT only gets 20 fps. Kinda sad for it being an 8 series mid range card. My E6420 is starting to feel sad for it.

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Hey guys I just found out something and everybody please read.

The Crysis Pre-Release Demo only uses one, yes one core so it isn't optimize for dual core yet

I have done a check for myself also, hopefully when they release a fix for it a extra 10-30FPS would be nice :D .

I'd happily agree with that, CPU usage on Crysis was maxed at 25% (which is 100% utilisation on one core of four). Wonder why they haven't put in the multicore stuff yet, they said the demo performance would be very close to the full game. Which is odd, because you'd think an extra three cores would make something of a difference, especially with the physics calculations.

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WOOT my 8600GT only gets 20 fps. Kinda sad for it being an 8 series mid range card. My E6420 is starting to feel sad for it.

well you say that but i swear im getting more than 20FPS on my 8600gt on medium with 1gb of ram on xp wiht a E6320, more like 30FPS. may just have to get out fraps and check! Both the multiplayer beta and single player demo play fine on my setup, im plesantly suprised!

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well you say that but i swear im getting more than 20FPS on my 8600gt on medium with 1gb of ram on xp wiht a E6320, more like 30FPS. may just have to get out fraps and check! Both the multiplayer beta and single player demo play fine on my setup, im plesantly suprised!

Well I was going by the chart. It ran horrible on medium with post processing off. I had to turn everything down to low to get a good fps going.

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you can disable that in the nvidia control panel

under the 3D Settings menu, disable Show SLI visual indicators

Where abouts is that, i dont see it anywhere :(

EDIT: Ive found it but the screen still flickers with SLi on but its fine with it off :s

Ok new beta drivers seems to have fixed it :p

Edited by jbrunt1990
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even better yet! 49 FPS! ? what drivers are you using and all your settings please :D ?

Sorry for the delayed reply...

My settings are as follows 1280x1024 everything on Medium... Nvidia 8800GTS Superclocked 320Mb set to Balanced. 169.01 drivers using the "Ultra clean install method"

What that means is that prior to installing the beta 169's I used DriverCleaner to wipe out the drivers and then went into Device Manager and Uninstalled the card... rebooted then installed the 169's and then rebooted to a clean set of drivers. NEVER NEVER NEVER install drivers on top of each other... XP thinks it's smarter than you.

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Anyone tried these beta drivers for 32bit XP?

Without them I get invisible maps... things that are shaded or with lighting... it messes up and glitches pretty bad... they do run faster than other drivers though...

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Hey guys I just found out something and everybody please read.

The Crysis Pre-Release Demo only uses one, yes one core so it isn't optimize for dual core yet

I have done a check for myself also, hopefully when they release a fix for it a extra 10-30FPS would be nice :D.

So is there a link / any official word about this? I think it's pretty poor of Crytek/EA to do that if its true.

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I just looked at task manager, and if that's any indication, it is most definitely multicore supported. Both my cores on my laptop were being utilized to nearly a full extent.

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I was having some lag/stuttering sound problems but they went away after I realized my Vista installation only saw one core (ACPI problem), so I'm guessing Crysis needs multicore to work properly.

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I was having some lag/stuttering sound problems but they went away after I realized my Vista installation only saw one core (ACPI problem), so I'm guessing Crysis needs multicore to work properly.

It seems others in this topic may have that problem.

I've never had it myself so I wouldn't know how to fix it, but could you show us so we know? :)

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You can check if all your cores are working by going to task manager (ctrl+shift+esc) > performance. Ther should be two+ graphs under CPU usage history. If you have a multicore processor and you only see one graph, then you're not using the right hal.dll. This can only be fixed from outside Windows (ie. a different Windows installation with access to the hard drive or a boot disk that supports writing to NTFS).

In C:\Windows\System32, delete the existing hal.dll, make a copy of halmacpi.dll, and rename it to hal.dll. If you need to restore the single-core one, it's halacpi.dll.

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Btw guys.

A mutli-core application has to be coded from the ground up. It's not something they just decide to patch on after the demo. If there's no multi-core now there's a good chance it wont be in the retail version either.

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