Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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Does discussing the promo counts as spoiler? Anyway, I'm discussing the promo here:

I wonder if that man shown in the promo is supposed to be sylar's "first victim". They already showed him in the flashback in season 1, he didnt have no powers other than his own. Where am I going with this? Why the eff is sylar using the telekinesis power to Sylarize his victim when he didnt have that power before? Remember that sylar killed his former first victim by hitting him in the head, and THAT victim was the one who could move objects. I havent seen the episode yet but I know I wont be happy if they are changing something that was already well established.

This maybe actually after that happened, because maybe he had that one ability and wanted more but it does make you think what does that boy have ability wise that Sylar has used because Sylar has so many powers that he got that we don't know where he had them from like the ice making

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If that's the case then anyone with their powers removed by Arthur could have them back because they have their memories of using their power.

And in season two, the Shanti virus prevented Sylar from using his power, as it did with Nikki.

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If that's the case then anyone with their powers removed by Arthur could have them back because they have their memories of using their power.

They don't have intimate knowledge of how their powers work, like Sylar does. They just know how to use them. If the ability itself has been removed, they cannot use it again.

And in season two, the Shanti virus prevented Sylar from using his power, as it did with Nikki.

Ah, I completely forgot about that. I have a horrible memory :laugh:

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He can remember how they work, but he would lack the ability to make them work because they would be stolen. It could go either way, but I think the more logical stance would be once they're removed, they're gone (unless somehow restored).

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I think peter will gain his powers back in some way dealing with sylar and his ability as well. But really, sylar is the only one who knows how to make a power work, everyone else just knows how to use their power. Maybe thats why mr. patrelli didnt take his powers, because really sylar only has that 1, which he already got from peter, and all the other powers are just sylars natural abilities once learned. Would also explain why level 5 had no effect. Sylar could have subconsciously figured a way around it while asleep, once he realized it, he was then able to just use all his powers in it.

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Sylar isn't any different than Daphne, Knox and Maury, they're a means to an end for Arthur, whatever than end may be (becoming unstoppable like Sylar?) though with Sylar it could be different because he is his son.

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Behind the Scenes Q&A

Why do you kill all the cool characters?

Chris Zatta: On ?Heroes? you never know how the fate of a character may turn out. Death isn?t always the end when you have time travel on your side. As for Adam, his demise was necessary to bring Arthur to power.

Chuck Kim: It also shows while Adam may be one tough cookie, Arthur is an even tougher cookie. But as far as killing characters, sometimes a character?s death gives meaning and drive to our heroes, to remind them of the stakes at hand. Like Charlie?s death drove home how dangerous and evil Sylar was to Hiro in seaHow did Maury Parkman escape being trapped in the nightmare Matt created for him?r him?

CZ: He broke out when the Level Five attack happened. He?s a powerful guy. All he needed was Is Arthur's power like the graphic novel character Linda Tavara's aura absorption (she did kill everything she absorbed from), or is it something more sophisticated like Power Theft? Does he have to necessarily take the power and leave the other powerless, or can he just copy it for personal use?nal use?

CZ: Arthur?s power would be best described as power theft. And yes, he takes it and leaves the other person powerless.

CK: Of course, now that he has Peter?s power as well, he could conceivably choose which method to copy someoDoes Arthur Petrelli have ?the Hunger? now?the Hunger? now?<Why didn't Aurthur Petrelli simply steal Adam Monroe's power, rather than lock him away?han lock him away?

CZ: First off, it was Kaito who locked Adam away 30 years ago. And secondly, Arthur didn?t need to steal Adam?s power until recently. Stay tuned and you?ll find out why! (as in episode 8, our flashback epiThe main things that I was questioning after ?Dying of the Light? had to do with the painting that Usutu had shown Hiro and Ando at the end. First of all, I could recognize that in the top left corner was Arthur, Knox below him, and in the bottom right it looked like Flint, or maybe Maury. However, I have been unable to figure out who was the fourth villain. I could see Sylar a little bit, but Magnum P.I. a lot. So who is this fourth villain? Is it a new villain (possibly played by Tom Selleck) or is it someone we know?lleck) or is it someone we know?

CZ: It does look a lot like Tom Selleck. But it is Sylar. The bit that looks like facial hair is actually How did Matt get from Africa back to the U.S.? He was teleported to Africa, so I doubt he had his passport on himself. Also, I doubt it's that easy to take a wild animal to another continent. Was Matt using a Jedi mind trick on customs? Jedi mind trick on customs?

