Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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I wonder if it had anything with our state also not really showing heroes on TimeWarner due to the local network taking their signal away... I mean, i know texas doesnt make up a huge percent of viewers, but im sure it didnt help that everyone here basically had to download the episodes to watch them.

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I am still quite stunned Jeph Loeb was fired because he was always the guy that was the face of the writing team alongside Kring.

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ya, i was surprised any of them got fired. To me, this whole season has been great. Hell, the first season was just awesome, the 2nd was good even with all the troubles in the business. Maybe the broadcasting companies are feeling this recession more than we know, and they are just desperate for the money and ratings? Lets just hope now that the show doesnt take a turn. At least this season is done, we will see what the new staff will bring to season 4.

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I have such a bad feeling they are not going to renew for another season...... I am sure NBC will just replace it with a cheap reality show that costs them nothing to make... :cry:

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I have such a bad feeling they are not going to renew for another season...... I am sure NBC will just replace it with a cheap reality show that costs them nothing to make... :cry:

Beginning of the season I would said GTFO, but now I sort of fear the same as well, it costs $4m an episode to make and that's a big price and if the show isn't getting anywhere for people they will can it.

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Next week's rating should be good, IF they Blitz the ads tonight and tomorrow night!!!

You really think that advertising the heck out of it these two days will be the only way to increase next week's ratings?

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I have found more new watchers this season than any other as well. Most of my family now watchs it, along with many friends who ever did. I dont think the ratings they use is correct at all. Maybe we need to start an online petition about not thinking of canceling it lol.

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You really think that advertising the heck out of it these two days will be the only way to increase next week's ratings?

Jedi secretly works for NBC he has insider info :p

I have found more new watchers this season than any other as well. Most of my family now watchs it, along with many friends who ever did. I dont think the ratings they use is correct at all. Maybe we need to start an online petition about not thinking of canceling it lol.

The problem is people are DVR'ing it thus the ratings are low and it seems a few networks in the US don't count the DVR as a good system.

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The problem is people are DVR'ing it thus the ratings are low and it seems a few networks in the US don't count the DVR as a good system.

I don't see how this works... my cable box has to be on and the channel also has to be on (one of the tuners) so how does it know that I am not watching it live as well as on DVR... doesnt add up..

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I don't see how this works... my cable box has to be on and the channel also has to be on (one of the tuners) so how does it know that I am not watching it live as well as on DVR... doesnt add up..

I'm not sure I don't know how the DVR thing works but over here if you Sky+ something Sky knows you are recording rather then watching.

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We think it rocks but obviously NBC don't.

The ratings don't show that most people think it 'rocks'.

You all seem to be confused how ratings work. They don't 'magically' know what you're watching. The Nielsen ratings are derived from a select group of people (that changes) that are sent boxes that record what they watch. This is then extrapolated over the country to determine what everyone is watching. I believe they also simply survey some people on what they watched, but I don't think that is very prevalent anymore.

Is it perfect? No, but thats the way its always been done, and its not going to change until the ratings for EVERYTHING are so far down that they are no longer believable. Then a new system will have to be found.


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Rumor of an Upcoming Main Character Death

Hey All,

Yes I know many of you are still reeling from the news of two of the more popular writers leaving the show, but one of the common complaints across the board from fans and critics has been that there are too many characters and that they need to kill some off.

Well over the weekend we received some unconfirmed information that Masi Oka's character Hiro might be killed off the show before the end of the season!?

Now before you panic please continue reading, I do love Masi Oka and would hate to see him leave. Besides him being a fan favorite he is a great actor and is one of the core characters of the show. Unfortunately one common "complaint" by some fans has been Hiro's ability to teleport/time travel. Any time something bad happens on the show, fans are quick to say things like, "why can't Hiro go back and change the past or teleport here or there!?"

Time travel in TV or Movies is rarely done right so whenever it used in a story line I just sit back, watch and do not question what the writers are doing. Yes there are some basic rules and principles that have to followed, but the key is, the writer needs to make sure the viewers are aware of those rules so we do not question what can or can not be done. For example, with Hiro he now has a "moral code" that says he will not go back in time because he knows it can F up the future.

If the writers were to take such a bold step to kill off a fan favorite, well maybe they will be able to shore up the story and close some of those potential plot holes that can be created with time travel!?

NOTE: With production of Volume 4 already in the process, do not expect something like this to happen until much later in the season.

Like I said, we have not been able to confirm this information from other sources, but we will keep you updated on any additional information we get.

What do you all think!? Would this be a good move!? Would NBC allow one of the "faces" of the show be killed off!? By the way, even if he was killed, would he be off the show for good!? Could this be a part of the "creative differences" between the writers of the show!?

As always thanks for stopping by.

Source: The ODI

NO! They just couldn't!

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WTH! im sick of hearing people say there are too many characters. What, are they just too stupid to remember them all and the interweaving stories? I think its what makes heroes great. There are so many people, so many different possibilities. A show does not bomb because there are too many people on it, it bombs due to horrible scripts and acting. If you can get great actors with great scripts, really doesnt matter how many people are in the story.

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Uhh... I don't know how to do the spoiler tag, but I will avoid name. Personally, I am fine with that character being removed. He has really done nothing this season but run around like a dummy. Has not really contributed to the story line much at all.

And good actor? Gotta be kidding me. Terrible actor and that spin-off movie off that summer hit was terrible. Not to mention a true showing of how terrible his/her acting ability is.

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I love Hiro but I'd rather he goes. He just goes back in time way too often and thinks that he can single handedly save the world. It just annoys me :p

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