Heroes Volume 3 : Villains

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Not true, in volume 2 Peter had to activity use his healing power to restore his lost memories :)

Which doesn't make sense. The regeneration ability has always been passive, so why wouldn't it heal the brain too?

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Which doesn't make sense. The regeneration ability has always been passive, so why wouldn't it heal the brain too?

Another plot hole for Heroes, yay!

Heroes is so aggravating. I still enjoy the idea of it (the first season is definitely in my top ten of favorite TV series seasons), but the writers kind of lost track of what they were doing. The mythology is so screwed up now, the best thing IMO for them to do is pretend Vol. 2 and 3 never happened and reboot the series with Vol. 4.

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Sorry, but you're wrong. Nothing is ever stated that they would be able to give people specific powers. Go watch the last couple episodes again.

Besides the fact that there is one gigantic batch of formula that they take the syringes from, there is nothing stated that says 'hey, we know what this will give'.

The old formula didn't work. Thats why they needed the catalyst, because it would allow them to have a working formula.

We never got his entire backstory. Probably something about him being mistreated, etc.

Her personality has nothing to do with her ability.

We didn't see enough of her to judge any of this.

Don't forget, Noah had the Haitian coming to wipe Claire's memory when she discovered her ability. He had done it before, they said as much in V1.

Which, come to think of it, shouldn't work because her brain would just heal the memories taken.

Not in anyway am I wrong. Dude, get off your high horse seriously.

They could always pick who they gave powers to. That was all on the choice of who to poke. Not hard to figure that one out smart guy. The trick of the formula was to not make random powers, but to pick which powers they could give out and make. And the old formula did work, if it didnt, how did nathan and nikki get powers????? If your going to try and put stuff on here, and sound like the high and mighty, start using some freaking logic. You really annoying me with the way you word your responses which seem to be harsh. They could always decide who got a power. They decided that nikki and her sisters got powers, they decided nathan would get powers. THEY COULD ALWAYS DO THAT! it was the powers they first could not pick, but this new formula would let them pick WHICH POWERS to give to WHICH PEOPLE. and now im done with that, because if you dont understand it, you never will. - Thats something I cant believe you cant think of.

Claires power worked forever as well. If you can think back long enough, there is an episode where she clearly states, " I've never been hurt, never been sick, never had a broken bone, scratch, or scar. So her power has been active since she was alive. Thats how they knew the baby was special to begin with.

And yes, we didnt see enough of hiro's mom. Was sort of an open discussion question. One to try and think and post what could be. Hence the questions.

And healing the body I would think would be much different than healing the mind. To heal something forgotten, you would have to first know its there, and what to heal. If your body never remembers that something was there, how would it know what to replace? Of course, how others go fixing that as well is a mystery on itself. But I think that answers your question to a reasonable point up to this new question that it brings up.

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They could always choose who they wanted to give powers to. Thats the choice of if you want to poke them or not. The new formula was to be able to pick which powers you could give to a person.

Actually shakey you are quite wrong. It's been quite clearly developed that the choice of power belongs to your DNA. The point of the formula was to give powers to the right people on a MORAL ground not a specific ground. What I mean by that is they didn't want to continue the process of random people getting powers and those people being evil. With the formula they could make sure that good people get those powers (at least that was the plan). It had nothing to do with choosing specific powers for specific people.

Also, a person's history has nothing to do with what power manifests. The show may be written to appear that way as all the characters seem to need the specific power they receive. But time and time again they have stated that the specific power you get belongs to your DNA.

Also, there was no NEW formula. It was always the same old formula, they were just trying to recover all of the parts.

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They said they were able to enhance the formula so they could then decide which powers went to which people. Deciding who gets powers is stupid. That just falls along the line of who they poke with a needle. The formula, that suresh made, was one that they were able to then decide what powers they could give to what people. Thats why they got suresh in there, because he had done his own part of the formula, then they had aurthurs formula. With suresh, they made the formula better by being able to decide what powers they could give to what people.

With the first formula, they were just discovering it, so they just poked people they knew or had around. Now that Aurthur planned everything, they started recruiting trained professionals to give it to. They could always decide who they wanted to have powers. The big point was they were able to choose which powers now they could give to them.

Doesnt seem a good idea to have a formula that just randomly throws a power out. If the person couldnt handle said power, death would come quick. By being able to choose which powers go out, you could make sure people wouldnt just get nuke power and go off. They could limit the super powers and throw more super str and flying ability around.

DNA plays a part, but we dont know what really controls or makes the powers go. We have only been able to relate their personality or traits to the powers, but nothing that says this is exactly why. But so far its in the mind, dna, and sun eclipse lol.

Edited by shakey
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Not in anyway am I wrong. Dude, get off your high horse seriously.

