Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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^ It may seem dumb but it makes perfect sense. The ability relies on hormonal excretions from the adrenal glands which is completely controlled by the brain. If the control centre (brain) were to be disrupted, so would the excretion of such hormones. In the end, that means your power is gone. At least that's how I see it.

The only way to kill Adam is to take his head completely off. Its unknown if this applies to Claire or not. Reason stands that it does, but her ability is at least slightly different from Adam's now.

I'm sure the same thing applies to Claire despite the slight difference in her ability. She was shown decapitated in Angela Petrelli's dream. Adam lived much longer (350+ yrs) than Claire so that means he had more time to develop his ability. From what I remember, he can heal pretty quickly. Also, there was an episode where he was stabbed multiple times and it didn't seem like he was in pain. Maybe he developed a resilience to the pain or maybe its part of his evolving ability.

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You're not alone. I don't know if 'boring' was the word I would use, but it just wasn't that enjoyable to me.

If Nathan continues the whole 'i love jesus' thing past a few episodes, I won't watch anymore.

Just because they have a little religious aspect of it? No disrespect to anything you believe at all, but a lot of people who come out of traumatic events such as this (not to this extent obviously, but serious stuff) do turn to religion for answers when medicine can't answer it. Not really shocking they'd have Nathan turn to it to.

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Not true. This was discussed greatly during season one. Peter was always the bomb.

I think that it was established that there were 3 different futures. Future 1, where sylar was the bomb and sylar had the cheerleader's ability since the beginning. Future 2, the result of Hiro going to the past warning Peter. And Future 3, the result of presen thiro coming back from the future where Peter was the bomb but everybody thought sylar dead (which would be future2). Besides it makes sense since in season 3 future peter has said that he's screwed everything up and now his future is different. And also, in "future 2" doesnt sylar actually KILL the cheerleader?

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I think that it was established that there were 3 different futures. Future 1, where sylar was the bomb and sylar had the cheerleader's ability since the beginning. Future 2, the result of Hiro going to the past warning Peter. And Future 3, the result of presen thiro coming back from the future where Peter was the bomb but everybody thought sylar dead (which would be future2). Besides it makes sense since in season 3 future peter has said that he's screwed everything up and now his future is different. And also, in "future 2" doesnt sylar actually KILL the cheerleader?

Apparently, he kills the cheerleader in the future that Peter causes in the last episode. Of course that can all change but that's how it stands now.

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what about the Haitian?

doesn't he have two powers? he can negate powers as well as make people forget

I'm gonna so no, he has one power. The ability to suppress area's of the mind. Since the powers are controlled by the mind it's not a hard stretch. :)

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Just because they have a little religious aspect of it? No disrespect to anything you believe at all, but a lot of people who come out of traumatic events such as this (not to this extent obviously, but serious stuff) do turn to religion for answers when medicine can't answer it. Not really shocking they'd have Nathan turn to it to.

Yes, just because of the religious aspect. I want to be entertained, not preached to about how great jesus is.

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Yes, just because of the religious aspect. I want to be entertained, not preached to about how great jesus is.

I don't think that's what they're trying to do though. Hollywood typically isn't religious anyway (for the most part). I think they're just trying to make it more realistic.

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Yes, just because of the religious aspect. I want to be entertained, not preached to about how great jesus is.

Nathan Petrelli may have turned to religion after recovering, but not once has he mentioned Jesus. You're just jumping to conclusions.

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Yes, just because of the religious aspect. I want to be entertained, not preached to about how great jesus is.

well they're not trying to convert you! he's supposed to have had a revelation. thus changing the future.

have you never seen battlestar galactica? it has a big religious component and the show is SOO much better for it. admittedly bsg does it much better than heroes has so far but lets give it a try.

just to point out i'm not just trying to defend the show i didn't think the first two episodes were very good. i found them boring to say the least but i'm not going to give up that easy lol.

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i wonder if angela was saying shes sylers mum in a more general capacity, instead of biological, like how she and her group with the formulas nurtured and developed the younger gens powers.

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There weren't three different futures. There were only two: one where the Peter went boom in NYC, and the other where he went boom above NYC.

Im still not sure on this... the original timeline(prior to Future Hiro going back to tell Peter) Sylar would have been the bomb. When F-hiro talks to P-hiro he asks him if he killed sylar before the bomb went off(this is right after P-hiro tells F-hiro that Peter saved the cheerleader)... because when F-Hiro stabbed Sylar in the original timeline he regenerated and the bomb went off...

