Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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Which station were you watching?

NTV. I realize it's based in Newfoundland, but they still usually air shows at the same time as the EST stations.

you realize that they are showing 2 episodes back-to-back right? the second one is on right now

Yes, I know. I was expecting the Clip Show at 8, and then the two-hour opener at 9, but instead the station skipped it [or I just missed it] and aired the two episodes at 8 instead.

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Wow what a great two episodes. I actually forgot somehow about the second one airing right after the first so that was a pleasant surprise. There was actually more twists in these two episodes than there was all the last two seasons! I can't wait for next week; Chuck and Heroes in the same night. :p

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Man that was awesome, awesome, awesome. I have a theory about Tracey that seems to be to the same effect as Peter, that her whole multiple personality disorder hidden power thingy could be that her body has other people in the body. In the case of Peter, Peter is in total control, so it's a little different with Tracey, where now she can freeze things. Peter, on the other hand, apparently cannot use his powers, so things are really different. I'm not sure what's up with Nathan seeing Linderman, or how he miraculously survived since we didn't see anything happen to him that made him come back. Sylar getting Claire's ability was kind of odd. He knows how things work, and so he found the part of her brain that made her how she was and kind of just... touched it and suddenly had her ability. Not sure how that all works out, but whatever, at least we now know what he does. It was neat that Claire was the first person who's ability Sylar could steal without killing her, but him saying that she can't die... that doesn't correlate with a bullet in the head killing someone that could heal, a notion I really don't care for, nor does it line up with previous events (glass in the head, stick in the head).

It was great premier and I can't wait to see how this crazy season is going to go.

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Claire: Are you going to... eat my brain?

Sylar: ...That's disgusting, Claire.


That was kind of funny. I figured some stupid zombie reference was coming in but they pulled it off with a laugh out of me.

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I'm gonna have to ditto the what a jumbled mess comment.

Wasn't malcom mcdowel's character very dead with a big hole in his head? And now only nathan can see him? HUH ?

I can't even begin to figure out whats going on with nickys character.

And, we finalyy see HOW sylar takes peoples powers, and, uh, HUH?

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I'm gonna have to ditto the what a jumbled mess comment.

Wasn't malcom mcdowel's character very dead with a big hole in his head? And now only nathan can see him? HUH ?

I can't even begin to figure out whats going on with nickys character.

And, we finalyy see HOW sylar takes peoples powers, and, uh, HUH?

Some more thoughts too, I can't edit my first post.

The whole red carpet premiere party thing on before the actual new episode, was reallyyy lame.

I realized too that the season starts about exactly one day after the last one ended, well actually on the SAME day, nathan being shot. So keeping that in mind, wasn't nicky just working for the company just mere days before? And now shes totally off in a different place, with apparently a whole new personality, that also has a whole new different power? Talk about a stretch. And, didn't mohinder just say in this very episode that hes discovered that the powers come from something in the blood, and not from the brain? so how does syler steal powers from the brain, when mohinder just said they're in the blood? And now peter is stuck in someone elses body, who, according to a spoiler a page back in this thread, can "create black holes"? Thats such a stupid power for someone to have, unless he can also make them disappear after creating them, wouldn't a single black hole have the potential to destroy the entire world? Geee I wonder if they just pulled that story idea outta their butt when reading recent news bout the Hadron collider.

This isn't looking like its going to be a very good season if this is the story elements they're running with. This show has gotten really full of itself, and they're really just making it up as they go along now.

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Just watched the whole thing. They're making the same mistakes as with season 2 and I don't like it :(

I felt like I was watching an entirely different show.


The episode seemed to start right off were it left ... except for:

1. Season 2 ended with Noah going back home (weren't they moving?), saying that he had made a deal with the company. In season 3, he's locked up in that super high security thing, where all the other bad guys are.

2. Claire sees Nathan being shot on TV, supposedly on the same day in which sylar gets her and on the same day in which her dad has been both at home and at level 5 or whatever.

3. That leads to the question: how the hell did Sylar travel from NY to whatever the hell claire is now SO fast? Wasn't she in california or something like that? How did he know where to find her?

4. Whatever happened to Niki, Micah and Monica? Wasn't Niki DIAF-ing in some old factory after the lamest twist in heroes history?

5. And you could see Mamam Petrelli being Sylar's mother LIGHT YEARS away. At least I figured it out halfway through episode two. It wasn't a shocker, it was just another silly twist.

And the good things:

1. I love ELLE!!!!

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I think it was 1/2 mess, and 1/2 LOST cross over. They really screwed up when it came to continuity.

I'm gonna have to ditto the what a jumbled mess comment.

Wasn't malcom mcdowel's character very dead with a big hole in his head? And now only nathan can see him? HUH ?

I can't even begin to figure out whats going on with nickys character.

And, we finalyy see HOW sylar takes peoples powers, and, uh, HUH?

Some more thoughts too, I can't edit my first post.

The whole red carpet premiere party thing on before the actual new episode, was reallyyy lame.

