Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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It's cause it didn't happen all in the same day. I agree though, people are over thinking to much, just enjoy the show :)

Well, they could've shown somehow that peter and claire spoke on the phone one day and that sylar sliced her skull off on the next day.

And who does mama petrelli speaks to on the phone in season2?

"I know, it was unavoidable. You do know that you've opened pandora's box".

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How is sylar related to them? i must have missed that part. I know at the end , he said, your not my mother; and she replied with , but i can be dear.

Almost got the quote right... she said "... but I AM... "

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1. Noah made a deal that he would have to go back with the company, not go back and work with the company, thus the reason he is locked up. He made this deal so the company would not 'react' to claire's plan of going public.

2. I don't see any problems with this. Day's do last 24 hours long and to be quite frank they never said that sylar was attacking on the very same day Nathan got shot.

While true (the deal), he was back in NY in a short period of time. Given the resources of the company, it's not hard to imagine that they would have a plane to get both Bob and Noah back to NY, but all of the events have played out as if they are simultaneous, which would put Noah in NY in an extremely short amount of time. The same applies to Bob and Noah going from NY to CA in what seems to be a short period of time as well, because before going there, Noah was locked away in his cell. Besides, there hasn't been an indication that the events are occurring on completely separate days; if that were the case, I'm sure they would play things out so that at least one person would be involved in the bigger events that are occurring. This isn't a major problem to the overall story, but it is another item that degrades the overall quality of the story.

3. Sylar has a lot of abilities we don't know about and while that may sound like a cop out it is what it is. Also, I believe we've seen sylar disappear in at least one situation where it seems he just flys away. That would be in the first season after being shot at by Parkman just after Sylar tried to attack Molly at the FBI. Also, how did he know where claire was? Well he was looking over Mohinder's laptop which had some pretty detailed information on claire.

The problem is how quickly he arrived in CA from NY. Earlier he was in NY, having gained his abilities back, and later that day, he's in CA attacking Claire. That's super fast. We know Sylar doesn't have to walk to get around (refer to his comment to the super hearing lady), but approximately 2,700 miles in what was probably a few hours?

5. I don't know how you could see it half way through episode 2 without having had read spoilers ahead of time but to each his own. That said, I am interested to see how it all plays out :)

I don't know how one could see it coming either without knowing ahead of time.

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Wasn't there that video where Sylar took 2 more abilities it was on the Season 2 DVD neither of them tho I think will allow him to get there, unless he killed West...lets hope!

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I thought the whole point of this generation of Heroes was due to their parents/grandparents tweaking their own DNA to pass on abilities to the younger generation. Didn't The Company start this whole mess in the first place?

So naturally, some people in the show will be deeply related to some other people. Angela > Nathan > Claire, etc.

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Ok, soooo, what the hell is up with linderman, whose been dead for like a whole year right? I kinda remember nickys boyfriend putting a big hole in his head, and his power is to heal others, not himself, and now hes back, and only nathan can see him? and its not just in his imagination cause linderman does apparently still have his power. Does that make anyyyy sense at all?

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And Claire turns bad? WTF???

I don't get how Peter was locked inside someone else's body

She may or may not have turned bad in THAT future, but now we don't know because the future changed (from the butterfly effect).

Also, we still don't know if Peter is good or bad in the future, so maybe she was good in that future as well.


I still say Peter and Sylar are the same person, or related somehow more than just being brothers. Claire said "I'm special, remember?" which is what Sylar told her, not Peter... and Peter and Sylar have the exact same powers...

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She may or may not have turned bad in THAT future, but now we don't know because the future changed (from the butterfly effect).

Also, we still don't know if Peter is good or bad in the future, so maybe she was good in that future as well.


I still say Peter and Sylar are the same person, or related somehow more than just being brothers. Claire said "I'm special, remember?" which is what Sylar told her, not Peter... and Peter and Sylar have the exact same powers...

