Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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Wow, I didn't think it was possible to go from absolutely loving a show and never being able to get enough of it, to never wanting to watch it again within the span of an hour. Last night's episodes were so bad with so many plot holes/twists crammed into two hours it was painful to watch. I am seriously disappointed.

care to explain which plot holes you were disappointed with?

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Looking back on it, while I still enjoyed the opener, there are some big continuity problems and I really hope the show doesn't continue to do this, because to me that hurts the story (one of the things I love about Lost is its ability to keep continuity in check). Some of the complaints posted here about the story are valid arguments to be made, and some are so bad that it in turn makes the story bad/cheap because it just doesn't add up, so we'll see where this goes.

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No need to Spoiler tag anymore, we US people all already saw it!

Spoiler Tags need to be kept for at least a couple of days because people may of tivoed it, plus people may want to discuss the 3.03 promo

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Nu uh, once it's aired it's fair game, only when you're discussing future episodes should it be spoiler tagged. C'mon people, we go through this each year :no:

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Spoiler Tags need to be kept for at least a couple of days because people may of tivoed it, plus people may want to discuss the 3.03 promo

Nah, the Best advise is If you haven't seen it, you shouldn't come here to this thread!

We need to distinguishing between Episodes that has already aired, and future episode spoilers.

A problem, is when people May think a Spoiler tag is about last night's episode, but it's actually about future episodes... see the problem here?

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So they are going to make Sylar the good guy now?

In the sneak peek, they give Sylar a woman to feed on?

That's what I want to know!

May I know where you got the "Claire's Choose a Side" picture that you're using in your signature? A widescreen wallpaper version would be sweet. Thanks :D

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what was growing on mohinders back? looked nasty as hell.

as for claire, i think sylar just unlocked her true potential, and its starting up slowly. Im very interested to see where this all leads to.

And is linderman god? seriously, wth is up with him being a ghost?

I think its nikki, just somehow linderman has screwed with everything once again.

they got rid of ellie in a rather horrible way i thought.

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Nah, the Best advise is If you haven't seen it, you shouldn't come here to this thread!

We need to distinguishing between Episodes that has already aired, and future episode spoilers.

A problem, is when people May think a Spoiler tag is about last night's episode, but it's actually about future episodes... see the problem here?

True oh well we have this discussion every year :p

I still haven't seen the episodes but I know what happens way before like at comic-con so reading them is not new to me :p but I can see how to could annoy peeps!

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I have to ask the same thing because it seems like I completely missed that if its been mentioned before.

If you remember in Season 2 he was ill with the virus in Haiti, I think thats where we saw him last.

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I realized too that the season starts about exactly one day after the last one ended, well actually on the SAME day, nathan being shot.

So keeping that in mind, wasn't nicky just working for the company just mere days before? And now shes totally off in a different place, with apparently a whole new personality, that also has a whole new different power?

Some people are thinking Stacy is a Clone, not Nicky herself

1. Season 2 ended with Noah going back home (weren't they moving?), saying that he had made a deal with the company. In season 3, he's locked up in that super high security thing, where all the other bad guys are.

Maybe the Deal is to have him Locked up?

2. Claire sees Nathan being shot on TV, supposedly on the same day in which sylar gets her and on the same day in which her dad has been both at home and at level 5 or whatever.

3. That leads to the question: how the hell did Sylar travel from NY to whatever the hell claire is now SO fast? Wasn't she in california or something like that? How did he know where to find her?

I think Claire was home the whole time! How Sylar travel SO fast? I thought he could fly just like Peter? Either case, that seem to be the case with Season 1/2 as well

Monica will return. I hope she doesn't get killed though. Love me a Pretty black girl! ;)


So the deal was for him to go home, tell clair to STFD and then go back to his cell in a high-security thingy when he has NO powers whatsoever? Sylar can't fly, and with Season 1/2 we knew four months had passed and everything was explained in episode 8. But here, there's no 'gap' to fill because it started right off where they left, although for half of the characters it looked as though half a year had passed.

And Angela? She was watching his son getting shot on TV and was all "we did what we had to do" and now she's all "you stupid son get the hell back to where you're from"?

I like the new story but the whole gap-filling was all a big mess.