CZ: Yes! If Matt ran into any troubles regarding a passport and the turtle, his telepathy is a handy trick to have.

CK: There was a whole lot of, ?This is not How can Daphne run to Europe? Does she use the surface tension to run over the sea? Or does she run way north and gets to Europe over the ice?and gets to Europe over the ice?

CZ: That?s a question only a speedster could answer. My guess is that either possibility wouI can't believe that you guys killed off Adam -- he had so much potential story. Is there any chance we will see him again?ny chance we will see him again?

CZ: Fingers crossed we will.

CK: All IWe saw that Arthur Petrelli can take away powers--an awesome variant on Peter's and Sylar's abilities, by the way--but can he also give powers back?y--but can he also give powers back?

CZ: Nope. Unless he takes the abilityIs there any indication on whether Usutu, the precog, is merely using his abilities regarding Arthur and the Villians, or if he has a more elaborate history with them?ore elaborate history with them?

CZ: He only knows what he knows through the paintings. The same way he knew of Matt.

CK: Usutu is Facebook friends with FGiven that Sylar presumably took the power to learn an object's history by touching it, mightn't he know a thing or two about Pinehearst after Daphne gave him that business card? Can we expect to see him use that power over the course of the season?wer over the course of the season?

CZ: Yes, he will use that power. And yes, he most likely would know a thing or two about Pinehearst from the business card. But I doubt the card holds all of Pinehearst?s darkest secrets. He might know a I bet all the writers are breathing a huge sigh of relief now that they don't have to deal with Peter's powers anymore. It's also a good way of getting back to the root of who the character is. Any clues on how long this situation will last?how long this situation will last?

CZ: No comment!

CK: Candlestick, the study? oh, sorry, wrong clue.

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He can remember how they work, but he would lack the ability to make them work because they would be stolen. It could go either way, but I think the more logical stance would be once they're removed, they're gone (unless somehow restored).

What I'm saying is those abilities wouldn't be taken in the first place. They're based on the knowledge of how they work. I think if Arthur were to take any ability, it would only be Sylar's base ability. Peter is different, as he actually absorbs the abilities and has them all in him.

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I still don't find that to be the case because Arthur steals abilities, and stealing would make the person stolen from have less of what they had before, in this case their ability. Going by what you're speculating, Sylar could theoretically make up his own abilities if he thought hard enough about how it would work. Knowledge, for Sylar, is only half the battle of using and acquiring abilities.

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I still don't find that to be the case because Arthur steals abilities, and stealing would make the person stolen from have less of what they had before, in this case their ability. Going by what you're speculating, Sylar could theoretically make up his own abilities if he thought hard enough about how it would work. Knowledge, for Sylar, is only half the battle of using and acquiring abilities.

No... He can't just make stuff up. He figures out how things work; that's his base ability. He then uses such knowledge to use other abilities. Knowing how something works and making up a whole new ability are two completely separate things.

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I think Sylar's ability is figuring out how things work, and his power alters his own genes to produce that result. Without his base power, I don't think he can utilise his other powers, even though he may remember how they work.

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No... He can't just make stuff up. He figures out how things work; that's his base ability. He then uses such knowledge to use other abilities. Knowing how something works and making up a whole new ability are two completely separate things.

While I do not see it happening.... if Arthur were to steal Sylars ability... I am certain he would lose all of the powers he currently has.

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About Arthur, I dodn't beleive any of his words. Not even when he said that he takes the power and leaves nothing behind. He's a liar, and very manipulative. I think that there's a way to make him give back a power, and Sylar is trying to fogure it out to help his mom and bros.

let's see where this season leads us!!

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About Arthur, I dodn't beleive any of his words. Not even when he said that he takes the power and leaves nothing behind. He's a liar, and very manipulative. I think that there's a way to make him give back a power, and Sylar is trying to fogure it out to help his mom and bros.

let's see where this season leads us!!

This is from a Q&A with the writers...

"We saw that Arthur Petrelli can take away powers--an awesome variant on Peter's and Sylar's abilities, by the way--but can he also give powers back?

CZ: Nope. Unless he takes the ability to give powers from someone else."

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This is from a Q&A with the writers...

"We saw that Arthur Petrelli can take away powers--an awesome variant on Peter's and Sylar's abilities, by the way--but can he also give powers back?

