Why is Google Earth so out of date?

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I live in a very small town (pop of 6000 people) and I can see the town on Google Earth, but it sucks on Live Earth which (imo) is a rip off copycat of Google Earth.

In Google Earth, my area has some backburning done in the empty paddocks and that I had my old car in the driveway so that put the photos to be about 2004. I suspect this is to be updated very soon as I saw a low-flying plane (which is extremely rare sight here. We don't get planes over our town).

Actually "live earth" which use to be called terraserver was out before google earth and out almost the same time as keyhole earth... so no one really copied anyone...

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i saw a report on tv about google earth about a year ago stating that the pictures can be upto 3 years old. dunno :unsure:

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There are those annual satellites... maybe thats the problem, that it just can't get all of the data in each time.

As for the street view technology, you can't hamper on TeleAtlas for that one - their vans are always around mapping with laser technology. I really think they'll do a swell job with 3D GPS when the time comes.

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Maybe we should write a petition to Google and all to also change maps depending on season...

Would be fun seeing Toronto in winter when all is white... lol

OH yeah ... "Gee ... it's all white. I wonder where Yonge Street is? That's it! No... that's McCowan. Oops, only 12km east of Yonge." *LOL*
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There are those annual satellites... maybe thats the problem, that it just can't get all of the data in each time.

As for the street view technology, you can't hamper on TeleAtlas for that one - their vans are always around mapping with laser technology. I really think they'll do a swell job with 3D GPS when the time comes.

Teleatlas maps here suck! I found 30 streets so far in this town that are way off, completely wrong or just flat out missing or are on the map but dont exist in real life.... and reported every one to them too... but not updated yet on their map server...

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