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Anyone know what program opens .dsi and .wsi files?


so i decided i wanted to play around with my Restore Partition on my New Comp.. I found the source that the recovery program reads from to restore the hard drive. (My New Comp)

so i exported all the files, and started to play around with them (so i don't break the actual partition... doubt i could.. but just incase lol).

The files are..

D0E0AGRA.000 -> D0E0AGRA0.094 (all 51 megs.. 4.59 gigs total)

D0E0AGRA.wsi (1kb, and looks to have an xml layout)

D0E0AGRA.dsi (1.26 megs)

now.. i figured i'd try winrar for the 000 -> 094 files as it looks to be just an archive split into 94 parts.. no success.

.wsi looks to be just an xml file..

.dsi file appears to have the same layout as the .000 -> .094 files but instead it looks like it holds size of files or offsets or somethin, in 4 bytes into 8byte chunks.

and what i know about the files:

numerical files "Data" files.. all start with "40 00 ** ** 57 53 56 44" (** are unknown to me, but they change).. "57 53 56 44" is Ascii for "WSVD"

dsi file starts with.. "40 00 69 ED 57 53 56 49" (left "69 ED" cause i don't have another dsi file to compare against.. and "57 53 56 49" is Ascii for "WSVI"


now i figure, unless this is a completely closed program, there should be a program out there to read them.. but as of yet i've yet to run into any programs that can open these.. and looking for numeric file extensions is like finding a needle in a haystack..

now... people will probably question "why bother?"

1. for future slipstreaming vista + Service Packs

2. for unattended vista installs

3. Removal of the "bloatware".. I will never use most of the apps included.

4. More Options in terms of Partitioning, Dual Booting, Etc..

5. I'm fairly certain i can make the CD's if i can get the data out.. i've done it with my XP Restore CD's

6. I'm really bored. lol.

and just because i have it... heres what i believe to be the header of one of the files incase it helps someone help me lol.

52,383,438 bytes

File ID?...................: 40 00 
dunno......................: 9F CF (53151)
File Type (WSVD)...........: 57 53 56 44 
File Version?..............: 05 00 01 00 
File Number................: 07 00 00 00 
File NameD0E0agra..........: 44 00 30 00 45 00 30 00 61 00 67 00 72 00 61 00
dunno.. same in all........: 14 07 04 11 01 12 12 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
bytes written?.............: 2E C0 DD 15 00 00 00 00 
FileSize - 64..............: 8E 4E 1F 03 00 00 00 00

Edited by Bi0haZarD

11 answers to this question

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  Bi0haZarD said:
so i decided i wanted to play around with my Restore Partition on my New Comp.. I found the source that the recovery program reads from to restore the hard drive. (My New Comp)

so i exported all the files, and started to play around with them (so i don't break the actual partition... doubt i could.. but just incase lol).

The files are..

D0E0AGRA.000 -> D0E0AGRA0.094 (all 51 megs.. 4.59 gigs total)

D0E0AGRA.wsi (1kb, and looks to have an xml layout)

D0E0AGRA.dsi (1.26 megs)

now.. i figured i'd try winrar for the 000 -> 094 files as it looks to be just an archive split into 94 parts.. no success.

.wsi looks to be just an xml file..

.dsi file appears to have the same layout as the .000 -> .094 files but instead it looks like it holds size of files or offsets or somethin, in 4 bytes into 8byte chunks.

and what i know about the files:

numerical files "Data" files.. all start with "40 00 ** ** 57 53 56 44" (** are unknown to me, but they change).. "57 53 56 44" is Ascii for "WSVD"

dsi file starts with.. "40 00 69 ED 57 53 56 49" (left "69 ED" cause i don't have another dsi file to compare against.. and "57 53 56 49" is Ascii for "WSVI"


now i figure, unless this is a completely closed program, there should be a program out there to read them.. but as of yet i've yet to run into any programs that can open these.. and looking for numeric file extensions is like finding a needle in a haystack..

now... people will probably question "why bother?"

