Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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I don't like what Tim Kring is doing, his firing/killing of producers and characters on the show is not very welcoming. I think he should just leave them alone.

Ratings are down, but have he ever thought about these things that might bring it up without these stupid approaches?

1) Promote it better. Said it over and over. I swear, I have saw only one 1 Heroes promo all night yesterday! Next week is supposed to be one of the most interesting episodes, they just have 1 Trailer the entire night! That is PATHETIC Promotion! :| If you don't promote how the heck would people who normally not watch the show religiously know that it's great?

Is there no upcoming episodes that will be good enough to promote it? I really don't understand. How is promotion such a problem Lately?

2) Put more Powerful Minorities on the show? I know I read somewhere people complaining there are no Minorities on the show that's 'Respectable enough' the ones that are there are hated and not in it enough - like Maya and Monica.

Well, that complaint is SO true.

You gotta get more Powerful Minorities into the show. Comon, we just elected Obama as President! Get Monica back or something to KICK Butt!

The Killing of characters (like the Rumored Hiro) makes NO sense and is NOT intelligent at all! :| Hiro is probably one of the most beloved characters on the show, why don't you just make him less Wussy and more Badass instead of killing him? Another most favorite Minority gone with him killed... WTF? :|

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I think for the first time I will be ignoring a user on this forum...

That's Entirely fine with me, :)

I think that's the Best/Most Mature thing to do, if you can NOT agree with another person.... SO MUCH.

Everybody is different. You are a Republican, as far as you told me, I am a Democrat so there has to be A LOT of things we can NOT agree on. Not now, not Ever. It's all Natural! Why fight it? Do you have to be right all the time, and I have to be wrong all the time? Just agree to Disagree or ignore if that concept is too difficult for you!!!

Look, I am NOT the one have problem with YOU. It's you instead, so go ahead, ignore me, I think the world would be truly a better place IF people just ignore people they don't like/agree with than resort to Personal attacks (Which IS the most immature thing a person can do)! :)

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How can you promote the show now that audiences are dropping like flies?

Well, another Whole purpose of Promotion is to BRING those that have NOT seen Heroes before (NEW), rather than only show it to people watch it religiously(Old fans)!

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Well, another Whole purpose of Promotion is to BRING those that have NOT seen Heroes before (NEW), rather than only show it to people watch it religiously(Old fans)!

It's pretty late into the show now so I don't think NBC will bring in tons of new viewers just by a simple promotion. It has to be word of mouth. If they're not in yet, they won't be until the show has truly ended. So if the show ends on a great note, people will buy the DVD. But I just can't see them bringing in new viewers as old ones are leaving like a stampede. The show sucks now. Simple as that.

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You UNDERESTIMATE the Power of Promotion! ;) It's a Force that's proven to be very effective thruout History!

(Super Bowl Ads... One trailer on it, will gurantee that movie does VERY well, just check the facts/history that's the Truth!)

I really don't see this season as bad/sucks at all, certainly WAY better than 2nd season. A co-worker of mine also agrees this season is very good. The villians like Authur Patrilli is just COOL thing to watch! Peter had powers now taken away by this villian also his Father. It's sorta like Luke and Darth Vader relationship that's really neat, IMO

So, I don't get it... how are people saying this season sucks that bad?

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That's Entirely fine with me, :)

I think that's the Best/Most Mature thing to do, if you can NOT agree with another person.... SO MUCH.

Everybody is different. You are a Republican, as far as you told me, I am a Democrat so there has to be A LOT of things we can NOT agree on. Not now, not Ever. It's all Natural! Why fight it? Do you have to be right all the time, and I have to be wrong all the time? Just agree to Disagree or ignore if that concept is too difficult for you!!!

Look, I am NOT the one have problem with YOU. It's you instead, so go ahead, ignore me, I think the world would be truly a better place IF people just ignore people they don't like/agree with than resort to Personal attacks (Which IS the most immature thing a person can do)! :)

Wow.... I never said I was a Republican, and I won't bother going into politics in a media forum.

Your off the wall, all over the place, sloppy posts are a pain to read. Your ideas and solutions are simply foolish. I said it before, I'm glad you aren't in a position of power in a studio, and the more you keep rambling on your emotional rants, the more you prove my point. I don't have to always be right, I don't ever act like I'm always right, but you have yet to present anything that would remotely work. Ciao Jedi.

Please don't ignore me :( ;)

All I can say is....

Rappyeh, you have 32k posts, it is impossible to ignore you.


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Wow.... I never said I was a Republican, and I won't bother going into politics in a media forum.

Your off the wall, all over the place, sloppy posts are a pain to read. Your ideas and solutions are simply foolish. I said it before, I'm glad you aren't in a position of power in a studio, and the more you keep rambling on your emotional rants, the more you prove my point. I don't have to always be right, I don't ever act like I'm always right, but you have yet to present anything that would remotely work. Ciao Jedi.

I swear somewhere you did say you agree more on Republican issues these couple days or maybe it was episode, but I completely agree don't fill this forum with Politics I HATE that too, except fun stuff that's more entertainment anyways.

But The point is simple, it's just a Difference of opinion!

Look, I have really been tested and I ain't stupid at all! I have HIGH IQ, if you don't believe that, fine I am not going to force you to believe it or anything. I am really trying to be humble/modest as I can and not brag about it, but sometime people leave me NO choice but to do so...

You have to be really arrogant to think I am always wrong and you are always right than me!

I know that my opinion have A LOT of people agree with, so I don't really think everybody/You need to agree with me, but my opinion is just my opinion.

