Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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I can see it now

Suresh creates the injection that can give people powers... gives it to Peter without his father knowing... Peter hugs his father, returns the favour, and wins


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I can see it now

Suresh creates the injection that can give people powers... gives it to Peter without his father knowing... Peter hugs his father, returns the favour, and wins


Thats it all sorted...onto Volume 4 :shifty:

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peters dad has sylars curse too though now, all peter has to say is "I wonder how those guys powers work" and

all of a sudden his dad starts lobbing heads opens, peter being the only one without powers is spared.

half the situation solved

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peters dad has sylars curse too though now, all peter has to say is "I wonder how those guys powers work" and

all of a sudden his dad starts lobbing heads opens, peter being the only one without powers is spared.

half the situation solved

That was brought up a few pages back, but I don't think it will affect him since he's more mature and experienced in using and dealing with powers.

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peters dad has sylars curse too though now, all peter has to say is "I wonder how those guys powers work" and

all of a sudden his dad starts lobbing heads opens, peter being the only one without powers is spared.

half the situation solved

He has it but like Mathachew has said he knows what to do with taking them seeing as he has done it before.

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That was brought up a few pages back, but I don't think it will affect him since he's more mature and experienced in using and dealing with powers.

true, but it took sylar a long time to control it, and peter even started cutting his mom.

plus it would be hillarious.

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remember in season one when they always showed: "odessa, texas", "isaac's apartment, manhattan", and "costa verde"?

Now the non-teleporting characters always get from coast to coast in like NO time. Will they move the bennets to new york already??

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Dan Byrd, best known for his roles as sensitive, wholesome teens on Aliens in America and Clubhouse, is about to tap into his inner Henry Evans. Sources confirm to me exclusively that Byrd has been cast on Heroes in the recurring role of David, a dark and twisted kid who tells lies easily and has a cruel streak. Word is he'll be a possible apprentice to Sylar (Zachary Quinto).

Byrd is committed to appearing in at least three episodes during Heroes' forthcoming "Volume 4: Fugitives" arc.

This marks the second major piece of casting for the "Fugitives" volume. Last week, my frenemy at E! broke the news that Damages' Zeljko Ivanek was coming on board as the Hunter.

Looks like I may have ID'd his first quarry.

3.08 "Villains" Promo Pictures


3.09 "It's Coming" Promo Pictures


Edited by rappeh
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Sylar and tracy and elle with the evil company?? is there no good people left?? :(

I noticed that, I knew Sylar wouldn't stay good for long :p

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I'm curious as to what happens to Tracy and Sylar. I remember in Angela's first dream for this season it showed Tracy with the bad guys. Then it showed Sylar coming up behind Angela. Presumably Tracy turns bad...

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Does Heroes Need Help?


John Stamos once told me (after I gave his old show Thieves an, um, not so flattering review) that "judging a series by its pilot is like judging a movie by its opening credits."

So, question: Is it fair to judge a TV show's season based on the first three to four episodes?

That is the question we're presenting to you fans as Entertainment Weekly's highly controversial Heroes critique/cover story hits magazine stands today...

Writer Jeff Jensen asserts that the series is in need of major healing and retooling?an assertion that some of you fans have voiced over the past few weeks, while others of you have defended the show and insist you still enjoy watching.

We've done some research among sources connected to the series, and can tell you that some of the issues pointed out by E.W. appear to have already been ironed out in future episodes for which scripts have been written. The action settles into the present (no more time travel), two of our fave Heroes get intimate and certain, less popular characters depart...Plus, as a former fan of Aliens in America (one of the few but proud) I'm pleased by my frenemy Michael Ausiello's new Heroes casting scoop today about Dan Byrd coming to the show.

Still, what I'm most curious to know is how you the fans truly feel. Is E.W.'s cover story fair? Too harsh? Too gentle? Too soon? Too late? Are you enjoying the current season or planning a Hero-ic breakup via your DVR?

We did notice that the fan comments in this week's Heroes Redux were overwhelmingly positive compared with those from previous weeks, including, "I'm glad I stuck with this season," "This show just keeps getting better" and "I'm totally shocked at all of the non-negative comments this week!" So maybe there is still faith to be found?

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I'm curious as to what happens to Tracy and Sylar. I remember in Angela's first dream for this season it showed Tracy with the bad guys. Then it showed Sylar coming up behind Angela. Presumably Tracy turns bad...

Adam Monroe was also there, but I think instead of filming something else, they just used old footage that was supposed to air last season. Kind of lazy really, and thrown in there just to show Angela's power imho.

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Adam Monroe was also there, but I think instead of filming something else, they just used old footage that was supposed to air last season. Kind of lazy really, and thrown in there just to show Angela's power imho.

Yeah that scene is an extra on the S2 dvd.

