Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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And he had Mr Muggles too!

So now Peter has Sylar's ability which makes him the most powerful person as now not only does he get anyone's ability, he knows how it works and should be able to control it better than anyone else.

I believe there was a spoiler before about another company that is worse. Did anyone notice that Nathan's press conference was in front of another company's sign? Seems they are dropping hints already.

Yeah I think that was the company they have mentioned...Pinehurst I think

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Not every ability is neutralized around him. He has the ability to control his power and allow people to use there ability or he can use it to just limit one persons ability. That said, maybe he wasn't using his ability when nathan took off? Who knows? Who really cares, its a tv show :)

Nothing has indicated that his ability can be suppressed. It's a natural part of his ability and while I won't rule out that he can turn it off, nothing has indicated such. However, there are several instances where blocking abilities within close distance has proven ineffective (Nathan flying away, Matt reading HRG's mind, Daphne running with the formula despite the Haitian being knocked out, thus negating the "it's natural" argument, despite indication that it was). It's one of many inconsistencies with the show that the writer's are overlooking for convenience of telling a story, which is a negative to me.

because the haitian blocks abilities
The Haitian canceled his healing ability.

Yeah, but both Peter and Claire died once before. The ability to heal was blocked because of something in their head. Their blood no longer flowed, their brain should have died out, and they should've never revived. Peter getting shot in his body while his healing ability is blocked should resulted in what we saw, but once the Haitian was away, he should have healed again. Again, another inconsistency. I'm all about it and so far the writer's are ignoring that for the sake of twists, turns, and "getting away with it" moments.

With that said, last night's episode was great. Sylar going boom, that was great, though how did Claire, Peter, and Daphne survive the initial blast? MKay, a bullet to the head? Decapitation? That will kill someone with healing abilities, but nope, not being incinerated. :rolleyes:

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Nothing has indicated that his ability can be suppressed. It's a natural part of his ability and while I won't rule out that he can turn it off, nothing has indicated such. However, there are several instances where blocking abilities within close distance has proven ineffective (Nathan flying away, Matt reading HRG's mind, Daphne running with the formula despite the Haitian being knocked out, thus negating the "it's natural" argument, despite indication that it was). It's one of many inconsistencies with the show that the writer's are overlooking for convenience of telling a story, which is a negative to me.

From what I can tell the Haitian's ability is the ability to suppress specific areas of the mind, be that memory or the area that controls the use of powers. I don't believe him blocking the powers of others is an inherit part of his ability. I think it is something he must control and focus on, that said I'm sure there are times when he instinctively (fight and flight and all) blocks the powers of others but more as a reflex. When Nathan flew away the Haitian was moving in on Nathan in an attempt to put him down thus lowering his guard. As for Daphne, I believe my previous explanation of it not being an inherit part of his ability explains why she was able to run while he was down. As for Matt, well who knows. Matt's ability allows him to control any aspect of the mind, he didn't know that at the time but who knows maybe they're like power opposites. Or It may be an inconsistencies but I really don't care because I still enjoy the show for what it is.

Yeah, but both Peter and Claire died once before. The ability to heal was blocked because of something in their head. Their blood no longer flowed, their brain should have died out, and they should've never revived. Peter getting shot in his body while his healing ability is blocked should resulted in what we saw, but once the Haitian was away, he should have healed again. Again, another inconsistency. I'm all about it and so far the writer's are ignoring that for the sake of twists, turns, and "getting away with it" moments.

Why should the Haitian going away effect the death of peter? He died, his brain stopped functioning and was not able to send the request to heal. When both Claire and Peter "died" in the past they had a physical object sticking in there brain blocking the command to heal. Also, who is to stay Claire didn't shoot him in the head just to be safe.

With that said, last night's episode was great. Sylar going boom, that was great, though how did Claire, Peter, and Daphne survive the initial blast? MKay, a bullet to the head? Decapitation? That will kill someone with healing abilities, but nope, not being incinerated. :rolleyes:

Daphne survived the initial blast by running away as fast as she could, but as she said she just wasn't fast enough and died from the wounds. Remember this is the girl who still moves around while Hiro has slowed down time to an almost stand still. How did Claire and Peter survive, one can only speculate but I think the real question should be why does it matter how they survived. Does it really effect the story all that much.

Anyway, moral of the story I think you need to focus less on the little things and more on the general point of the story. Also, remember its a tv show which is meant for entertainment.

Edited by SOOPRcow
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From what I can tell the Haitian's ability is the ability to suppress specific areas of the mind, be that memory or the area that controls the use of powers. I don't believe him blocking the powers of others is an inherit part of his ability. I think it is something he must control and focus on, that said I'm sure there are times when he instinctively (fight and flight and all) blocks the powers of others but more as a reflex. When Nathan flew away the Haitian was moving in on Nathan in an attempt to put him down thus lowering his guard. As for Daphne, I believe my previous explanation of it not being an inherit part of his ability explains why she was able to run while he was down. As for Matt, well who knows. Matt's ability allows him to control any aspect of the mind, he didn't know that at the time but who knows maybe they're like power opposites. Or It may be an inconsistencies but I really don't care because I still enjoy the show for what it is.

