Sharing Service Won't Start

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I'm trying to access my shared music via my Xbox 360. Up until yesterday I was able to do this without issue. Then my surge protector freaked and killed power, messed with my wireless card and I had to reseat it to get the computer to recognize it again. That's fixed and I can connect to the wireless network without issue now.

The problem is, whenever I hit the "Change" button in the Network and Sharing Center under Media Sharing, it says that the service either hasn't started or the firewall has been changed and that confirming the settings will enable it. I confirm the settings (OK button), the window closes, and nothing has changed. If I go in to configure the settings again the whole process repeats without change.

I read somewhere that I need the "Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service" running which makes complete sense. Services has it listed as not running. Trying to start the service yields "The Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by services or programs." about 1/4 of the way through the progress bar of starting up.

Should probably mention I'm running Vista Business 32 bit.

The firewall is setup just fine, all the settings for sharing are as they were before the wireless card hiccup...are there any other ways to go about starting up the sharing service? Or anything else I can do to fix this?


Edited by Reflexion
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  • 2 weeks later...
  Reflexion said:
I'm trying to access my shared music via my Xbox 360. Up until yesterday I was able to do this without issue. Then my surge protector freaked and killed power, messed with my wireless card and I had to reseat it to get the computer to recognize it again. That's fixed and I can connect to the wireless network without issue now.

The problem is, whenever I hit the "Change" button in the Network and Sharing Center under Media Sharing, it says that the service either hasn't started or the firewall has been changed and that confirming the settings will enable it. I confirm the settings (OK button), the window closes, and nothing has changed. If I go in to configure the settings again the whole process repeats without change.

I read somewhere that I need the "Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service" running which makes complete sense. Services has it listed as not running. Trying to start the service yields "The Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by services or programs." about 1/4 of the way through the progress bar of starting up.

Should probably mention I'm running Vista Business 32 bit.

The firewall is setup just fine, all the settings for sharing are as they were before the wireless card hiccup...are there any other ways to go about starting up the sharing service? Or anything else I can do to fix this?



I'm having the same issue. I was curious about something. Did you ever have to modify anything software wise because your network icon in the taskbar would come up with a X as if it was disabled even though it worked fine? If you moused over you would get a "Sever execution Error" instead of the Currently connected to....

I ask because I did have that error and had to do a work around to fix that issue. I'm thinking they might be related.

K Rock

  KellyGomes said:

I'm having the same issue. I was curious about something. Did you ever have to modify anything software wise because your network icon in the taskbar would come up with a X as if it was disabled even though it worked fine? If you moused over you would get a "Sever execution Error" instead of the Currently connected to....

I ask because I did have that error and had to do a work around to fix that issue. I'm thinking they might be related.

K Rock

Fixed the Problem. My findings are listed below.


Wow, finally was able to fix it. :)

It actually fixed a bunch of issues. If you ever got that "Server Execution Failed" message this will fixed that as well.

It fixes the problem where vista will not share with other devices. (IE: Xbox 360 or Media Center)

It fixed my backup problem where windows would crash when attempting backup (image) my hdd using the windows backup tool.

It also fixes the whole, when you go into system windows vista says your processor speed and ram is unavailable.

This is what I did.


No quotes obviously when typing in the command prompts.

1. At the command line, type "net stop winmgmt" . You may get a warning that other services need to be stopped as well; type Y and continue.

2. Open Explorer and go to the folder called %SystemRoot%\System32\WBEM\Repository.

3. Delete that folder and everything in it.

4. Reboot the system normally.

5. On the next login, open a command prompt and type the following command:

winmgmt /resyncperf

After type This into the command prompt:

net localgroup administrators NetworkService /ADD

It is quite possible that just typing

net localgroup administrators NetworkService /ADD

into the command prompt will fix the problem without doing the prior step. Since I did both of them and I have no way of knowing if one rely's on the other it's up to you.

Good luck and even though no one could help @ least the resolution is out.

Credit in Resolution: Ivan Brugiolo and Serdar Yegulalp.

K Rock

  • 1 month later...
  KellyGomes said:
Fixed the Problem. My findings are listed below.


Wow, finally was able to fix it. :)

It actually fixed a bunch of issues. If you ever got that "Server Execution Failed" message this will fixed that as well.

It fixes the problem where vista will not share with other devices. (IE: Xbox 360 or Media Center)

It fixed my backup problem where windows would crash when attempting backup (image) my hdd using the windows backup tool.

It also fixes the whole, when you go into system windows vista says your processor speed and ram is unavailable.

This is what I did.


No quotes obviously when typing in the command prompts.

1. At the command line, type "net stop winmgmt" . You may get a warning that other services need to be stopped as well; type Y and continue.

2. Open Explorer and go to the folder called %SystemRoot%\System32\WBEM\Repository.

3. Delete that folder and everything in it.

4. Reboot the system normally.

5. On the next login, open a command prompt and type the following command:

winmgmt /resyncperf

After type This into the command prompt:

net localgroup administrators NetworkService /ADD

It is quite possible that just typing

net localgroup administrators NetworkService /ADD

into the command prompt will fix the problem without doing the prior step. Since I did both of them and I have no way of knowing if one rely's on the other it's up to you.

Good luck and even though no one could help @ least the resolution is out.

Credit in Resolution: Ivan Brugiolo and Serdar Yegulalp.

K Rock

I had the exact same problem except I am running xp sp2. I typed in the command from the cmd prompt and it worked.

net localgroup administrators NetworkService /ADD

FYI The first step was not necessary.

Thx for the help

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