Wtf? Peter and Sylar do not have the same powers. Peter absorbs the power of others he is around. Sylar's original ability is to understand how things work. By using that ability he was able to learn how others use there ability and is able to mimic it. The difference is Peter just gets the ability, Sylar has to take it which always kills the person (the exception of course being Claire)

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Heroes Wiki says Sylar has these powers

Sylar has acquired a number of powers. In order, Sylar has acquired:

* Telekinesis from Brian Davis (Six Months Ago)

* Freezing from an unknown victim (First seen in Don't Look Back)

* Enhanced memory from Charlie Andrews (Seven Minutes to Midnight)

* Melting from Zane Taylor (Run!)

* Enhanced hearing from Dale Smither (Unexpected)

* Precognition from Isaac Mendez (.07%)

* Induced radioactivity from Ted Sprague (Landslide)

* Rapid cellular regeneration from Claire Bennet (The Second Coming)

* Alchemy from Bob Bishop (The Butterfly Effect)

Peter Has

* Precognitive dreaming from Angela Petrelli

* Flight from Nathan Petrelli (Genesis)

* Precognition from Isaac Mendez (Don't Look Back)

* Rapid cell regeneration from Claire Bennet (Homecoming)

* Telepathy from Matt Parkman (Fallout)

* Invisibility from Claude Rains (Godsend)

* Telekinesis from Sylar (Unexpected)

* Space-time manipulation from Future Hiro Nakamura (Unexpected)

o Peter appears to be immune to Future Hiro and Hiro's effects. Peter was able to communicate with Future Hiro and is at this point the only person Future Hiro has visited and spoken to. (Collision, Hiros) Whether this was Peter's or Hiro's doing is unclear. The same scenario occurs when Peter is in Primatech Research and time completely stops. Both Peter and Hiro are surprised to find each other, indicating the unfrozen Peter was not Hiro's doing, but Peter's. (Truth & Consequences)

o Peter slowed and then stopped time when attacked with taser darts.

o Peter has moved himself and another person through time and space. (The Line)

* Induced radioactivity from Ted Sprague (The Hard Part)

* Super strength from Niki Sanders (How to Stop an Exploding Man)

* Lightning from Elle Bishop (Four Months Later...)

* Phasing from D.L. Hawkins (Lizards)

But might have

Other evolved humans have been within Peter's proximity, exposing him to their abilities. These abilities Peter has not yet exhibited:

* Persuasion (from Eden McCain in Collision)

* Intuitive aptitude (from Sylar in Homecoming)

* Freezing (from Sylar in Homecoming)

* Enhanced memory (from Sylar in Homecoming)

* Mental manipulation (from the Haitian in Unexpected)

* Melting (from Sylar in Parasite)

* Enhanced hearing (from Sylar in Parasite)

* Clairvoyance (from Molly Walker in How to Stop an Exploding Man)

* Technopathy (from Micah Sanders in How to Stop an Exploding Man)

* Alchemy (from Bob Bishop in Four Months Ago...)

* Enhanced speed (from Daphne Millbrook in Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration)

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^ Peter and Sylar are ying and yang.

Sylars ability lies not just in seeing how things work, but somehow recoding his DNA to match that of the person with the ability he wants.

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Does that mean that Syler is Claire's Uncle...... which is why he couldn't kill her?

No Sylar doesn't know she is his mother until the end, but man... Brother of Peter and Nathan... :o :p

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sylar can look at someone, and tell if they are worthy of the power or not. If he feels they would not use it to its full potentional, he steals it and kills them. I believe if he thinks the person has potential, that he will let them live, out of respect for the power itself.

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Wow, you guys are really nit-picking here.

My point was that they had the same type of power. They both take the powers of others. Come on, it wasn't that hard to figure out what I meant, although I more than admit I could have been more clear about it.

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I'm a bit disappointed here that BBC is not showing the first episode on the HD channel, instead starting from the second episode on 1st October. Why would they completely miss an episode out? I'm disappointed at that :(

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