In Season one, when Matt initially started with the FBI, he was sitting in the car, watching Noah and the Haitian walking outside. Matt's ability to read the Haitian's mind was hindered, while the Haitian showed no signs of using his ability. Also, the Haitian's dad, who had an ability, was hindered suddenly when he was around and the father blamed the Haitian for his failure, so I go back to the notion that his power blocking ability (separate from mind wiping) is natural like breathing. He was a few feet away from Nathan, who did fly away. Perhaps him focusing on using his power wiping ability diminishes his ability to block powers; I can accept that.

Why should the Haitian going away effect the death of peter? He died, his brain stopped functioning and was not able to send the request to heal. When both Claire and Peter "died" in the past they had a physical object sticking in there brain blocking the command to heal. Also, who is to stay Claire didn't shoot him in the head just to be safe.

What you just described are no different, so how do you not see the flaw? Peter getting shot twice in the torso is far less effective then an object protruding the brain (and yet a bullet to the head will make the effect permanent, a stinking cop out). The "brain stopped functioning" applies to what we saw last night and the time Peter and Claire died before. It's really no different.

And assuming that unseen shooting occurred is stretching it. She emptied two clips trying to hit present Peter.

Daphne survived the initial blast by running away as fast as she could, but as she said she just wasn't fast enough and died from the wounds. Remember this is the girl who still moves around while Hiro has slowed down time to an almost stand still. How did Claire and Peter survive, one can only speculate but I think the real question should be why does it matter how they survived. Does it really effect the story all that much.

I feel like you're trying to school me; of course I know what she said. I did watch the show. Anyways, a nuclear blast moves pretty darn fast (there are at least two blast waves if I'm not mistaken), and dare I say, faster than Daphne can run, but to add the drama effect, she wasn't fast enough and was hurt (nevermind that she was knocked out 20 seconds prior to the boom). That's fine though. I can see how Peter would survive, teleporting and all, but Claire? Eh, maaaaaaaaaaaybe Peter teleported her away, but Peter was still caught, so.... yeah, it does affect the story a lot. If Claire and Peter are incinerated, how do they not die and how do they continue with the scene where she begins cutting him? How does he go back and fix things if he should have died? It greatly affects the story.

Anyway, moral of the story I think you need to focus less on the little things and more on the general point of the story. Also, remember its a tv show which is meant for entertainment.

It gets harder to focus on the general point of the story when half an effort is put into making the puzzle fit properly; I can't help but feel that pieces are being smashed into the puzzle rather than placing the proper pieces and making something with better quality.

I still enjoy Heroes, but the little, and big, things are making it a little more difficult.

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Didnt Peter already have Sylar's ability? I mean he gets abilities just by walking past someone (nuclear guy, season one), and he met Sylar so many times in the first two seasons (when Sylar didnt know to control his "hunger", so I presume he wouldn't have taken any precautions to make it not "surface")?

And if Peter is a power mimic, wouldnt he also have the Haitian's ability? And wouldn't that mean the Haitian also not able to use his ability in presence of Peter?

And didnt Sylar start over with his powers after taking the cure for the Shanti virus? Then how did he retain his nuclear power?

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Didnt Peter already have Sylar's ability? I mean he gets abilities just by walking past someone (nuclear guy, season one), and he met Sylar so many times in the first two seasons (when Sylar didnt know to control his "hunger", so I presume he wouldn't have taken any precautions to make it not "surface")?

And if Peter is a power mimic, wouldnt he also have the Haitian's ability? And wouldn't that mean the Haitian also not able to use his ability in presence of Peter?

And didnt Sylar start over with his powers after taking the cure for the Shanti virus? Then how did he retain his nuclear power?

Well Peter already had Sylar's ability, but probably didn't know how to use it (he has to learn how to use it, Sylar picks up new powers so quickly because that's his own power, knowing how things work). In this episode we saw Sylar train Peter on how to use it.

The point was brought up in the past about Peter getting the Haitian's ability. The Haitian negates powers, so Peter's absorbing ability was hindered, therefore making the Haitian the only person (so far) that Peter is unable to mimic.

The last bit about Sylar doesn't make much sense because starting over would mean he would either have no powers or have only his original power (but that would mean he didn't start over).

One thing that still drives me nuts: we still never find out how Peter gets his scar, from the first season and now this season. Eh, it's the future, let's give him a scar! C'mon...