They could always pick who they gave powers to. That was all on the choice of who to poke. Not hard to figure that one out smart guy. The trick of the formula was to not make random powers, but to pick which powers they could give out and make. And the old formula did work, if it didnt, how did nathan and nikki get powers????? If your going to try and put stuff on here, and sound like the high and mighty, start using some freaking logic. You really annoying me with the way you word your responses which seem to be harsh. They could always decide who got a power. They decided that nikki and her sisters got powers, they decided nathan would get powers. THEY COULD ALWAYS DO THAT! it was the powers they first could not pick, but this new formula would let them pick WHICH POWERS to give to WHICH PEOPLE. and now im done with that, because if you dont understand it, you never will. - Thats something I cant believe you cant think of.

Claires power worked forever as well. If you can think back long enough, there is an episode where she clearly states, " I've never been hurt, never been sick, never had a broken bone, scratch, or scar. So her power has been active since she was alive. Thats how they knew the baby was special to begin with.

And yes, we didnt see enough of hiro's mom. Was sort of an open discussion question. One to try and think and post what could be. Hence the questions.

And healing the body I would think would be much different than healing the mind. To heal something forgotten, you would have to first know its there, and what to heal. If your body never remembers that something was there, how would it know what to replace? Of course, how others go fixing that as well is a mystery on itself. But I think that answers your question to a reasonable point up to this new question that it brings up.

There is a difference between 'being on a high horse' and being right. I'm the latter.

First, you aren't correct. If you are, why don't you point out where they state that they can tell which powers someone will get. Hulu has the episodes, just tell us what episode and how far in.

Second, I wasn't the one that said that the powers were because of what the person wanted. The powers were meant to be ironic. Not that the person determined what powers they got, but that, if you thought about it, it would be an ironic circumstance for them to have that power. The watch maker who can figure out how things work. Get it?

You don't seem to understand that what you think is right simply isn't. There never was a statement that they would know what power a person would get. If they did, why would they put the super soldier in a glass room with a chair when they are giving him super strength?

They couldn't 'always' give abilities to anyone. They used to be able to, such as with Nathan/Nikki/Tracy, but then the formula was hidden because it was viewed as wrong. Did you miss that entire section of the season? The whole point was to get the formula back together. And then add the catalyst. Then the formula could finally work again. But that doesn't mean they knew what power would come out. Remember when they injected the guy in episode 8 or 9 and he became deformed? Why would that happen if they could already give out abilities?

Doesnt seem a good idea to have a formula that just randomly throws a power out. If the person couldnt handle said power, death would come quick. By being able to choose which powers go out, you could make sure people wouldnt just get nuke power and go off. They could limit the super powers and throw more super str and flying ability around.

Yes, hence the whole Future Peter shooting Nathan, the earth breaking in half, all of that stuff. Powers were being given to anyone who could afford (BUY) them. Some of the powers did bad things, and killed lots of people.

I always like it when someone says 'thats all I'm saying!'. If you're so confident about being right, how come not a single person views it the way you do, and how come you can't point out where someone says that they can determine the abilities that a person will get?

Also, as far as the regenerative healing goes: It has always been passive. Therefore, it doesn't matter what you remember or forgot, what your body knows or doesn't know, none of it matters. They don't control the power, it does its thing automatically.

Mohinder's formula was basically useless. The old formula worked fine, they just needed the catalyst (and the two pieces of the formula) to make it work. The only thing Mohinder did was to put the formula together.

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I dont need to rewatch them, because ive seen the 3rd season at least 3 times. It was about being able to choose which powers. I think you need to go rewatch them. Yes, they had a group of people they could trust, but it was about being able to give them what powers they wanted to. Nathan got his powers from the first formula, which was not enhanced by serush, so he was given a random power. Suresh was there to make the formula with the addition to his notes which could target certain parts and make certain powers. Giving people powers was not a problem with the formula, it was being able to control which powers they got, which is what the formula was. Maybe the huge batch was full of random sludge, but it was made so they could decide which powers would go to which people.

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That's dumb. I'm so sick of him :/

if he is ever to be killed he will die in an explosive amazing situation rather then just glass in head

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I dont need to rewatch them, because ive seen the 3rd season at least 3 times. It was about being able to choose which powers. I think you need to go rewatch them. Yes, they had a group of people they could trust, but it was about being able to give them what powers they wanted to. Nathan got his powers from the first formula, which was not enhanced by serush, so he was given a random power. Suresh was there to make the formula with the addition to his notes which could target certain parts and make certain powers. Giving people powers was not a problem with the formula, it was being able to control which powers they got, which is what the formula was. Maybe the huge batch was full of random sludge, but it was made so they could decide which powers would go to which people.

You're still wrong.

Suresh's formula was flawed. It didn't work correctly. Show me one instance where his formula worked.

The old formula worked fine, correct. However, Pinehearst didn't have it. Kaito had one half, and the Haitian had the other, from somewhere we did not learn. Daphne stole both halves. Then, once those were put together, it still didn't work. They found out they needed the catalyst to make it work. Arthur then got the catalyst, and put it into the giant vat of formula. You remember that, don't you? Since you've seen it three times, I would hope you do. Now, from that batch there were three injections.

