Windows7 M1 screenshot?

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Quite hard to say nowadays, but I'd say they are quite legitimate...

At this stage in time however screen shots are not very important. The design concept is still at least a year away from being build tested.

Who cares.. get a social life and drool over the real thing when it's released.

The only thing more sad than arguing about whether some screen shots are real or not, is to tell the same people to get a life. :rolleyes:

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What about that keynote when they showed off Windows 7 via their simple "MinWin" interface? Didn't they say that the next version of Windows would be redesigned from the ground up starting only with the basics of basic kernel? If that's the case, this cannot possibly be W7. That was only a few months ago and they had no GUI.

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I don't recall hearing anything like that, he was demonstrating minwin alone with a basic http server. 2008 shows how Windows can now be even more component based than before (like minwin).

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Personally I think this looks real. As it's been stated over and over again. Vista looked like XP when it was early in development. Really though I'm more interested in how well it performs, and any new features than screenshots.

pics alone arent enough to prove that it's real or not, we need videos to back it up... oh and if videos are still not going to do it, maybe they should let us download a copy of windows 7, that should be enough to convince us

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I love the responses here. If it looks too different, we get people crying "FAKE!" and if it looks too similar to Vista, we get the same response.

I'm going to go with the opinion of genuine - I highly doubt the UI team has had time to finalize a new skin or theme this early in the development cycle. I like the ideas presented - a resizable search bar, the system tray popup list, and the gadget integration with Explorer. I can't wait to see where this is headed, now that they have one of the people responsible for the Office 2007 UI on board.

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I think its real, Taskbar looks more tinted btw. I can't wait to see what will happening at PDC this year. :)

I am with you on that one. :) I know I am going to be there. :)

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I love the responses here. If it looks too different, we get people crying "FAKE!" and if it looks too similar to Vista, we get the same response.

^ They just can't "believe their eyes!" :rofl:

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Ok I think that if I was told right that Microsoft is going off of VISTA's SOURCE so and the GUI is the LAST THING to be changed. Everything they are editing is back-end.

I could be wrong and it could be fake but I am pretty sure they are using Vista's source.

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I don't get why it would be fake. Microsoft has been working silently on 'ideas' for Windows Seven for a year now, maybe longer. Ofcourse they start off with the Vista codebase! What else would they do?

They might be real, or very good edits. They brought the Sidebar icon in the taskbar back from Longhorn etc. It is typically Microsoft that they start adding rough new features (recovery center?) and later polish them up.

This was one of the first builds of Longhorn


Looks a lot like XP eh?

Now try to say again that Windows 7 must be fake cause it looks like Vista!

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I thought that w7 would be rebuilt from the ground up.

dont know why i thought that though

makes sense to use the vista frontend. it works... why not? i expect most/all of the actual changes will be to the backstage (dont know what else to call it) coding anyway.

sorry if i'm just stating the obvious

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Christ, this thread... This whole pre-beta period is going to be one frickin' fun ride.

The fact that everyone's expecting Jesus' second coming with Vienna's UI makes it even funnier.

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I thought that w7 would be rebuilt from the ground up.

dont know why i thought that though

makes sense to use the vista frontend. it works... why not? i expect most/all of the actual changes will be to the backstage (dont know what else to call it) coding anyway.

sorry if i'm just stating the obvious

Microsoft always tend to build their 'latest' project on the previous RTM Releases and make changes to the Kernel and the underlying system first then start implementing UI changes in the Beta cycle.

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Yeah i read somewhere to that Vienna was meant to be a completely built from the ground up.

I think windows really needs that, plus decent drivers (Y)


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Anyone notice that the about box (winver.exe) didn't have the "Physical memory available to Windows:" text? :huh:

I'm not saying these are fake (I believe they're genuine), I just find it strange that they removed that text from winver. Or maybe it's just a bug...

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I think that they are genuine. The new UI might be added in M2 or M3. I suppose that MS will also want to keep the new UI under wraps so that people don't clone it.

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Longhorn looked like XP in the first builds then changed to Plex and XP looked like 2000 in the the first build then changed to Watercolor. I don't think we are going to see big UI changes in the first builds.

indeed and looking at longhorn/vista alpha...


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