Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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People who left felt the story went nowhere or too many stupid things happening. What makes you think a promo will lure them back in? Many viewers think it's all a mess now. Nothing is going to change. Viewers were high in the first season (and maybe parts of second) because they thought it was an X-Men show on primetime TV. The ship has been sinking for some time now. There's no hope. It's going to end this season or beginning of next.

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Some people going to leave the show, for whatever reasons. The other thread explained it very well the reasons, it's just natural way of things!

Again, here it is and I couldn't said it better

I still love the show.... I agree that it does jump around a bit but with the amount of characters it kind of has to. In season 2 they tried to focus on a few characters per week but then we had to wait 2 weeks to see what was going on with Peter in Ireland while we were seeing what Hiro was doing in Japan. So now in Season 3 it feels like they are trying to cover all of the stories each week a little bit until they can tie them all together. I believe the true fans of the show will continue to watch, I do not believe they are losing viewers due to writing. People just stop watching shows sometimes because its too much, this season my wife and I cut out 2 or 3 shows just because it became too much tv to watch and the dvr was getting out of control. We chose to give up CSI Miami while others will choose to give up Heroes... such is life.

I and A lot of people don't feel the show suck now.

It's different than Season 1, of course, but I feel it's not getting worse as some think.

I WANT to know what's going to happen, Before heroes, Papa Petrilli's past, Sylar/Peter Power and Moral struggles ALL VERY interesting to me. BUT They just didn't promote enough for me to get excited about the future, no wonder nobody else NEW is coming to the show.

What they have done with the promotion is Lazy! What they have done with the firing of two lead writers is Copout but NOT the real answer/solution to problems (if Any) with the show!

Edited by JediXAngel
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Ok, I seem to misplace some info... what on earth happened to Peter's girlfriend? he stuck her in the future that didn't happen because of writer strike... now she gone?! are you people ok with that?! or did I miss something?!

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The way they edit the trailer is Pathetic! I can even do BETTER! :no: They need to FIRE that person, to replace someone who CAN actually make appealing trailers.

Anway, yeah I miss Caitlin

Also, I am looking for COOL season 3 promo images, to make sigs/Avatars out of :)

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This is How you do a trailer...

People never seen heroes will be like "WOAH I Gotta see this show!!!" NOT "So what!" with these official ones!

Edited by JediXAngel
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What do you mean we came to terms... what happened? what is the official position on her? oops we forgot?

Well Peter returned without her thats the actual resolution for now, who knows we may go back.

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But you can't go back... she was taken to a future that doesn't exist.

Then she is lost and will never be seen again, Season 2 was a complete write off tbh because of the writers strike.

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It's poor writing, you shouldn't leave a key character like that in no where.

Why Key character?

I mean, she and Peter have a Relationship that still is Unsolved.

With Nathan and Matt's Ex-wife, they are different. They are divorced and going their own ways, so that should be resolved.

But Caitlin's resolution makes NO sense! It's like a cliffhanger that have no followup!

Also, bring back Monica and have her to useful rather than write her OFF the show!

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It's poor writing, you shouldn't leave a key character like that in no where.

Season 2 was poor writing fullstop. They've clearly decided to go in a different direction and I feel it's working; I'm not going to worry about a few minor characters, particularly when I wasn't bothered by them anyway.

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Did Peter tell Caitlin "I am coming back for you" or didn't he?

I thought he did, but don't remember for sure; don't own S2 yet

She got captured but I don't he went back for her, heroeswiki says:

Out of Time

Caitlin and Peter search for people in New York, and are ambushed by a HazMat team. Both are forced to shower in a quarantine room, and decontaminated. Peter is told that Caitlin will be deported back to Ireland, and, after seeing her in a line of people supposedly about to be deported, Peter tries and fails to teleport them both back to the present.

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Oh he didn't actually say "I'll come back for you"?

But With Caitlin deported to Ireland, I guess it does resolve it Somewhat.

That doesn't mean He will go back though does it :p

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Set Pictures from Volume 4


Tim Kring spoke with SciFi.com and provided us with some more details for tonight's Heroes Episode 3x08 Villains.

For those of you who can not wait for tonight's episode, here is a summary of what to expect in the flashback episode:

1) We will see former Company man Thompson (Eric Roberts)

2) This episode is an origins story for the Villains, including Sylar and Arthur

3) We will learn more about the history of Primatech and the connection to Claire's mom Meredith

4) The episode takes 1 year before the pilot episode

5) We will learn many of Petrelli family secrets.


Another 3.08 Promo

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