Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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You missed my point, when Maya was emitting that poison, Authur was not harmed by it at all.

Yeah but she was emitting it because she under distress with what Arthur was doing, I don't think Arthur will ever use it.

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Yeah but she was emitting it because she under distress with what Arthur was doing, I don't think Arthur will ever use it.

The whole point was to get rid of Maya as quickly as possible but still be nice and not kill her. In the end it doesn't matter since all that matters is that she is gone. Its the same with Adam. He needed to be gone and now he is.

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Mohinder was behind the door in the scene, but healing ability is reasonable, I guess.

Did you forget about the incident when her ability manifested? People around the town were killed, not just those in the same room as her.

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Did you forget about the incident when her ability manifested? People around the town were killed, not just those in the same room as her.

Well, Not sure there were doors... I have to check back on that episode.

The exact extent of this power/disease is not really known, but maybe doors would block it?

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Did you forget about the incident when her ability manifested? People around the town were killed, not just those in the same room as her.

Well, Not sure there were doors... I have to check back on that episode.

The exact extend of this power/disease is not really known, but maybe doors would block it?

It travels by Air?

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We were led to believe that Level 5 was power proof but that was wrong, but maybe they are power rooms where it is limited to the room.

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Oi, that makes no sense at all. A door? She caught her brother's wife cheating on him in a house and everyone in the town was killed except her brother.

A door? Please.

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My only guess is that since she was doing it while he was stealing her ability, she wasn't able to get it to full power before it was gone, so it wasn't able to do the damage it normally would.

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Didn't follow the whole thread... so it might have been discussed before. Does anyone know how papa petrelli was in the vegetative state on the first place?

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Didn't follow the whole thread... so it might have been discussed before. Does anyone know how papa petrelli was in the vegetative state on the first place?

He tried to commit suicide we are led to believe but of course he never healed until he took Adams power, but we will know in a fortnight because the episode that will reveal all.

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wtf is going on

every episode everyone switches sides

and who is writing the dialog for Claire and Elle, it's terrible

Claire and Elle just fillers, though I actually liked their dialog simple, cheesy but enough to the point.

Believable, for two BRATS :p

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I didn't like how they put Claire and Elle on a plain, knowing that Elle can't control her abilities, and then pure genius was exhibited in Claire by provoking Elle to anger because she screwed up, followed by her even brighter response to calm down. Yeah, that made a lot of sense. :rolleyes: That was probably the worst writing I've seen for Heroes thus far.

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I didn't like how they put Claire and Elle on a plain, knowing that Elle can't control her abilities, and then pure genius was exhibited in Claire by provoking Elle to anger because she screwed up, followed by her even brighter response to calm down. Yeah, that made a lot of sense. :rolleyes: That was probably the worst writing I've seen for Heroes thus far.

They probably did that because people were complaining about how quickly they jump across states, but yeah who in the their right mind puts a ticking EMP on a plane.

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Does A LOT of things on this show make sense?

Comon, you give this show TOO much Credit :p

Another thing that doesn't make sense is this

How come with so much death, we haven't seen Police/FBI yet?

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Didn't follow the whole thread... so it might have been discussed before. Does anyone know how papa petrelli was in the vegetative state on the first place?

We will find out in two weeks when episode 8 airs.

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I dont think sylar can have his power taken away by papa patrelli. More of a thing that sylar can always remember how to use them agian, because thats what hes basically doing in the first place. Hard to take that away unless you wipe his memory. Not sure though, just a theory.

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I dont think sylar can have his power taken away by papa patrelli. More of a thing that sylar can always remember how to use them agian, because thats what hes basically doing in the first place. Hard to take that away unless you wipe his memory. Not sure though, just a theory.

Nu uh, removing the powers means removing every trace of them. It's as if they would've never had powers in the first place.

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Nu uh, removing the powers means removing every trace of them. It's as if they would've never had powers in the first place.

I don't know, with Sylar it's a bit more complicated than that. Him being able to use other powers is based on the knowledge he gains though the use of his real power. I don't think that removing his power would remove the knowledge he has gained. It's not like Maya forgot what she ever did with her power. He wouldn't be able to get any more of course, as he wouldn't be able to figure out how they work anymore.

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I don't know, with Sylar it's a bit more complicated than that. Him being able to use other powers is based on the knowledge he gains though the use of his real power. I don't think that removing his power would remove the knowledge he has gained. It's not like Maya forgot what she ever did with her power. He wouldn't be able to get any more of course, as he wouldn't be able to figure out how they work anymore.

I wonder then, how did they "disable" his powers back in season 2 (when he found himself in the middle of that forest)

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Some Spoilers from Heroes Revealed...

* You know how Elle channeled her overly abundant electricity into Claire? Later this season she?ll do the same thing to a male character, only this time it will have some distinctly sexual overtones. Talk about good vibrations! As for next week, we?ll get to know her when she was an agent in the field, and we?ll meet her partner.

* Next week is flashback week. (Don?t worry, as I promised, we will settle into the future eventually, just hang in there until Vol. Four: Fugitives.) We see what really happened to Arthur Petrelli, and whodunit. Was it Miss Scarlet in the conservatory with the candle stick? My money?s on Mr. Greene in the library.

* We see Sylar eat his very first brain. OK, he doesn?t technically eat them??Claire, that?s disgusting??but you get my drift.

* Matt Parkman was buddy-buddy with villains back in the day. Any guesses as to which baddie he once knew quite well?

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Does discussing the promo counts as spoiler? Anyway, I'm discussing the promo here:

I wonder if that man shown in the promo is supposed to be sylar's "first victim". They already showed him in the flashback in season 1, he didnt have no powers other than his own. Where am I going with this? Why the eff is sylar using the telekinesis power to Sylarize his victim when he didnt have that power before? Remember that sylar killed his former first victim by hitting him in the head, and THAT victim was the one who could move objects. I havent seen the episode yet but I know I wont be happy if they are changing something that was already well established.

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I wonder then, how did they "disable" his powers back in season 2 (when he found himself in the middle of that forest)

They made him forget what he had learned. Knowledge and memories are key to Sylar's use of powers other than his own, so the Haitian could easily remove them with a quick memory wipe.

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