The soldier - he got super strength. Please point out to me where they state they know he will get super strength. This is a single scene, it shouldn't be hard for you to rewatch and point this out.

Ando - it is clearly and definitively stated that they don't know what power he will get, but that he wants the power to travel in time so he can save Hiro. He gains the ability to boost other abilities.

Peter - he simply gains back his base ability, which is empathy. He picks up a random syringe and injects himself. Are you telling me that he just happened to pick up an empath syringe and inject himself with it?

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I have several theories about Peter's abilities. First, it could be that he only gains the abilities of those closest to him, such as flying when he was close to Nathan, and once they are gone or go a certain distance, he can't use their abilities anymore. This could limit the use of abilities to only those that are around him, making his power much more limited.

And for the formula, I think that when the formula bonds with the individual, the power they get is dependent on the individual, not the formula itself. So there is no "empath syrange" or "power booster" syringe. For example, Ando wanted to help people, so his power allows him to really HELP people. For the soldier, he wanted to become stronger, better, faster, more keen. Thus he got the super strength. For Peter, since we already know his previous power, it is not surprising that he gained his empath back. The formula may just be a general injection that bonds to the characterisitics of the character, allowing them to have powers according to their genes or something. Just a thought.

I also just watched 5 years gone and I see a lot of foreshadowing. The instance of Nathan turning on his own people, like Sylar said, and getting the government involved seems to be the actual plot of Fugitives albeit little differences, such as Nathan not being the President, but a Senator and NY not being blown up.

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Anyone spot Kyle Baldwin (Chad Faust) from The 4400?


Ha!! I went to school with Chad. Didn't realize he was an actor now until I saw him on the show. I was like "WTF, is that Chad?!?!" Good for him :)

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I think people saying that they can specify what powers someone would get may be basing their arguments on Tracy's statements in Episode 12, Eclipse pt. 2 around the 11:27 mark:

We'd like to call it "Intelligent Design. Until now abilities have been random, given to good people and bad, whether they deserve them or not.

When we perfect the formula, we get to choose who gets what power; And we've chosen the best.

Meet the future... <shows off the marines>

Some would interpret "when we perfect the formula" as "when we get the catalyst".

I myself think of it more as "after we get the catalyst AND improve the formula" (hence making it "perfect").

Edit: Or it could just be one of the plot holes in this season when the writers didn't think something through before doing something...

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yea.. i have not made up my mind yet on how the synthetic powers work... what are the odds the marine gets super strength...? oh well.. i wont dwell on it too much.. hopefully all that formula business is scrapped when Fugitives starts...

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I think people saying that they can specify what powers someone would get may be basing their arguments on Tracy's statements in Episode 12, Eclipse pt. 2 around the 11:27 mark:

We'd like to call it "Intelligent Design. Until now abilities have been random, given to good people and bad, whether they deserve them or not.

When we perfect the formula, we get to choose who gets what power; And we've chosen the best.

Meet the future... <shows off the marines>

Some would interpret "when we perfect the formula" as "when we get the catalyst".

I myself think of it more as "after we get the catalyst AND improve the formula" (hence making it "perfect").

Edit: Or it could just be one of the plot holes in this season when the writers didn't think something through before doing something...

Thank you! Thats how I am basing it. I dont think they would just keep giving out random powers. They already said how that was a flawed way of going about it. And that now they could do it better, and right this time. So I dont think they were going to keep pumping random powers into people. They had perfected the formula I would believe, with the help of suresh's notes and the catalyst. That or they were just aiming to make the same mistakes again, even though they said they didnt want to. But eh. I figure if youre going to be pumping in a lot of work and money into something, it should be as close to perfect as possible upon release.

and for something different.

found this on youtube. music video for heroes, pretty good imo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvOgRIr7ro0

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Ha!! I went to school with Chad. Didn't realize he was an actor now until I saw him on the show. I was like "WTF, is that Chad?!?!" Good for him :)

You must be proud. I would be like holy s*** i know that dude! He is on Heroes!!

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Something I was just thinking about. Claire was never the catalyst. When Hiro has gone back in time before, not once did he ever change history, for all he did, even with Kensei. The History was just misinterpreted, and he thought that someone else was him. When Hiro and Claire Went back in time, They didn't prevent Claire from becoming it, because she was never it in the first place. If those events were not already in motion in the present (before they went back) Then one, the formula would have still been in one peice instead of being torn exactly like it was in the present, Hiro's dad would have never put more trust in his son, like he did because he knew what was going to happen with the future hiro, and HRG would have never had "Claire-Bear" as Claire's nickname because Claire told that to him to begin with. In a way its a self fulfilling prophecy, that they started the lines to by doing it themselves originally.

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