CZ: Nope. Unless he takes the ability to give powers from someone else."

so how exactly does Arthur's powers work?

we know that powers are somehow related to something biological. they can be given through a formula that manipulates your cells? DNA?

so when Arthur is taking your power. is he changing you biologically?

if not, then peter's (for example) biological makeup is still the same and his powers just need to be reactivated maybe?

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While I do not see it happening.... if Arthur were to steal Sylars ability... I am certain he would lose all of the powers he currently has.

I'm just going off of what makes sense to me based on everything that's happened in the show. In that case, I do not believe Sylar would lose any power except his base power. Perhaps there's a certain aspect to his power that has not been explained or demonstrated that deals with using the abilities he has learned. I'm not sure. Either way, we won't find out unless Arthur does do his thing to Sylar.

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so how exactly does Arthur's powers work?

we know that powers are somehow related to something biological. they can be given through a formula that manipulates your cells? DNA?

so when Arthur is taking your power. is he changing you biologically?

if not, then peter's (for example) biological makeup is still the same and his powers just need to be reactivated maybe?

WOW... I am never amazed at the amount of questions this show causes people to ask... this is not real people.. its a SCI-FI show.. this is his power... it just works this way... it just makes people normal again... I just dont see why everything has to be broken down to make sense all the time... I am not saying its you Wong... its so many people in this thread... lots of people are not thrilled with this season and I get that... but at the same time there is no way any of you sticklers for detail can ever enjoy Heroes if all you do is ask these questions that will never be answered (unless maybe you send something in to the BtE Q&A's.... sorry for the rant I just dont know why people just cant take the show for what it is.. entertainment..

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Best episode YET.

I Think that Too.

But tell me something, Peter has the ability so when he is near someone he copy the power of that person, as Peter was near his father obviously he has copy him ability too, so when his father took Peter's ability I guess for a redundancy thing Peter has conserve his powers, maybe are in a "Stanby" mode or something.

After all Peter and Claire has some ocult power, in the case of Claire, Sylar has told her several times, althought in the case of Peter its just my imagination.

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its about bringing more to the show than what just meets the eye. this is basically the fan card section you could say lol. But since there are no hero stats or anything, we have to do discussion about it. Its also good to think about side stories like that, shows some imagination and curiosity. Never a bad thing to have.

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The summary incase you didn't want to read it :p

1) "Adam?s demise was necessary to bring Arthur to power"

2) Maury broke out when the Level 5 attack happened

3) Arthur?s power is described as ?power theft,? but now that he has Peter?s power

as well, he could choose which method to use to copy someone?s ability.

4) Arthur does not have ?the hunger.?

5) Clarified that they made a mistake in the GN titled "Doyle" the first page should've read THREE years ago not two.

6) Episode 3x08 - We will learn why Arthur didn?t need Adam?s power until recently.

7) Matt used his Psi powers to get back to the US and through customs.

8) They would not confirm or deny that Adam could be seen again.

9) Arthur cannot give powers back to someone, unless he steals the ability to give powers from someone.

10) Peter can use any of his abilities, but it can be difficult for him to use two at one time

11) Sylar will use the ability he stole from Bridget ? learning an object?s history by touching it - to learn more about Pinehearst.

12) We will see the Heroes join forces to try and stop the villains, but they will not form a "team" like the Avengers of X-Men.

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its about bringing more to the show than what just meets the eye. this is basically the fan card section you could say lol. But since there are no hero stats or anything, we have to do discussion about it. Its also good to think about side stories like that, shows some imagination and curiosity. Never a bad thing to have.

I def agree with the discussion aspect of it all... thats what the shows are all about. I just dont see the need to pick apart a show and then claim its sloppy writing or something like that... with all thats going on the writers dont have time to add in like sylar traveling from NY to CA...

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I think another question we should think about is what other powers does Arthur have? In the course of his existence, he must've taken a lot of other people's power. Take for example, Adam knew Arthur was going to kill him without Arthur saying a word, why?

Or did Adam know that without his power, he would turn to dust? Maybe it's nit-picking, maybe not.

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Arthur was using telepathy, obviously. That's how he was talking to anybody before he was healed. He was probably saying something along the lines that Adam's time was up.

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Arthur was using telepathy, obviously. That's how he was talking to anybody before he was healed. He was probably saying something along the lines that Adam's time was up.

Plus Adam was part of the original group so he knew what Arthurs power was when the group was formed so he was naturally scared.

I lawled at Knox when he was getting all buffed up on fear because he reminded me of Hulk Hogan :laugh:

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