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I remember in Angela's first dream for this season it showed Tracy with the bad guys. Then it showed Sylar coming up behind Angela. Presumably Tracy turns bad...

And it showed Adam. :confused:

Edit: Rofl, too slow. :p

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If there is anything to backup this last sentence, then that would effectively counter my argument, but until then, I'm not swayed. :)

In one of the Graphic Novels they goto Adam in his coffin and he states that he stopped counting how many times he died while in his tomb. I don't know if that helps your case or goes against it.

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In one of the Graphic Novels they goto Adam in his coffin and he states that he stopped counting how many times he died while in his tomb. I don't know if that helps your case or goes against it.

I think it does neither because Claire and Peter have both died as well, the cause was different. For Adam, dying in the coffin was due to suffocation, but then one can also argue that if his body lacks oxygen, shouldn't that eventually affect his brain as well, causing it to dry and his body to decompose? I could be wrong on how the body would react, but it's not a big issue anyway.

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In one of the images, if you look carefully at the drawings that Arthur has drawn you can see an image of an Eclipse, which confirms previous spoilers to expect an Eclipse that will cause all of the Heroes to lose their powers.

Also Arthur is in the process of another drawing and it is hard to make out what it is. I tried cropping and enlarging the image and it looks like he is drawing someone with a sword or some sort of weapon!? Maybe Hiro or Peter from the future!?


Summary from this weeks behind the eclipse!

Hey All,

Once again the guys over at CBR had a chance to host a Q&A Session with Heroes writers Aron Coleite and Joe Pokaski.

Here is a summary of some of the key details from the most recent Behind the Eclipse Q&A.

1) Richard Drucker (from Heroes Online content) is not scheduled to appear on the show.

2) The decision to have Peter "taught" Sylar's power versus him absorbing and knowing about it was made from the folks higher up (I am assuming NBC) thus a Claude-like scenario was created.

3) Episode 3x08 Villains we will learn more about Arthur's doctor who made a brief appearance in the GNs.

4) Episode 3x10/11 Th Eclipse will provide us with more details about Daphne's powers including strength and healing.

5) Arthur is definitely Peter and Sylar's father, but they did not confirm if he is Nathan's father. Also they used the word "synth" to describe Nathan for having a synthetic power and not being born with it.

6) We will learn more about Sylar's "hunger" and how it now affects Peter.

7) Maury was in Level 5, but he might of escaped BEFORE the other villains thus allowing him to trick Nathan from the beginning of Season 3.

8) There are currently no plans for Stephen Canfield, but he was a favorite of the writers and they reserve the right to leave the door open for him.

9) Micah was born with his abilities and whether DL was a "synth" is not confirmed yet.

10) Peter and Sylar are not twins

11) We will learn about many of Arthur's "fun" abilities soon.

12) They confirmed that one fan theory about female villains being in a different level of The Company and perhaps being used for fertility experiments is not far off.

13) Episode 3x08 will provide us with more background of Arthur and Angela before they were against each other.

14) The 4 remaining unseen villains might be shown, they said to "stay tuned" I am assuming this is a yes.

15) The items in the Vault (from end of Season 2) maybe explored in the long term plan.

16) After Knox escapes Sylar and HRG, Daphne recruits him (off camera) for Maury and Arthur.


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The picture was purposely skewed and it was a shot of the side of his face because they had no clue who would play the guy at the time, and I don't think they knew what they would do with the character (I always suspected they would bring him back).

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15) The items in the Vault (from end of Season 2) maybe explored in the long term plan.

ya there was some weird stuff in there lol

i think i remember seeing playing cards and a basebal :wacko:

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ya there was some weird stuff in there lol

i think i remember seeing playing cards and a basebal :wacko:

I always hoped the cards would lead to a Gambit type character :D

Some more Spoilers from Heroes The Series Site!

EW?s new article Five Ways to Fix a Series In Crisis ( check it ) included some spoilers and pictures for upcoming episodes, and for the next spring?s ?Fugitives? storyline. Here it is:

* In particular, the ?Villains? arc is leading up to a twist where Mohinder shares his powers-giving research with the uber-bad-daddy Arthur Petrelli.

* And in the big flashback episode, airing Nov. 10, there?s a scene where Gabriel, who has yet to be Sylar, makes Ziti for Elle ? who is about to doom him to his life of being a brain-scooping serial killer. Elle brings him a ?scruffy dinner guest? who has a secret power. ?He?s special too!? Elle says.

* The ?Fugitives? chapter, starting next spring, is totally different than the current ?Villains? arc, promises Kring. ?The story will again focus on core characters and enmesh them all in a plot that Kring says was inspired by current events pertaining to homeland security, invasion of privacy, and the war on terror.? And the story has a ?wide-open road,? promises Kring. [i09]

Plus a bonus of Mohinder laying the smack down on his nemesis!

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