Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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In that latest painting matt parkman is seeing, is he carrying daphne?

Don't know it could be, I thought Claire at first but thats to obvious I suppose


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Uhh... wtf with the promo? We all know that Peter can stop her stupid trigger happy craziness, so what's up with that?

I am really disliking Claire now, and I think her direction is just stupid and wack. Then again, she really has no further purpose in the show, but being the major cast that she is, they have to do "something" with her.

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Then again, she really has no further purpose in the show, but being the major cast that she is, they have to do "something" with her.

.. Except Syler saw something "very special" in her and we're only 3 (technically 2) episodes in. I don't see how you could call her "purpose being over" so soon.

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I find it awkward to follow season 3 thus far. so many weird storylines that's just...

like how sylar tried to hurt elle but while she screams, her power were released and ended up knocking everyone out. But when sylar does the same to Jesse, nothing happens. You would expect a city to be destroyed when a person with sound amplification cries in pain.

and that angela petrelli, did she just 'feed' sylar? whats the point in that? And why is someone so willing to be food. So weird......

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I'm pretty sure he crushed Jesse's voice box or something like that, since he was obviously trying to talk and couldn't at the end there.

And yes she did "feed" him, though I doubt very much she told that woman that.

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power out: you're missing the point and you're only defending claire cuz you like her or think she's hot. it's very painfully obvious to see that the heroes' writing team wrote in "something" random to keep claire on the show.

if you think back on the first season, it was about keeping sylar away from claire so he can't get her regen ability. now that he has it, she really serves no purpose as she can't do squat besides not feeling pain and healing. and let's just be honest here. relative to the powers other heroes have, her regen and shooting a gun is really nothing. take for example, hiro can freeze time, tie her ass up and bury her. parkman (potentially) put her in a never ending nightmare. daphne can dash around, knock her out, tie her ass up, and bury her. haitian can erase her memory, before she knows she has power, or heck, just mess with her mind in general. tracy can freeze her and turn her into a popsicle. and her biological mom can incinerate her. you get the point.

so anyway, this "special" probably literally means that she can't be killed, as she did not (though it was a brief moment) demonstrate how she is special when we had the glimpse into the future. however, her being entirely immortal does not make sense because in ma petrelli's dream, her head was cut off -- to which we are to assume that she'll remain dead.

also, i am awfully puzzled by the direction they are taking sylar. will he switch sides?! at this point, the only person that has a chance to stand up to him is future peter. and we are led to believe that future peter has learned his lesson about the butterfly effect so he probably won't interfere.

and lastly... how about that huh? if sylar really is related to peter and nathan... nathan really got jacked in terms of power. he gets to flap his wings while his two brothers display the power of god.

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The guys at ComicBookResources.com have a weekly Q&A session, called Behind the Eclipse, with Heroes writers Aron Coliete and Joe Pokaski about the previous episode and they also discuss what is to come, which usually leads to some nice spoilers.

Here is a nice little summary of the Q&A where it is confirmed that Episodes 11, 12 and 13 are currently being filmed. There is much more below, so enjoy!!

Thanks to Watching Heroes for the heads up.

* They are working on episodes 11, 12 and 13 right now

* The threat of an actors strike has not affected the production at this point

* Molly will be returning in a couple of ?unique? appearances this season

* We will learn more about how Sylar?s power works (and what he ?really? is) and Mohinder?s adrenaline hypothesis

* We will see Nathan?s wife and kids again this season

* We will see much more of Angela Petrelli this season

* Claire can indeed can be killed, as can Adam and Peter and Sylar, by decapitation

* We will learn more about the future (and its many incarnations) in the next episode

* Sylar is starting over with obtaining powers after being stripped of them in Season 2

* We will see paintings from Tim Sale and Alex Maleev this season

* Niki?s death and Monica?s final scenes were cut from the show but will show up on the Season 3 DVD

* Mohinder?s fly-like abilities were an homage to The Fly

* We will find out why Future Claire thought she could kill Future Peter next week

* Susan Amman is the third woman founder of The Company

* Bob was originally supposed to be able to turn things to other types of metal with his power, such as steel, but ultimately gold was all that was used

* Sparrow Redhouse may make an appearance in episode 12, although it could be pushed back to later in the season

* Future Mr. Muggles will make his debut next week

Nothing really spoilertastic there so its out of tags

So Sylar hasn't got:(verything anymore :(

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Nothing really spoilertastic there so its out of tags

So Sylar hasn't got everything anymore :(

That's total bull **** if the writers did that imo, cause why wouldn't he have lost telekinesis?

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That's total bull **** if the writers did that imo, cause why wouldn't he have lost telekinesis?

Yeah thats what I thought, maybe because that was his first power he got? (if you dont count the intuitive aptitude).

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I find it awkward to follow season 3 thus far. so many weird storylines that's just...

like how sylar tried to hurt elle but while she screams, her power were released and ended up knocking everyone out. But when sylar does the same to Jesse, nothing happens. You would expect a city to be destroyed when a person with sound amplification cries in pain.

and that angela petrelli, did she just 'feed' sylar? whats the point in that? And why is someone so willing to be food. So weird......

It's NOT her scream that released her power!

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ya, they better explain sylars keeping of certain powers. The strike really did throw this show off the track, who knows if it will ever make any real sense now lol.

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so is sylar just being stupid and not realizing he can die and thats why he is saying claire is special? or does she actually have something in her that makes her that much more special than the others?

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so is sylar just being stupid and not realizing he can die and thats why he is saying claire is special? or does she actually have something in her that makes her that much more special than the others?

He probably thinks no one will ever try and take his head off like the Highlander :p

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I knew something was wrong with niki ... in that blog of one of the directors there are pictures of a really burnt niki in a body bag (well, not reeeeeally burnt, but more than what they showed in the last episode). And they didnt show it. And just when I had come to terms with the whole "this is just a few days after the finale, enough for sylar to travel all the way from NY to California..", they show dead niki like she had died the day before!

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and lastly... how about that huh? if sylar really is related to peter and nathan... nathan really got jacked in terms of power. he gets to flap his wings while his two brothers display the power of god.

Ha, yeah i was also thinking that. He really got screwed :p

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