January 2008 Desktops - Happy New Year!

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Umm yes it does. Third row 2nd from the right.

14,288 results for kuro, dA = slow. I'm not going to spend hours trying to find it when you could just link it. Not that it matters, I really can't see myself installing Windowbloats :)

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14,288 results for kuro, dA = slow. I'm not going to spend hours trying to find it when you could just link it. Not that it matters, I really can't see myself installing Windowbloats :)

Maybe because I have a large monitor, it shows up for me. But here is what I see:


You're in luck, there is a Kuro theme for msstyles.

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The latest...been using a custom vs forever now.


Would love to know how you do that, only thing that holds me back is that most visual styles are big and bloated, your is however just perfect.


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