I realized too that the season starts about exactly one day after the last one ended, well actually on the SAME day, nathan being shot. So keeping that in mind, wasn't nicky just working for the company just mere days before? And now shes totally off in a different place, with apparently a whole new personality, that also has a whole new different power? Talk about a stretch. And, didn't mohinder just say in this very episode that hes discovered that the powers come from something in the blood, and not from the brain? so how does syler steal powers from the brain, when mohinder just said they're in the blood? And now peter is stuck in someone elses body, who, according to a spoiler a page back in this thread, can "create black holes"? Thats such a stupid power for someone to have, unless he can also make them disappear after creating them, wouldn't a single black hole have the potential to destroy the entire world? Geee I wonder if they just pulled that story idea outta their butt when reading recent news bout the Hadron collider.

This isn't looking like its going to be a very good season if this is the story elements they're running with. This show has gotten really full of itself, and they're really just making it up as they go along now.

Mohinder said he thought it was in the blood, as his father thought, but in this episode he realized it wasn't. It was something related to the adrenal gland. Also said that each person was different, which is how I'm assuming they are trying to play off Nikki/Jesica/Sub Zero's abilities.

And I suppose since Sylar is looking at the brain... even if it's adrenaline related... the brain would control that. Maybe??

We can only hope in the next few episodes that it clears up how everyone got across the US in only a few hours.

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Serious continuity issues... REALLY?

That bad? Are you sure YOU not the one forgot what happened?

Argh Dammit, if they could Lower the price of Blu-ray of Season 2 to $30, I will buy it!

I really need to rewatch it!

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I realized too that the season starts about exactly one day after the last one ended, well actually on the SAME day, nathan being shot.

So keeping that in mind, wasn't nicky just working for the company just mere days before? And now shes totally off in a different place, with apparently a whole new personality, that also has a whole new different power?

Some people are thinking Stacy is a Clone, not Nicky herself

1. Season 2 ended with Noah going back home (weren't they moving?), saying that he had made a deal with the company. In season 3, he's locked up in that super high security thing, where all the other bad guys are.

Maybe the Deal is to have him Locked up?

2. Claire sees Nathan being shot on TV, supposedly on the same day in which sylar gets her and on the same day in which her dad has been both at home and at level 5 or whatever.

3. That leads to the question: how the hell did Sylar travel from NY to whatever the hell claire is now SO fast? Wasn't she in california or something like that? How did he know where to find her?

I think Claire was home the whole time! How Sylar travel SO fast? I thought he could fly just like Peter? Either case, that seem to be the case with Season 1/2 as well

4. Whatever happened to Niki, Micah and Monica? Wasn't Niki DIAF-ing in some old factory after the lamest twist in heroes history?

Monica will return. I hope she doesn't get killed though. Love me a Pretty black girl! ;)

5. And you could see Mamam Petrelli being Sylar's mother LIGHT YEARS away. At least I figured it out halfway through episode two. It wasn't a shocker, it was just another silly twist.


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lol, I am confused as to whether the series has started or is it just a preview?

Can't seem to find it anywhere to take a look, only the preview?

Started last night in the US. Two episodes were aired.

Not sure what the schedule is for the UK.

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Started last night in the US. Two episodes were aired.

Not sure what the schedule is for the UK.

It's been mentioned a few times now October 1st 9pm BBC 2

Heroes S03E03 Promo

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I specifically remember noah ending up in that cell at the end of season 2 yelling noooooo ro something like that.

I think this is pretty good. Shows that peter isnt a bad guy per se just really bad at trying to do the right thing.

I also like how they are handling claires character (its actually pretty realistic ). The only thing keeping her grounded is the fact that she can still feel pain even though it heals. That pain goes away then shell start doing what ever she wants because there wont be really any consequences to it.

I am interested in the african who found matt. I am guessing that formula is the same thing that mohinder found except a working version of it?

Are they hinting that putting the forumula in mohinders hamnds would be a Wrong person?

Did ando get his powers from the stuff mohinder developped?

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Wow, I didn't think it was possible to go from absolutely loving a show and never being able to get enough of it, to never wanting to watch it again within the span of an hour. Last night's episodes were so bad with so many plot holes/twists crammed into two hours it was painful to watch. I am seriously disappointed.

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Some more thoughts too, I can't edit my first post.

The whole red carpet premiere party thing on before the actual new episode, was reallyyy lame.

I realized too that the season starts about exactly one day after the last one ended, well actually on the SAME day, nathan being shot. So keeping that in mind, wasn't nicky just working for the company just mere days before? And now shes totally off in a different place, with apparently a whole new personality, that also has a whole new different power? Talk about a stretch. And, didn't mohinder just say in this very episode that hes discovered that the powers come from something in the blood, and not from the brain? so how does syler steal powers from the brain, when mohinder just said they're in the blood? And now peter is stuck in someone elses body, who, according to a spoiler a page back in this thread, can "create black holes"? Thats such a stupid power for someone to have, unless he can also make them disappear after creating them, wouldn't a single black hole have the potential to destroy the entire world? Geee I wonder if they just pulled that story idea outta their butt when reading recent news bout the Hadron collider.

This isn't looking like its going to be a very good season if this is the story elements they're running with. This show has gotten really full of itself, and they're really just making it up as they go along now.

Your guys problem is that you think Tracy is Nicky, she is not, Nicky is dead. Also I take it as this, the brain controls the how the a the adrenalin/power is used.

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