1. for future slipstreaming vista + Service Packs

2. for unattended vista installs

3. Removal of the "bloatware".. I will never use most of the apps included.

4. More Options in terms of Partitioning, Dual Booting, Etc..

5. I'm fairly certain i can make the CD's if i can get the data out.. i've done it with my XP Restore CD's

6. I'm really bored. lol.

Well lets make it simple.... you cannot slipstream vista service packs as the install does not use cab files in the i386 folder like xp

its Acers imaging software files your seeing there

but have fun

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  Cansokid said:
Well lets make it simple.... you cannot slipstream vista service packs as the install does not use cab files in the i386 folder like xp

its Acers imaging software files your seeing there

but have fun

hmmm didn't know that... ugh.. thats gonna suck lol.

so Acer has their own proprietary software for imaging? my last comp just had the files in a norton ghost file which was easy enough to extract from, to make my custom restore cd's.

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ugh... i hate that editing posts is disabled after a certain time..

anyways.. i've found out how to extract and work with the files.. and i didn't have to program anything or do massive reversing.. :p so i've opened the .000 -> .094 files, extracted all the data and put it on a backup harddrive.

i found out what program the Recovery32.exe file uses by making it run, but not have the files available.. it was calling "RyTools\DecompressEngineWasay.exe /i Z:\Images\D0E0AGRA.WSI /td 0 /tp 2 /pt 0 /l 1033 /p AIM1R8"

so i googled "Wasay" and Wasay is the company for ImageIt...

I also found the files "Iitt.exe" and "wsvd.sys"..

Iitt.exe is a small test gui for image it.

wsvd.sys is the service driver.. dunno what for.. but it needed it.

upon running iitt.exe i kept getting errors... then i saw a text field for password... :/ then i remembered the "/td 0 /tp 2 /pt 0 /l 1033 /p AIM1R8" and thought.. "/l 1033" is probably "language english" could "/p AIM1R8" be "password AIM1R8"?.. sure enough it worked... so i mounted the image, and copied it to my backup drive.

i was kinda disappointed that it's not a complete "clean" version.. but at least with this i can now turn this into a single file, edit it to my liking, throw it on my server and use bartpe to reimage my pc if i want.


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  Bi0haZarD said:
ugh... i hate that editing posts is disabled after a certain time..

anyways.. i've found out how to extract and work with the files.. and i didn't have to program anything or do massive reversing.. :p so i've opened the .000 -> .094 files, extracted all the data and put it on a backup harddrive.

i found out what program the Recovery32.exe file uses by making it run, but not have the files available.. it was calling "RyTools\DecompressEngineWasay.exe /i Z:\Images\D0E0AGRA.WSI /td 0 /tp 2 /pt 0 /l 1033 /p AIM1R8"

so i googled "Wasay" and Wasay is the company for ImageIt...

I also found the files "Iitt.exe" and "wsvd.sys"..

Iitt.exe is a small test gui for image it.

wsvd.sys is the service driver.. dunno what for.. but it needed it.

upon running iitt.exe i kept getting errors... then i saw a text field for password... :/ then i remembered the "/td 0 /tp 2 /pt 0 /l 1033 /p AIM1R8" and thought.. "/l 1033" is probably "language english" could "/p AIM1R8" be "password AIM1R8"?.. sure enough it worked... so i mounted the image, and copied it to my backup drive.

i was kinda disappointed that it's not a complete "clean" version.. but at least with this i can now turn this into a single file, edit it to my liking, throw it on my server and use bartpe to reimage my pc if i want.


Hi Bi0haZarD,

i have an acer aspire 5610z for about one year. Every month i made an incremental backup using eRecovery.

Now I've lost 2 very important files - so i wanted to restore these 2 files from my last backup (last week).

But maybe there is a fault in the backup-file 3 months ago. So if I restore my backup the newest date to restore would be nov 2007.

eRecovery shows no error in recovering the Image vom last week. But the files are from nov 2007.

My last hope is to restore all files from the last 3 months with Image IT. Unfortunately I did not have ImageIT and can't download any trial version.

