Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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Rebeka Montoya

Remember, the credits are your friend. :rofl:

Haha. Only the international clip had loaded for me and I didn't think I saw them there. I guess I'll pay closer attention next time :p. Thanks Draklin ;).

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It'll be funny if the "first hour" they show is the recap episode :)

That's exactly what it is and was noted months ago.

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That's exactly what it is and was noted months ago.

I understand that, I was responding to rappy who was noting that they are showing the first hour of season 3 at comic con. The recap episode may not actually be part of season 3. That's why I said it would be funny if the "first hour of season 3" was just them showing the recap episode.

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Ok, but you're making it sound like you know but then you don't know... because the "first hour of season 3" is a recap episode. :blink:

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Ok, but you're making it sound like you know but then you don't know... because the "first hour of season 3" is a recap episode. :blink:

They might mean the first actual hour of Season 3 and not the first hour of the marathon they have planned, I doubt they would get people to comic-con just to show them highlights from Season 2.

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Okay, you're not understanding what I'm saying, that may be my fault but let me try again.

I assume that a recap episode is not officially part of season/volume 3 as it provides no NEW story.

Now as for rappy's comment, "... first hour of Season 3 shown at Comic-Con".

Would that be the first hour of actual new story or would it just be the recap episode they plan on showing everyone on Sept 22?

Rappy, yeah, that's why I said it would be funny if they just showed the recap episode :)

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Those pics are just awesome! So there is a 2-hour premier in September with one-hour being a recap?

Yep :)

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i thought it was a 3-hour premiere with one hour recap and two new hours?

Yeah it is, I realised after I typed my reply to crazysah I got it wrong :p

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Hour 1 of Season 3 is on now!!!

Ryan hawaii Tim Kring is showing the premiere episode of Season 3, "Heroes." Peter running, Claire points a gun, Peter is "going back." In time? 5 minutes ago from mobile web
tvsquad Showing Heroes season 3 premiere. Starts 4 years in future. 6 minutes ago from Twittelator

Anything else I post will be behind tags! I felt that wasn't major spoilage!

Peter and Nathan in the hospital after Nathan was shot... Is Season Three "The Zombie Season"? Now... Masa Oki! Mr. Muggles! Sylar! Mohinder

George Takei! Well, with a DVD message for Hiro. A secret. A sacred duty. It's... "Don't open the safe." Gee, what happens next?

So... We have future Peter and present Peter. In case it's confusing, future Peter has a lightning bolt on his forehead. Kinda

Future peter is the shooter and Nathan wakes up in Hospital
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Sylar's first slice. "Are you going to eat it?" "Eat your brain? Claire, that's disgusting." Heh. Two immortals?
Hiro jumps to the future and is... shocked to learn something about Ando. Mohinder gives himself a power boost. Mama Petrelli's annoyed
Mohinder's closing monologue: "Surely the second coming is at hand." Then, he kicks ass. The end
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Knew that for a while now because it come sback with another few good shows aswell :D

Nice spoilers :woot:

Yeah I posted it here incase some people are late to the thread :p

Some Major Spoilers Regarding How Sylar Gets His Powers...


Sylar's found some files of villains at level 5. While he's distracted clare comes up behind him and stabs him in the chest. This doesn't phase him. He pins claire against a wall and cuts off the top of her head.


Sylar is rifling through Claire's brain, she's sill conscious and they're holding a conversation! Claire "What are you doing" Sylar "I'm looking for answers before I bleed to death" Claire "Are you going to eat my brain" Sylar "Claire, that's disgusting!"


Sylar finds her ability. Claire is still amazingly alive. He pulls the knife out of his chest. It begins to HEAL!


Claire apparently dies when he finds her abiliity. Sylar begins to walk out but sees the top of her head. He puts it back on her and she comes back!


Claire: "Aren't you going to kill me"

Sylar "You aren't like the others. You're different, you're special, I couldn't kill you even if I wanted to. You can never die. And now I guess, niether can I"

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Oh how I hate this thread <3

Thanks rappy :)

How about some more ;)

Some More Major Spoilers!

We're now with Nathan. Angela is now by his side! Angela talks to peter. Her ability is indeed the "Dreams" he used to have

Future Ando and Hiro have an argument. Future Ando strikes future Hiro down with a red energy blast! Ando has a power

"Life is funny, Isn't is Nathan."


Linderman healed Nathan. "We're meant to do great things. Great things, Nathan"

Linderman stands over Nathan. Niki looks as if she's plotting something. Theives find Mohiner lying on the ground and try to rob him at the harbor. Mohinder grabs their cutn and bends it backwards. Super Strength!

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