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I'm gonna so no, he has one power. The ability to suppress area's of the mind. Since the powers are controlled by the mind it's not a hard stretch. :)

To go further on that, it is proven in the season 2 episode "Four Months Ago" that all the Haitian does is suppress the memory's of others as Peter was able to heal that suppression on Adam's instruction.

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Im still not sure on this... the original timeline(prior to Future Hiro going back to tell Peter) Sylar would have been the bomb. When F-hiro talks to P-hiro he asks him if he killed sylar before the bomb went off(this is right after P-hiro tells F-hiro that Peter saved the cheerleader)... because when F-Hiro stabbed Sylar in the original timeline he regenerated and the bomb went off...

But, again, Hiro thought it was Sylar when it wasn't. I can understand the speculation of there being three timelines, but given what we know now, I don't see how that case is proved because we saw the future, unchanged, and learned what we know. There's nothing suggesting that Five Years Gone is an alternate future that differs from the one we're told about in earlier episodes.

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To go further on that, it is proven in the season 2 episode "Four Months Ago" that all the Haitian does is suppress the memory's of others as Peter was able to heal that suppression on Adam's instruction.

So you're saying that Peter was able to overcome the nullification of an ability by consulting with Adam? I didn't even know the Haitians "power removal" ability was permanent.

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So you're saying that Peter was able to overcome the nullification of his healing ability by consulting with Adam? I didn't even know the Haitians ability was permanent.

Well in the case of Peter, his healing ability (and it was his mom that helped him remember) allowed him to recover what was previously lost, though the body heals naturally, so having the ability to heal should have translated into his memories being recovered automatically, but meh. There are a lot of little things like this that one could nitpick about, but if the writers just went with "Why didn't they just do this?" suggestions then there wouldn't be much of a story to tell.

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So you're saying that Peter was able to overcome the nullification of his healing ability by consulting with Adam? I didn't even know the Haitians ability was permanent.

It has always been permanent. Only Peter has ever been able to recover lost memory. Maybe the Haitian is actually damaging the brain when he wipes the memory away so the cells with that memory are destroyed. That would make sense that Peter could use Adam's ability to heal the destroyed memory cells.

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^ No, he recovered his memories after meeting Adam.

Well in the case of Peter, his healing ability (and it was his mom that helped him remember) allowed him to recover what was previously lost, though the body heals naturally, so having the ability to heal should have translated into his memories being recovered automatically, but meh. There are a lot of little things like this that one could nitpick about, but if the writers just went with "Why didn't they just do this?" suggestions then there wouldn't be much of a story to tell.
It has always been permanent. Only Peter has ever been able to recover lost memory. Maybe the Haitian is actually damaging the brain when he wipes the memory away so the cells with that memory are destroyed. That would make sense that Peter could use Adam's ability to heal the destroyed memory cells.

I guess that makes sense. I agree that the Haitians ability seems to "damage" the brain physically.

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Peter recovered his memories before meeting Adam

No he didn't. He recovered memories of his mother in the future that was it. It wasn't till going back and meeting up with Adam that he remembered the past few months of which the Haitian suppressed.

So you're saying that Peter was able to overcome the nullification of his healing ability by consulting with Adam? I didn't even know the Haitians ability was permanent.

No, I'm saying he overcame the memory removal with the healing ability.

Are you guys not watching the same show as me or am I just paying more attention? :)

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I guess that makes sense. I agree that the Haitians ability seems to "damage" the brain physically.

it def does... remember the problems that Claires adoptive mom was having because of her memory being wiped so many times...

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^ Yes, yes. I remember. The Haitian removed her memories numerous times.

No he didn't. He recovered memories of his mother in the future that was it. It wasn't till going back and meeting up with Adam that he remembered the past few months of which the Haitian suppressed.

Are you guys not watching the same show as me or am I just paying more attention? :)

That's what I figured. It makes more sense now. The last time I saw the earlier episodes was when it aired, so my memory may be a little off. I should probably buy season 1 & 2 on Blu-ray. :p

Edited by Anaron
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I read the plot details and I was a little off because Peter's memory recovery needs clarification. He fully recovered his memory after meeting with Adam, but he did remember who his mom was (thus a partial recovery) in the future, before meeting Adam. So...... :unsure:

Edit: Basically what SOOPRcow said :p

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