Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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What the EFF?!?!' You don't kill ANDO!!!!!

Well, finally linderman MAKES sense.

But yeah, this show is either going down the crapper or starting to get more awesome than we can handle. I DEMAND someone to resurrect ando.

Most of the characters are doing things SO out of character this season is not making any sense at all. Hiro didnt even blink when he killed ando, sylar is suddenly a lot more calmed than before. And PLEEEEEEEEEASE let's get rid of suresh already. And Im glad peter was put down to sleep, I hope he stays like that for a while. Sylar is better!.

Edited by Julius Caro
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Was a good episode. Can't wait to see next week.

Perhaps some spoiler tags should go round a couple of these posts as I don't think everyone here will have seen it

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Sylar could hear everything right? The whole "kill sylar and you're free" thing? Because Im not buying the starting over thing. He's already used like 3 of the powers he had before they injected him. So he totally does have the super hearing.

Why does maury call arthur "mr petrelli"? I thought the original founders of the company were all friends and everything. He looked like a servant today

Edited by Julius Caro
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I thought the vortex power was awesome and wtf at the puppeteer! that was freaky!


I am glad it's really starting to answer some questions. Mr. Petrelli seems to be a rather frightening character.

BOOO!!! :p


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Sylar could hear everything right? The whole "kill sylar and you're free" thing? Because Im not buying the starting over thing. He's already used like 3 of the powers he had before they injected him. So he totally does have the super hearing.

Why does maury call arthur "mr petrelli"? I thought the original founders of the company were all friends and everything. He looked like a servant today

He heard them talking. We just didn't hear what Sylar was hearing. Remember when Sylar was in the car with HRG? He said something along the lines of "you still don't trust me... you asked that man to kill me".

Anyway, what the vortex dude did showed that there are good people out there with abilities. He sacrificed himself instead of killing Sylar, which he was perfectly capable of doing.

Also, what the hell happened in Angela's dream? How the hell did that guy kill Peter? He's one of the most powerful people on the show. Is it possible that the man we saw was Peter and Nathan's father? Perhaps he has the same ability as Peter. I guess we'll find out in the next episode. By the way, I knew it wasn't Linderman's ghost talking to Nathan and Daphne. It had to have been either Parkman or his dad and it turned out to be his dad.

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Hiro = Idiot!!! :|

Writers, please STOP make Hiro look so Stupid please!!!

ya seriously

he just killed ando with out giving it a second thought

and with each passing episode they just keep making his character more lame

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Hey All,

Kristin at E! Online has provided us with a few new details about Pinehearst and Claire.

1) Pinehearst is the rival to The Company and is being run by two of the Heroes fathers. Based on other spoilers I am assuming the two fathers are Arthur and Maury.

2) Claire will team up with her mom to help rescue her bio-mom Meredith and apparently Meredith shares her flaming super power with another relative.


3.06 Promo

omg the puppet man and peter going all mental :p



Once again thanks to Kristin who has provided us all with some additional details as a part of her weekly recap post and I am not too happy to hear about some of the news.

Here is what to expect over the next few episodes.

1) Adam will die in Episode 3x06 and not return.

2) Maya will also die this season

3) Evil Mohinder will capture Nathan and Tracy

4) We will learn how and why Claire is "different"

I think Maya will always become the nikki character from Lost and wow at adam :|

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my problem with last night was..... Hiro kills Ando... I mean come on, whats he going to do go back in time to before he kills Ando and change it? So he can do that but he couldn't go back 2 mins before they lost Adam to FIND Adam and not let him escape? I mean wtf?

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I think it's a safe bet to say Ando isn't dead. Also, for the last time, Hiro is afraid of going into the past now, I thought they made that pretty clear.

Indeed Back in september there was reports that Hiro filmed a scene in a joke shop so trick blade?

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I think it's a safe bet to say Ando isn't dead. Also, for the last time, Hiro is afraid of going into the past now, I thought they made that pretty clear.

I'm with you on that one, I think we can all bank on that. I'm glad we finally figured out the whole Linderman thing. I just wonder how he got out of Peter's mind trap thing.

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I'm with you on that one, I think we can all bank on that. I'm glad we finally figured out the whole Linderman thing. I just wonder how he got out of Peter's mind trap thing.

Parkman :)

Also, If I had to guess it had something to do with Arthur Petrelli.

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maybe he stopped time and went somewhere to change the sword, of maybe he meets his past him and tells him to use a fake sword? xD

that would be far fetched, but that's better than going back to the past to undo the killing or using claire's MagicBlood TM

OH! We still don't know how Nathan survived. I dont think Maury injected him with magicblood, because if they have magicblood why is arthur petrelli all ****ed up in a bed? I think they want adam for his blood.

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I dont see why peter wanted to cut open his moms head for the secrets she was keeping when he could so much more easily just pull them out of her head, or make her tell him using Mat Parkmans ability

Other then that, and Ando getting killed, which im sure will be resolved It was a decent episode

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Was a very good episode. Peter is so screwed now with Sylar's ability.

I reckon we will see Ando again at some point.

In the preview, Is Flint in the army? Or is it just me...

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Was a very good episode. Peter is so screwed now with Sylar's ability.

I reckon we will see Ando again at some point.

In the preview, Is Flint in the army? Or is it just me...

Yep Yep Flint is there

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I dont see why peter wanted to cut open his moms head for the secrets she was keeping when he could so much more easily just pull them out of her head, or make her tell him using Mat Parkmans ability

Other then that, and Ando getting killed, which im sure will be resolved It was a decent episode

I guess everyone forgot that Ando is alive in the future so he will not die. That is probably why Hiro didn't blink when he stabbed him because he knew that Ando will not die then, but rather live to kill him in the future.

Peter wanted to cut open his mom's head because he cannot control Sylar's ability yet. That is the same reason he wanted to cut open Nathan's head even though he could already fly.

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I wouldn't watch this if you don't to know something about Hiro


Scene 1: Hiro in the Magic Shop

A 15-second scene without any dialogue may not seem that exciting, but on Heroes, it can unlock countless secrets. The first part is understanding exactly what takes place during the scene. Hiro (Masi Oka) teleports himself into a Japanese magic shop, where he looks around and finds what he's looking for: a trick sword. Then, as director Allan Arkush called out, Hiro looked for “the other thing.” He was referring to packets of fake blood.

Putting those two pieces together, it's not easy to see the Heroes scene that comes before it. Hiro will agree to stab someone, but will use his abilities to make sure it only looks real. I'm not at liberty to say who Hiro's fake stabbing victim is, but now that you've been spoiled, a potential shocking scene may not be so shocking since you now know it won't be real.

Scene 2: Nathan and Tracy in the Car

This scene is even shorter than the first and with even less dialogue. At this time, it's probably good to point out that we were on the Heroes set for about three hours, during which time they completed filming on just these two short scenes.

Obviously, this appears to be a scene of two people holding hands in a car. But for anyone who's actually seen Heroes, who these people are raises a ton of questions. First, obviously, Ali Larter and Adrian Pasdar are back, despite being blown up and shot, respectively, in the season 2 finale. If your first impression was “Niki looks rather professional,” it could be because that's not Niki. Or is it?

All we know for sure is that she calls herself Tracy Strauss and she's a political operative, which explains the outfit and the fact that she's spending time with Nathan Petrelli. Though she may be reluctant, it's Nathan who engages in the handholding, because Pasdar told us that, as far as Nathan is concerned, this woman is Niki, Nathan's former lover.

What do these two scenes mean in the larger context of the season? Episode 6 is scheduled to air October 20, so at that time we can revisit these scenes and fully understand their importance.


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