On my laptop there are also no files named iitt.exe and wsvd.sys :(

But the backup files are also have the extension WSI, DSI and 0xx.

Any advice?

Can you send me these two files?

Thanks a lot,


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  burgerkind said:
Hi Bi0haZarD,

i have an acer aspire 5610z for about one year. Every month i made an incremental backup using eRecovery.

Now I've lost 2 very important files - so i wanted to restore these 2 files from my last backup (last week).

But maybe there is a fault in the backup-file 3 months ago. So if I restore my backup the newest date to restore would be nov 2007.

eRecovery shows no error in recovering the Image vom last week. But the files are from nov 2007.

My last hope is to restore all files from the last 3 months with Image IT. Unfortunately I did not have ImageIT and can't download any trial version.

On my laptop there are also no files named iitt.exe and wsvd.sys :(

But the backup files are also have the extension WSI, DSI and 0xx.

Any advice?

Can you send me these two files?

Thanks a lot,


hi mate,

can i have the link also, i need to extract the image of my acer dvd recovery


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can some1 post me the exe files to restore the wsi image?

at first boot with my acer i've burnt a dvd using acer restore soft, than i've formatted whole drive and now i don't have anymore the hidden partition.

if i try to boot the burnt dvd i get an error during the restore...

please helP!!!!


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The DVD is looking for the partitions to exist on your computer. If they do not exist then the software will not load. I am presently in e-mail support with Acer about the Acer Aspire. The reload disks do not reload a wiped hard drive. They consider it as "modified". Heck, if I put my name in as the owner it is "modified".

So far the results are:

1) blow the partitions and you blow ANY chance of recovering your computer from the DVD's

2) Acer's position on dual boot system - non-existent. Even though they load Linux on their laptops, they do not officially support any form of dual boot system.

3) The DVD restore is broken. if it cannot reset the computer to factory defaults, or consider that someone may have upgrade the hard disk/replaced the hard disk and adjust accordingly, then the restoration software is flawed. Sadly, Compaq and HP also do the same proprietary restoration trick.

My personal and professional advise at this time is to avoid purchasing Acer Computer products, or in my case, the Acer Aspire M3600 series. Until such time as they fix their restore DVD.

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I followed Bi0haZarD's suggestion and it worked for me - extracting the content of the backup images as I type this. My point of departure was a little different though:

- I had created recovery disks on the very first boot and manual images later on an external drive

- But even using these disks to restore, the "eRecovery" application did not appear in Windows

- Hence I was unable to access the backups on the USB drive and all of my data

What I did (following Bi0haZarD's example):

- unhid all system files to be able to see the files I had created (extensions as with Bi0haZarD)

- searched for IITT.exe in vain (internet, hard drive ...)

- mounted the .WIM windows install file on the recovery disks I had made using WAIK

- found the files there in the /RYTOOLS folder, extracted

- everything else as per Bi0haZarD

Success. Relief.

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Hi from Mexico.

Sorry bad english :p

1. Just to inform, sucess decompress WSI image of a 5110 laptop, only with the 7 cds backup made with Acer eRecovery, laptop was stolen. (Yes i live in Mexico) Only need the WSI file and the 0..49 parts of the backup.

2. Thanx to Bi0haZarD, there is the key to decompress this piece of virtual sh***, here is the instruction for those who want recover files from a WSI image:

3. Hardly i can find the rytools, here http://rapidshare.com/files/254825881/RYTOOLS.rar and then re-uploaded here http://rapidshare.com/files/358510473/RYTOOLS.rar

4. Extract and open iitt.exe if receive errors just ignore...

5. On image type, select Harddisk backup, then click browse and open the wsi file, the 001...00x must be at same folder of wsi.

6. On password textbox put AIM1R8, click on LOAD

7. Must see status points, almost one, select the one you want to extract, and click on RESTORE.

8. You will be asked for a location to decompress, i think must be a free partition so take precautions and send it to a free partition.

9. Click start and that is all, must start to decompress.

There is almost null information about it, so feel free to experiment at your own risk. :D

Thanks again.

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