Spotlight's Secret Search Syntax

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Vista's search was better than the original implementation of Spotlight because it could act like an application launcher, among other things.

Spotlight worked as an application launcher in Tiger as well.

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Spotlight worked as an application launcher in Tiger as well.

An inefficient one. Spotlight was pig-slow and you had to press Command+Return to get the top hit.

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An inefficient one. Spotlight was pig-slow and you had to press Command+Return to get the top hit.

Well I can't comment on that - on a Mac Pro and a 2.4GHz Macbook it was quite fast.

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Well I can't comment on that - on a Mac Pro and a 2.4GHz Macbook it was quite fast.

On Mac OS X Leopard Spotlight became truly instant, up until v10.4.10 Tiger's Spotlight never was as fast as this. Maybe they've improved the speed in 10.4.11, I wouldn't know.

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So how does the "new and improved" Spotlight compare to the search functionality in Vista?

Windows Desktop Search (for Win XP) has included Advanced Query Syntax since the beginning I believe. You can also create queries in Vista such as

email from Tom about cats


music by Armand van Helden


documents modified yesterday

Immensely powerful.

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Spotlight worked as an application launcher in Tiger as well.

Read what I wrote earlier. It wasn't a true application launcher, it was very slow and you couldn't hit Return to open an application, you had to use the arrow keys first. Spotlight is much, much better in Leopard.

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Windows Desktop Search (for Win XP) has included Advanced Query Syntax since the beginning I believe. You can also create queries in Vista such as
email from Tom about cats


music by Armand van Helden


documents modified yesterday

Immensely powerful.

That's funny, because every time I search for something on a Windows machine (XP w/WDS and Vista), it can't manage to find a damn thing, and that's just a simple one word filename/subject+content search.

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That's funny, because every time I search for something on a Windows machine (XP w/WDS and Vista), it can't manage to find a damn thing, and that's just a simple one word filename/subject+content search.

It's working for me. I used examples that produced results on my machine.

I won't post screenshots because you guys don't need to see all the documents I worked on yesterday.

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because its plans to assasin steve jobs? ;)

no seriously, a screenshot would be nice, you could blurr things out or something...

would appreciate it.

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Here you go. I popped open Vista's search and typed in this line:

"email from Facebook about wall AND after 11/15/2007"

... which will retrieve all Facebook notifications sent to my Hotmail account about wall posts written after last Thursday.


Does Spotlight on Leopard have a natural language searching equivalent?

The only thing that is annoying about Vista's search is that it doesn't automatically switch to, for instance, the Email view; it initially is stuck at "All" which doesn't show anything.

That's funny, because every time I search for something on a Windows machine (XP w/WDS and Vista), it can't manage to find a damn thing, and that's just a simple one word filename/subject+content search.

I've had previous Vista installs where the search was completely broken, i.e. typing "Windows Mo" will select "Windows Movie Maker" but typing in "Windows Movie Make" will display nothing. I guess Microsoft probably patched the search engine a couple of times since then, as Search works just fine on my laptop.

Edited by rm20010
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cool stuff indeed, i still havent got leopard, havent got enough $$ as i need to make sure i have enough for leopard and a 250gb wd HDD as well as one external 500gb for time machine cause the 160 im using now is just too damn small.

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Read what I wrote earlier. It wasn't a true application launcher, it was very slow and you couldn't hit Return to open an application, you had to use the arrow keys first. Spotlight is much, much better in Leopard.

How hard was it to hit Cmd+Enter? Tiger's Spotlight was fast enough for me to use it as an app launcher on my PB. Leopard's shows results instantly initially but it still takes time to bring up all the results as it keeps searching the letters I've already inputed (it's laggy). That may not be apparent on an Intel Mac but it is on a slower PPC one. Also, it's only slow on keywords that are general like" Apple" but type in "Word" and it's very quick (and always has been for me).

Edited by QuarterSwede
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Does Spotlight on Leopard have a natural language searching equivalent?


It doesn't support the natural language searching (which is better IMO), but you can still make those searches.

kind:email from:facebook subject:wall date:>11/15/2007

That's the equivalent of your search (documents modified yesterday is a built in search though, shows up in the sidebar on a default install)

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The only thing that is annoying about Vista's search is that it doesn't automatically switch to, for instance, the Email view; it initially is stuck at "All" which doesn't show anything.

That's what I don't get about Windows Vista's search engine. Doesn't "All" imply show all results? :blink:

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