Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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Kristin from E! Online released her most recent video with some new scoops including a few for Heroes. As we know with the season titled Villains, Kristin confirmed that some of the "good" Heroes will be bad and some of the "bad" one will be good.

However, she did have a couple of new tidbits:

1) Future Claire works for The Company to help stop people with superpowers.

2) We will see two new characters that share Patrelli DNA. In her post she confirms that Arthur Patrelli is NOT one of the two.

Here is the Video!

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Heather in Bloomington, Ill. We've gotten some great Heroes scoop lately, but we haven't heard a word on David Anders' return. So can you throw us Anders fan a bone and give us something to chew on?

Sark is back! According to sources, your boy will be back in episode four. Yes, someone will dig up Adam Monroe, and yes, he will be annoyed. (You'd be cranky too if you'd been buried alive and hadn't been trained in coffin cracking like Ms. Beatrix Kiddo.) Also, James Kyson Lee (Ando) revealed: "The show really goes back to some of the fundamental relationships from season one that everyone really cared about and got excited about." In addition to the shocking and dramatic scene between Ando and Hiro in the first hour of the show, I'm hearing that we'll get back to their lighter side as well: Ando, Hiro and the Haitian have at least one scene together that should send you into giggle fits.

Francis: Wait a minute! In your Heroes post you mentioned that the Greatest American Hero, William Katt, is going to be on the new season. Is he playing a hero or a villain?

Believe it or not (sing it with me now!) he's, um, not walking on air. He'll play a villain of the worst kind: A...I hope you're sitting down for this..reporter. Actually, his character's name is "Reporter," and from what I hear, he has no special powers to speak of, other than his awesomely spherical 'do. In the second hour of the season premiere, we'll see Katt's character harassing Ali Larter's new character, Tracy Strauss, asking her about photos he found of her on lasvegasniki.com (back when Ali was Niki and Niki was a stripper). Tracy denies any connection, and my sense is, she honestly doesn't know of any.



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With several new set pictures, promos and promotional pictures for Season 3 of Heroes already released and no sign of Monica (or Micah) any where!? Many fans were questioning if we would see either character in the upcoming season?? Well today we finally get a confirmation right from Dana Davis who plays Monica on the show.

In an interview with the NY Post, Davis confirmed that she does indeed show up quite early in the season but not for too long. She also confirms with Monica not in the plans for Season 3 that creator Tim Kring did leave the door open for her to potentially return in the future.

PW: I loved Monica's power - the ability to mimic any behavior - whose was your favorite?

Dana: I am in love with Hiro's power, but mine was definitely the most fun. Like the other actors just close their eyes to demonstrate their powers, I got to run and jump and it was amazing.

PW: The last we saw Monica, she had caused Niki (Ali Larter) to "die," when does the season premiere pick up?

Dana: We pick up right there.

PW: Do you play a large part in season three?

Dana: Well, I would just say to fans of Monica's, I don't want to disappoint them, but her storyline wraps up fairly quickly.

PW: Why?

Dana: "Heroes" didn't get the same critical or fan acclaim in season two, so I think the creators felt a lot of pressure because the ratings dropped and it wasn't nominated for any Emmys. And with the strike, I feel like the writers had a lot of time to sit around and think. They wanted to come back really strong and go back to what the show was in season one - less drama, more action. And they took it in a different direction that didn't really include Monica.

PW: That's terrible, I thought there was a lot of potential there.

Dana: Yeah, me too. I loved the character and I love the power - but I totally understand and it makes a lot of sense knowing where the story goes.

PW: And heroes return all the time - it's a small superpowered world!

Dana: Absolutely! Tim Kring [creator] and I have talked about that, you never know when I'll show up again!


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Heroes Volume 4 has a name and its....

I come to you straight from a session at the Edinburgh TV Festival with Heroes creator Tim Kring, where he let slip the title of volume four.

And it is... drum roll.... 'Fugitives'!

The third season, beginning here and in the US at the end of next month, will comprise two volumes: the well-documented 'Villains', which will run to 13 episodes, then 'Fugitives', which will make up the remaining 12.

Check back in later for our exclusive interview with Mr Kring!

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Maya is hot. She wasn't the most annoying last season, anyway.

Oh but you're so wrong. She WAS the most annoying. Her role consisted of: crying, crying for Alejandro, crying some more, and oozing black crap out of her eyes. Seriously, Maya and her brother should not even be in the story. They wasted valuable time last season.

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HQ Season 2 Alternative Ending



Set Pictures for 2.05

In the set pics you can see the title to Episode 3x05 is Angels and Monsters. Additionally are pics of Nathan and Tracy together, Adam looking old, and some art paintings that could be of the future. Plus, Sylar will have a confrontation with Knox!!

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