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care to explain which plot holes you were disappointed with?

Well, the biggest one was how Sylar went from NYC at the end of Season 2 to where ever Claire was staying at the beginning of season 3 with almost no time in between (and he also knew where she was staying, even though I don't remember him ever finding out). Giving Claire's power to Sylar is a huge turning point in the overall plot of the series, and they did it way to quick with no explanation of how Sylar was able to find her.

I think they crammed way, way too many plot twists into the first two episodes. So much so that many of sub-plots felt flat and under-developed. It didn't feel like I was watching the same show. Season 1 and even Season 2's pacing was much better.

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Well, the biggest one was how Sylar went from NYC at the end of Season 2 to where ever Claire was staying at the beginning of season 3 with almost no time in between (and he also knew where she was staying, even though I don't remember him ever finding out). Giving Claire's power to Sylar is a huge turning point in the overall plot of the series, and they did it way to quick with no explanation of how Sylar was able to find her.

I think they crammed way, way too many plot twists into the first two episodes. So much so that many of sub-plots felt flat and under-developed. It didn't feel like I was watching the same show. Season 1 and even Season 2's pacing was much better.

I felt that way as well. And I'm a hardcore! I'm going to rewatch the season 2 finale.

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Just watched the whole thing. They're making the same mistakes as with season 2 and I don't like it :(

I felt like I was watching an entirely different show.


The episode seemed to start right off were it left ... except for:

1. Season 2 ended with Noah going back home (weren't they moving?), saying that he had made a deal with the company. In season 3, he's locked up in that super high security thing, where all the other bad guys are.

2. Claire sees Nathan being shot on TV, supposedly on the same day in which sylar gets her and on the same day in which her dad has been both at home and at level 5 or whatever.

3. That leads to the question: how the hell did Sylar travel from NY to whatever the hell claire is now SO fast? Wasn't she in california or something like that? How did he know where to find her?

4. Whatever happened to Niki, Micah and Monica? Wasn't Niki DIAF-ing in some old factory after the lamest twist in heroes history?

5. And you could see Mamam Petrelli being Sylar's mother LIGHT YEARS away. At least I figured it out halfway through episode two. It wasn't a shocker, it was just another silly twist.

And the good things:

1. I love ELLE!!!!

1. Noah made a deal that he would have to go back with the company, not go back and work with the company, thus the reason he is locked up. He made this deal so the company would not 'react' to claire's plan of going public.

2. I don't see any problems with this. Day's do last 24 hours long and to be quite frank they never said that sylar was attacking on the very same day Nathan got shot.

3. Sylar has a lot of abilities we don't know about and while that may sound like a cop out it is what it is. Also, I believe we've seen sylar disappear in at least one situation where it seems he just flys away. That would be in the first season after being shot at by Parkman just after Sylar tried to attack Molly at the FBI. Also, how did he know where claire was? Well he was looking over Mohinder's laptop which had some pretty detailed information on claire.

4. I'm sure Micah and Monica will be explained as for Niki I believe she is dead and Tracy is probably her twin that we all thought was dead

5. I don't know how you could see it half way through episode 2 without having had read spoilers ahead of time but to each his own. That said, I am interested to see how it all plays out :)

Well, the biggest one was how Sylar went from NYC at the end of Season 2 to where ever Claire was staying at the beginning of season 3 with almost no time in between (and he also knew where she was staying, even though I don't remember him ever finding out). Giving Claire's power to Sylar is a huge turning point in the overall plot of the series, and they did it way to quick with no explanation of how Sylar was able to find her.

I think they crammed way, way too many plot twists into the first two episodes. So much so that many of sub-plots felt flat and under-developed. It didn't feel like I was watching the same show. Season 1 and even Season 2's pacing was much better.

As I just said, Sylar had access to Mohinder's laptop and files on Claire. It isn't to hard of a stretch to assume he wouldn't have used his super memory he got in season 1 to remember where it said Claire was currently located.

Also, I agree it is a huge turning point giving him Claire's power, that said I think it makes for good balance between him and peter.

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IMO you people are far-fetching it too much. I'm not expecting detailed explanations of their 'schedules' that day. It just didn't seem that it all happened on the same day they saved the world from the virus, that's all

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