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I don't believe the sylar starting over non-sense. After injecting himself with MagicBlood?, he's used:

-> His own ability

-> Telekinessis

-> Painting the future (In the future)

-> The nuclear thing (in the future)

Those are abilities he had before recovering. So he's not starting over I think he's BACK. But they probably won't focus on all the other abilities he acquired in season 1. He has lots, lots! He can freeze people up, go nuclear, learn fast, super hearing, melting stuff, turning things into gold, etc. He's out of controwllll

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First look at Arthur Petrelli


Heroes (NBC)

Despite pulling off what has been almost universally regarded as a triumphant creative renewal, Heroes has returned to some of its lowest numbers ever. The third season premiered on September 22 with 10.22 million viewers, down on the 14.3 million who watched the series premiere in 2006 and the 14.12 million who watched the start of season two. On September 29 the audience fell to 9.34 million and this week it fell further to an alarmingly low 8.21 million. Prior to season three, only one episode had pulled in fewer than 10 million viewers (ironically, the season two episode in which the pace picked up). The good news? Heroes has 50% more viewers in the 18-49 demo than an average NBC show, so it's a safe bet that Milo and co. will be around to protect us from the villains of this world for a good while yet.


Edited by Rappy
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Amazing episode! so good i had to watch it twice :p just a few things that confuse me...does peter not have claires power? why didnt the future heal himself? if he can heal how cud he get a scar?

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Amazing episode! so good i had to watch it twice :p just a few things that confuse me...does peter not have claires power? why didnt the future heal himself? if he can heal how cud he get a scar?

The scar has never been explained, but his healing ability was hindered with the Haitian being near him, though I still... nevermind. I've said what I wanted in previous posts

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Starting to lose interest with this show. Rather than writing a good story that keeps you guessing they just throw 5 new plot elements at us per show in the hopes that we won't know what's going on.

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Does he lose the healing ablity in the future cause the future peter doesnt heal frm the gun shots but the other peter seems to hav no scars frm the scalp just blood trails :s

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Does he lose the healing ablity in the future cause the future peter doesnt heal frm the gun shots but the other peter seems to hav no scars frm the scalp just blood trails :s

this is still up for debate... <see last 2 pages> we are to assume that the haitian blocked peters powers when Claire shot him... I guess we also have to assume that the haitian has stayed with Future Peters body this entire time to ensure he does not heal, one theory that may have happened is once he was brought in..Claire shot him in the back of the head... who knows... until we find out how the Haitians powers work it might help us out... does he have to be aware of what he is blocking.. or does it just happen... based on the first encounter with Nathan when he flew... he would have to choose to block the power... like ive said many times.. i am not going to get hung up on these details... I know some of them are more annoying than others.. but if i am going to enjoy myself while watching Heroes... I am going to have to let alot of these things go... I think thats the gamble you take when you deal with time travel and so many different scenarios...

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Thanks for not picking out my error earlier =D I obviously meant Peter.

Anyway. I don't believe that Gabriel's baby's mama can be Elle. That would not make sense because I cannot imagine a woman wanting to be with a guy who tried to cut your head open. I think that's simply too traumatic. That's almost the same as marrying someone that raped you.

So I just want to throw out another point. It seems that the creators are trying to throw us off a bit. Trying to confuse us to if the future Peter is good or bad. I am inclined to think that future Peter is good, and that it's the rest of the gang that has turned bad.

For starters, we see that Sylar has turned into Gabriel (who is good), and that he was not alarmed or threatened when Peter "dropped" by. Secondly, for Claire to have inflict those cuts, it's clearly sadistic in nature.

So yeah, Peter is def the good guy.

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Thanks for not picking out my error earlier =D I obviously meant Peter.

Anyway. I don't believe that Gabriel's baby's mama can be Elle. That would not make sense because I cannot imagine a woman wanting to be with a guy who tried to cut your head open. I think that's simply too traumatic. That's almost the same as marrying someone that raped you.

So I just want to throw out another point. It seems that the creators are trying to throw us off a bit. Trying to confuse us to if the future Peter is good or bad. I am inclined to think that future Peter is good, and that it's the rest of the gang that has turned bad.

For starters, we see that Sylar has turned into Gabriel (who is good), and that he was not alarmed or threatened when Peter "dropped" by. Secondly, for Claire to have inflict those cuts, it's clearly sadistic in nature.

So yeah, Peter is def the good guy.

Elle is ****ed up in the head. She wanted to do peter, and thought suresh was cute or whatever. She's also killed people for nothing. So I totally buy it!!

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That's still too much of a stretch to me. Elle is portrayed as flirtatious in nature, don't mean anything else.

I am pretty sure that Elle even says to Peter at one point that she was diagnosed as a Sociopath (might not be the correct medial term) but I do know she was basically saying that she is crazy.... so I still dont know if she is the mom but I will not eliminate her because of what sylar did to her...

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First look at Arthur Petrelli



Im not surprised!!!

It is not the story, other things ruin Heroes!

1. BAD CGI! in the last episode where Nathan saves Traci , I seen better effects in the 70s movies , it was horrible.

2. Too many dumb people, why Daphne ran all the way home when an injection of Claire's blood would save her?

3. The Dr that created Nikki, Traci and Barbara... after saying everything he says "I said too much"... oh come on!

4. Hiro and Ando, ok we got it, they both are childish idiots... after 2 seasons we had enough.

I dont see Heroes lasting to season 4 unless they bring professionalism to the show, better acting, better CGI, less blatant stupidy.

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