It's NOT wrong/Foolish, it's just DIFFERENT than yours :|

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So, just to fairly gauge the truth if this show is really as bad as critics say it is, has there been a poll done about it to see what All fans think?

I just can't believe majority believing this seasons suck that bad, but if you can prove me wrong... show me such poll.

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ive rather enjoyed all the shows, even season 2. Its better than most of the crap that is played on tv. NBC is just hurting for money, and again, will make the same mistakes in canceling a great show. Its just been on in a bad time. Writers strike, election, too many things getting in the way of the show.

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This show can't be really that bad, I know some Critics seem to NOT get this show it's their fault not the show.

Like debated before here https://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?show...681692&st=0

Only thing I agree with the critic is some of the plot seem to be abandoned such as "Caitlin in the future', yeah why abandon Caitlin in the future like that, Peter? And 'Minorities need to be better', but I still don't know if that's Writer's fault or just fans' tolerance. Would fans tolerated Maya if writers plan to get this character More respectable roles?

The firing of the writers that a lot of fans are saying are the KEYSTONES of the show, and the Rumored rid of Hiro is certainly NOT intelligent at all IMO!

ONLY Minor improvement is needed, to make sense of it, to make characters Stronger/better, make Minorities likeable, etc. Certainly NOT this drastic measure of change, that may actually send this show to a quick Death rather than making it better!

I am still curious to see the poll though what majority thinks, though. Hard to believe Majority don't like it!

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12-01-2008 9:00PM

THE HEROES CONTINUE TO DISCOVER THEIR TRUE ABILITIES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE ECLIPSE ? GEORGE TAKEI, SETH GREEN, BRECKIN MEYER, KRISTEN BELL, BREA GRANT, JAMIE HECTOR AND BLAKE SHIELDS GUEST STAR ? The eclipse continues to impact the Heroes? abilities as Elle (Kristen Bell) and Sylar (Zachary Quinto) face off against a vengeful H.R.G. (Jack Coleman) while Claire (Hayden Panettiere) struggles to survive. In Haiti, Peter and Nathan (Milo Ventimiglia and Adrian Pasdar) join forces with the Haitian (Jimmy Jean-Louis) to battle the Haitian?s brother, Baron Samedi (guest star Demetrius Grosse), and Nathan comes to a shocking decision. In the meantime, Ando (James Kyson Lee), Sam (guest star Seth Green) and Frack (guest star Breckin Meyer) work hard to get Hiro?s (Masi Oka) memory back with the help of the ?9th Wonders? comic books at a local comic bookstore. Greg Grunberg, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Ali Larter and Cristine Rose also star. Brea Grant and Robert Forster also guest star.

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Elle and Sylar face off against a vengeful H.R.G.

Claire struggles to survive.


I would like to see how HRG survives seeing as he has no ability :p

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That's probably true. Given that the formula doesn't give a specific ability, but relies on the recipient's DNA, it should, in theory, give anybody their original ability back, if it has been removed.

Unfortunately, that makes little sense to me. That would implicate that what Arthur is doing is effectively manipulating and altering his victims' DNA. Somehow, I don't think that is the case.

And I agree with number of above comments as well. Some characters need to die, Claire for an example. Hiro's death (again) is welcomed by me as well.

The other comment about other characters being too weak is true as well.

There's another comment about bringing back Monica... for what? She is entirely useless really. Her mimic ability is not going to help her fight against any strong character at all. Not like she can emulate throwing lighting, fire, mind read, telekinesis, etc. Plus she doesn't really have that "fighter" look to her anyway.

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You UNDERESTIMATE the Power of Promotion! ;) It's a Force that's proven to be very effective thruout History!

So anything that is promoted becomes popular? No.

(Super Bowl Ads... One trailer on it, will gurantee that movie does VERY well, just check the facts/history that's the Truth!)

No, that isn't the truth. There have been plenty of movies advertised during the Super Bowl that have bombed.

The rest of your post was just the normal nonsensical blabber.

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Unfortunately, that makes little sense to me. That would implicate that what Arthur is doing is effectively manipulating and altering his victims' DNA. Somehow, I don't think that is the case.

I think what he was trying to say is that the ability is based on an already pre-existing gene. The formula allows you to access the ability via your adrenal gland.

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So anything that is promoted becomes popular? No.

No, that isn't the truth. There have been plenty of movies advertised during the Super Bowl that have bombed.

The rest of your post was just the normal nonsensical blabber.

You are right, not everything promoted becomes popular. But, it depends on HOW it's done.

(MOST of Super Bowl ads do very well, with very FEW exceptions (probably these movies do not Appeal to the mass...)

When you get right down to it, it depends on 1) What type of Movie/show it is 2) which audience it targets. 3) How the trailer/promo is edited/Produced.

1 An Unexciting movie ifself will not interest people NO matter what, BUT I think a show such as Heroes defininitely appeal MORE though.

2 The thing that bugs me so much when during SNL and President election, they didn't really Promote next monday/future pisodes of Heroes a lot, is actually that A LOT of viewers can be Potential viewers that NEVER heard of Heroes before! (18 and older Demographic) they let it pass.

3 You still have to put out a very effective trailer that's exciting, or something that can LURE people in.

A trailer that need to be Powerful/Exciting either in the Action aspect, or Emotion aspect...

TBH, lately I haven't felt the trailer/promotion power of Heroes at all. It seems to me, Nothing Cool/Awesome is upcoming up in the future! All I know is that Papa petrilli's past/event before heroes is revealed, but certainly not Emotional enough or action-packed enough.

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