GPU Upgrade

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So for Christmas I got some computer upgrades, and it seems my GPU is majorly bottlenecking my system. Currently I have a Core2Quad Q6600 processor with a nVidia 6800GS,?and?1.5GB?RAM?(which?I?need?to?upgrade,?it's?cheap?stuff) and it's just not cutting it. I'm getting about 10FPS in source games and CoD4 was so jerky I couldn't even play it.

I want something powerful, but I'd rather stay in the $200 range, I'm only 17 with a minimum (actually under) wage job, so it's hard for me to afford all this stuff =D. I prefer nVidia, but I guess I could let my bias go if someone could convince me of an amazing ATi card.

PCIe is what I have, so that'll be what I need to upgrade. Thanks.

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  DrBroccoli said:
So for Christmas I got some computer upgrades, and it seems my GPU is majorly bottlenecking my system. Currently I have a Core2Quad Q6600 processor with a nVidia 6800GS, and 1.5GB RAM (which I need to upgrade, it's cheap stuff) and it's just not cutting it. I'm getting about 10FPS in source games and CoD4 was so jerky I couldn't even play it.

I want something powerful, but I'd rather stay in the $200 range, I'm only 17 with a minimum (actually under) wage job, so it's hard for me to afford all this stuff =D. I prefer nVidia, but I guess I could let my bias go if someone could convince me of an amazing ATi card.

PCIe is what I have, so that'll be what I need to upgrade. Thanks.

Your system should be getting higher framerates than that.

Anyway, can you get an 8800 GT for $200?

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I know, I have another thread in this forum asking for help, but it kind of died on the second/third page now and not many solutions were offered. I got better perforance from my P4, same GPU, than I have been with my new CPU, same GPU. Don't want to hijack my own thread but:

Here's what I found on NewEgg:

8600GTS Superclocked 512MB (128-bit) = $194 after MiR

8800GTS 320MB (320-bit) = $229 no MiR

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a 8800gt 512mb is $60 above your budget but anything cheaper and you'd have to get a much crappier card. an alternative is you could get a 8800gt 256mb for $220 but i'd save the extra $40 for the 512mb one because it simply won't perform well with Anti-Aliasing.

found one that fits the bill. linky

ps: and don't be fooled by the naming convention the 8800gt is faster than the old gts.

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The HD 3870 is not a lot better than the 256MB 8800 GT, nonetheless it stands pretty much halfway between the 256MB and 512MB versions of the 8800GT. So if you can find it at a comparable price it's a good deal.

What would be a lot better than an 8600GTS, for about 170$, is an HD 3850.

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Hmmm, I really an biased towards nVidia, but you all say the 3870 is a better card than the 8800GT... I found the 3870 for $250 on NewEgg... I'm tempted, but... my GeForce senses aren't tingling.

Comparing the two shows the ATi to be better for $50 more:

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well both cards will play cod4 fine on high but 3870 would be better with larger resolutions in general. but really up to you. 3870 is a great card there's nothing to really be anymore warey of it then any other graphics card

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  SojIrOu said:
then you may as well get the 8800GT 512mb for $260 since its an even better card :D

in cod4 at max at his resolution with no aa and 16xAF they both the same fps so yea might wanna look at benchmarks round the net for other games you play on how well for what you're after out of the 2 i suppose.

side note, i dunno how it's better when the guy posted here the other day from serbia team OC'ers people who broke world record 3dmark benchmark with 3870 ;)

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judge by reviews and benchmarks of games that you play not on numbers and should settle your desicion. the ati card is a great card but if you want an 8800GT thats fine too they are both good in their own right. me personally only thing i don't agree with on 8800GT's is the single slot cooling.

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i meant its better at stock and i based my opinion on tom's hardware's review where the 8800gt is slightly ahead in most of the games they reviewed. the 3870 is still a good card and you won't notice a difference when you actually play the games.

ps: we all know that 3dmark scores are worthless. only real world applications count :D

i thought i saw one 8800GT 512mb going for 259.99 on newegg. (one is by gigabyte and one is by pny)

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  DrBroccoli said:
Hmmm, I really an biased towards nVidia, but you all say the 3870 is a better card than the 8800GT... I found the 3870 for $250 on NewEgg... I'm tempted, but... my GeForce senses aren't tingling.

Comparing the two shows the ATi to be better for $50 more:

8800GT 512MB > HD 3870 > 8800GT 256MB > HD 3850 >> 8600GTS. Check out:


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If you don't mind the little extra cash the 8800GT is a great choice and Dr_Asik has it right

8800GT 512>3870>8800GT 256>3850

All are great cards for the money though. You can also find 3850 with 512MB and its basically just an under clocked 3870. So just overclock it and you got yourself a 3870 for a few bucks cheaper.

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And this is why I love Neowin =D.

Anyone have a preference on brand, I've always bought eVGA products, but I can get the 512MB 8800GT for $253.99 on, made by PNY. I can also go XFX for $261.99


=D 8800GT 512MB, eVGA for $257.99 WITH a $10 off code if I use Google Checkout for the first time! They're all sold out though!

Edit #2

I can order direct from eVGA for $270:

Or would I be best to wait until January 1 and get it cheaper at somewhere like Do I even know if they'll have it available soon?

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Hey Dr. I was in the other thread trying to help with your low FPS problem. A 8800 is a VERY nice upgrade form a 6800, but the thing is... even if you buy a new card and your BIOS is not set correctly, you're going to have the same problem with your new card. I wish I could be of more help, but it's hard to walk someone through BOIS settings over the net.

Do you know of anyone who wouldn't mind coming over and checking your settings?

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well you've got us for help. you've also got my experience of 7 years (13 to 20) of building pcs for myself and family and friends but mainly myself. :D

anyway RAID 0: i seriously doubt that a bios setting/s would make his 8800 as slow as it is. i speak of course from experience. the graphics card is just supposed to work when you plug it in and install new drivers. usually its because the psu is not supplying enough power (causing slowdowns or hanging) or an issue with the driver or even the card might be faulty. but anyway his case is unique since its just the processor that has been upgraded which won't draw that much power and slow down his pc.

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