Do you ever like going through your old desktop screenshots?

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Every month we have the Desktop Screenshots thread, and it got me wondering, how many of you ever go through your own old screenshots? I've got a collection of shots all the way back from 2004, and it's really neat seeing the different trends and styles that I used over time.

Below is the oldest screenshot I've got, dated June 12, 2004. I've even got Kazaa running! Jeez!


Post some of your old screens!

NOTE: Mods, if this conflicts with the Monthly Desktops thread for any reason (I don't see why, but just in case), feel free to close/delete this.


My 300mhz PC running Windows ME on 30.05.2002


My 300mhz PC running Windows XP on 07.03.2003, it got upgraded to an Athlon XP 2200+ on that day ;)

I was looking through some of my old documents when I saw this thread. All I have to say is, wow. When I was 9 or 10 when I took this screenshot a few years ago, I found this...


Who used the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar anyway?

I wish I kept my super-old screenshots from my old ME computer :( I think I deleted them a while ago. I have some other ones from even a year ago, and wow! They look different! I'll post em later ;)

  InsaneNutter said:

My 300mhz PC running Windows ME on 30.05.2002


My 300mhz PC running Windows XP on 07.03.2003, it got upgraded to an Athlon XP 2200+ on that day ;)

I honestly forgot how fugly windows ME was!

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