Judge Bans sex-offending Rocker from Stage

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WAUKESHA, Wis. ? A 21-year-old heavy-metal musician convicted of having sex with a 15-year-old was banned from playing in public for five years by a judge who said he used music to win the favor of underage girls.

Randall Shesto II of Waukesha, described in Internet postings as having performed with a band called Nailwounds, was convicted in June of second-degree sexual assault of a child. He had been accused of having a sexual encounter with an underage girl last December whom he met through MySpace.com.

He was also convicted this year of having sex with another 15-year-old girl.

Waukesha County Circuit Judge Ralph Ramirez sentenced Shesto to 2 1/2 years of prison and 2 1/2 years of extended supervision, but stayed the term and placed Shesto on probation for five years. He was also ordered to serve a year in jail ? including one month behind bars and 11 months on work release.

"You love your music," the judge told the defendant. "Your music has been the tool by which you have ingratiated your way into the lives of these girls. You may not play in a band in any public appearances during the term of your probationary period. I'm taking away from you the tools by which you worked your misdeeds, sir."

Shesto was ordered by Ramirez to register as a sex offender and told that, while he is on probation, he cannot have access to the Internet or a cell phone unless approved by his probation agent.


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That seems ridiculous. How is a musician meant to provide for themselves without the ability to play in public? They might as well have just locked him up for 5yrs.

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That seems ridiculous. How is a musician meant to provide for themselves without the ability to play in public? They might as well have just locked him up for 5yrs.

You seem ridiculous. He used his position as a musician to hookup with underage girls. This will make doing so somewhat harder for him and rightfully so. Maybe he should have thought about that amongst other things before making the decisions he's made. Now maybe he can use that keen intellect of his to procur a regular job in the meantime. I hear McDonald's is hiring, perhaps he's qualified.

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I'm all for punishing sex offender and all, but seriusly, the girl was fifteen, she knew full well what she as doing. sure she was young compared to him, but the world needs to move up to a point where they realize the 15 year olds aren't kids anymore.

they know what they do and they've probably had sex with people of their own age group for 2 years at least.

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I can't see this having even been a case here in the UK as 15 is only one year below the age of consent.

Yeah, it seems to be more lenient over here. 16 = You can have sex. 17 = You can drive. 18 = You can drink, vote and gamble.

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to be honest, most 15 year olds are mature enough to have sex. If she wanted it, liked it and didn't regret it, why convict. I will never understand this world

There are girls even younger that are physically capable of doing so. Sex and what surrounds it are not just physical. Not to mention the fact that if something were to happen such as one of them getting pregnant, they generally don't have the means to support themselves, much less a child. This is not to say that all of them aren't capable, but you have to draw the line somewhere. Otherwise you put the onus on the older or other party, and obviously in this case that other party is not quite up to task.

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Yeah, it seems to be more lenient over here. 16 = You can have sex. 17 = You can drive. 18 = You can drink, vote and gamble.

Actually I find it more worrying that peopel under 18 are allowed to driver cars in other places around the world, that far more dangerous than some teenage sex.

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Actually I find it more worrying that peopel under 18 are allowed to driver cars in other places around the world, that far more dangerous than some teenage sex.

It's not teenagers driving you should worry about. It's OAPs. I turn 17 in August, but I'm not one of those lot who cruise about with that bloody Ibiza music on their stereo at full volume. That's the only real thing you should worry about when it comes to teenagers driving. Yes, the government say that a teenage driver is 5 times more likely to crash than a regular driver, but an OAP is 3 times more likely to crash than a teenager, so that's 15 times more likely!

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It's not teenagers driving you should worry about. It's OAPs. I turn 17 in August, but I'm not one of those lot who cruise about with that bloody Ibiza music on their stereo at full volume. That's the only real thing you should worry about when it comes to teenagers driving. Yes, the government say that a teenage driver is 5 times more likely to crash than a regular driver, but an OAP is 3 times more likely to crash than a teenager, so that's 15 times more likely!

Actually the problem with teenage drivers aren't the ones with loud music, it's that they think they can drive. But their skill and reaction aren't deleoped and they won't be good drivers untill at least 25-27.

most dangerous drivers are young drivers and old. And that's in places where you need to be 18 and you are able to at leats mildly ocncentrate on something, 16 and 17... they shouldn't be let near a moped even.

but yeah, there should be sticter rules for health checks of drivers over 70 too.

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Well done... two things:

1. you don't abuse music to get laid, especially when it involves

2. underage children

He must be one sad mother****er

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