Windows7 M1 screenshot?

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well if opinions mattered the taskbar/startmenu should have been separated from explorer as a separate process years ago so if explorer crashes it does not take out the taskbar and you still have a semi-functional system, mostly necessary for the unexperienced windows users, but also just for convenience, this would also solved the dilemma back in the longhorn days because it would have then been taskbar/startmenu/sidebar. The story was that the sidebar was made a separate program because it kept crashing explorer due to buggy Avalon, and buggy tiles.

Edited by Nexus-
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Do people even realize you be going through at least 18 months of beta testing?

If their rumored shelf date is even just remotely right, according to you, they'd be soliciting beta testers already. And you know, when that happens, it's all over the Internet before their SMTP server even managed to fire off the first batch.

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I guess all Linux terminal users are pussies aswell huh...

Well, nice that you actually understood my comment (as in, you did not). No skill required for using DOS, because it isn't exactly challenging.

For that matter, laffo @ "back to the roots". Windows NT was GUI since like forever.

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Sure 350%. I'm testing Vista SP1, and it has none of those improvements.

it s different my think


no sp1 rc, rc1 rc refresh refresh 2

some time some time some time


in 3 day some Picture of Seven in the world, Why???

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I'm pretty sure those are real. :)

It's similar to Longhorn's M1 screenshots. They're quite similar to the predecessor (in this case Vista).

"Windows 7 Ultimate" is kind of funny though, but I guess they just base it on the Ultimate Edition for now, to get all features included. There wouldn't be much point in narrowing it down. And then they might just have borrowed the branding. They don't spend much time on these things at this point, after all. It reminds me of "Windows Longhorn Professional" in its M1 release. ;)

The only real surprising thing to me would be the 6.1.xxxx version, when you'd expect 7.0.xxxx. On the other hand, I've heard that MinWin may not be implemented in that build, which might explain things. MS may have reserved 6.1 for the Windows 7-without-MinWin builds in case that's true.

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The version they let the users beta test was the Ultimate one, too. I think. It's too long ago. Then somewhat later I think there was also the Business edition on Connect.

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The version they let the users beta test was the Ultimate one, too. I think. It's too long ago. Then somewhat later I think there was also the Business edition on Connect.

Windows Vista 'Beta 1' was the Professional SKU.

I mentioned this in an early preview:!1853.entry

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"Windows 7 Ultimate" is kind of funny though, but I guess they just base it on the Ultimate Edition for now, to get all features included. There wouldn't be much point in narrowing it down. And then they might just have borrowed the branding. They don't spend much time on these things at this point, after all. It reminds me of "Windows Longhorn Professional" in its M1 release. ;)

Of course I can't comment on anything ever. But hypothetically, why would you assume it to be any different than Vista? (where the product key determines which components are installed / enabled).

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And minwin isn't based on previous code? This isn't Singularity. Minwin was mentioned years ago and then it was a project to break windows into easier to manage chunks, where has anyone said it is exclusive and new to W7 only?

MinWin is an attempt to componentise the windows kernel and reduce its memory and disk footprints. It is not Singularity no, but it has some ideas from singularity implemented into it, and it will be quiet different to the NT kernel how it is at this moment in time. What you are thinking of is the componentisation of products like Server Core. At its heart, Vista uses a similar kernel to XP and 2000, the kernel in Windows 7 will be very different.

it s different my think


no sp1 rc, rc1 rc refresh refresh 2

some time some time some time


in 3 day some Picture of Seven in the world, Why???

It is called quality control. They are pushing an update that could pretty much make or break the future of Windows Vista and they want to get as much testing done on it as humanly possible before they release it.

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MinWin is an attempt to componentise the windows kernel and reduce its memory and disk footprints. It is not Singularity no, but it has some ideas from singularity implemented into it, and it will be quiet different to the NT kernel how it is at this moment in time. What you are thinking of is the componentisation of products like Server Core. At its heart, Vista uses a similar kernel to XP and 2000, the kernel in Windows 7 will be very different.

I think you speak as if you have authority on the subject, but you do not.

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MinWin is an attempt to componentise the windows kernel and reduce its memory and disk footprints. It is not Singularity no, but it has some ideas from singularity implemented into it, and it will be quiet different to the NT kernel how it is at this moment in time. What you are thinking of is the componentisation of products like Server Core. At its heart, Vista uses a similar kernel to XP and 2000, the kernel in Windows 7 will be very different.

The Windows NT kernel has a pretty good design and is accepted to be a good one, even amongst kernel developers of other operating systems (except Linus because he's an arrogant ****** for whom everything is always stricly black or white). The only thing they did was move and cut dependencies, so that it can run alone without the rest of Windows. It's still the Windows NT kernel.

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Not another thread.

It is exactly like b****y vista...

Have you seen Vista yourself?


Bloody gets *'d? How pathetic is this forum these days.

Edit:// No it doesnt, it's just you.

hear is more screenshoot

There are some good Engleesh for you.

If half of that website you posted didn't show up as '?', it would possibly be half decent.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, the screenshots of 6519 or w/e are from December, well the build is from then. When will they give out an update? It's been quite a while now, we need something newer.

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